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Save and Submit 1. QUESTION 1 Which of the following items must be included in a Project Charter? A. Names of all of the team

Save and Submit 1. QUESTION 1 Which of the following items must be included in a Project Charter? A. Names of all of the team members who will work on the project. B. The impact of business cycles on the proposed project. C. The technology to be used to build the project. D. The location(s) where the project will be developed. 2 points 1. QUESTION 2 The best approach to build a quality product is to: A. Inspect the quality in. B. Plan the quality in. C. Plan what you can and then inspect the rest. D. Make sure that the planned tasks are executed appropriately. 2 points QUESTION 3 1. Risk assessment should be: A. Performed once early in the project. B. Performed once early and then in the implementation stage. C. Performed on a regular basis throughout the project. D. Performed once early, once during design, and once during implementation. 2 points QUESTION 4 1. The formula to compute the number of communications lines (interactions) in team is (where n = the number of people): A. (n2 2n) 2 B. (n2 n) 2 C. (n2 n) 3 D. (n2 n) 1 2 points QUESTION 5 1. Within a disciplined risk management process, in the event a predictable risk actually occurs, the next step should be to: A. Do your best to transfer the risk to a subject matter expert who can evaluate the situation and advise you on your next steps. B. Inform the team to promptly develop a contingency plan that you will submit to the sponsor for review and approval. C. Implement the contingency plan for the risk. D. Ascertain whose action resulted in the risk event; then direct the individual to correct the situation. 2 points QUESTION 6 1. Which of the following are the key components of negations? Select all that apply. A. Substance. B. Accommodatin g. C. Withdrawing. D. Relationship. 2 points QUESTION 7 1. It is a well accepted fact that project managers do not have the authority that is necessary to carry out their responsibilities. Which of the following will help a project manager attain authority? The project manager is paid a higher salary than any of the team members. The project manager has the largest office of all of the team members. The project manager does not start the project unless there is an approved project charter. The project manager is certified as a professional. 2 points QUESTION 8 1. Your key stakeholder for the project has asked for the following rankings of the intra-project priorities: Schedule 1, Scope 1, Budget 1, and Quality 1. The stakeholder had stated that her manager (a senior VP) considers this project to be very important and will like to see the rankings met. What would be your response? A. You should do your best to meet the stated ranking as the customer's boss is a highlevel executive and know what needs to be done. B. Report the situation to the sponsor and have the sponsor deal with the problem. C. Advise the stakeholder that such rankings practically impossible to meet. D. March into the senior executive's office and turn in your resignation and report the individual to the human resources department. 2 points QUESTION 9 1. You and a group of your colleagues are discussing the subject of team building in a matrix project organization structure. The facilitator summarizes the group discussion into the following four items. All of the following are false except: A. The functional managers of the team members are responsible for team building activities of their own resources. B. Team members are responsible for their own team building as they report to their respective functional managers. C. The project manager is responsible for incorporating team building activities into the project plan. D. The human resources department is responsible for team building as people come from cross-functional departments. 2 points QUESTION 10 1. Regarding the attributes that comprise the business complexity of a project (select all that apply): A. The number of attributes selected for different projects must be the same. B. The names of the attributes selected for different projects must be the same. C. The number of attributes selected for all different projects do not need to be the same. D. The names of the attributes selected for different projects do not need to be the same. 2 points QUESTION 11 1. Project complexity is a composite of (select all that apply): A. Business complexity. B. Logical complexity. C. Technical complexity. D. Infrastructure complexity. 2 points QUESTION 12 1. It is obvious that a project manager cannot be concerned about every risk that arises in a project. Which of the following steps will help the project manager prioritize a list of risks? A. Risk avoidance. B. Risk quantification. C. Risk transfer. D. Risk mitigation. 2 points QUESTION 13 1. The primary responsibility for justifying a proposed project lies with: A. The project manager responsible for the PreLaunch stage. B. The customer(s) proposing the project. C. The project sponsor. D. The project office. 2 points QUESTION 14 1. Consider the following data: Phase-1 has an estimated duration of six months and needs six FTE; Phase-2 has an estimated duration of five months and needs four FTE; Phase-3 has an estimated duration of four months and needs three FTE. Phase-2 has a lead time of three months with Phase-1, and Phase-3 has a lead time of three months with Phase-2. What is the FTE for month 6? A. 6 B. 9 C. 10. D. 13. 2 points QUESTION 15 1. Which of the following statements best defines project scope? A. The work that must be done to complete a project. B. The work that must be done to satisfy the stakeholders. C. The work that must be done to satisfy the stakeholders, sponsor, and management. D. The work that must be done in order to deliver a product with the specified functions, features, and quality. 2 points QUESTION 16 1. Developing the size estimates of a project involves all of the following except: A. Estimated effort hours. B. Estimated duration days. C. Estimated resources. D. Estimated project completion date. 2 points QUESTION 17 1. A key deliverable in your project is a fully tested and robust security firewall. The development of the firewall is the responsibility of a separate security group; no other options are viable. From your discussions with the security group, you have concluded that they may not be able to deploy the firewall at the planned time. You should: A. Ignore the risk because they may still be able to develop the security firewall as planned. B. Inform the sponsor that the problem is out of your control and all you can do is wait and see. C. Change the requirements and make the firewall an optional deliverable. D. Develop a contingency plan. 2 points QUESTION 18 1. The document that formally signals the existence of a project is the: A. Approved task level WBS. B. Approved scope statement. C. Approved project charter. D. Approved project request. 2 points QUESTION 19 1. You observe that two of your team members tend to miss communicate quite frequently and you would like to help them improve their communications. You meet with each team member individually and advise them that the best approach to improve the quality of their communications is to (select all that apply): A. Be more expressive by enhancing their nonverbal gestures. B. Speak clearly and slowly so that the other person can understand. C. Provide feedback as they communicate with each other. D. Demonstrate concern for other person's point of view. 2 points QUESTION 20 1. The intra-project ranking of a project: A. Once defined need to stay unchanged. B. Need to be changed as the project progresses through future stages. C. Might change because of changing project environment. D. Need to be assessed only if there are any nemesis stakeholders. 2 points QUESTION 21 1. You find that one of the team members is not appropriately skilled to fulfill his work responsibilities and you decide to enroll the individual in a class to help improve his skill level. This is an example of: A. Risk avoidance. B. Risk acceptance. C. Risk mitigation. D. Risk transfer. 2 points QUESTION 22 1. Which of the following involves eliminating the cause of an expected risk? A. Risk acceptance. B. Risk avoidance. C. Risk mitigation. D. Contingency planning. 2 points QUESTION 23 1. In which of the following project organization structure does the project manager have most authority? A. Functional. B. Strong matrix. C. Weak matrix. D. Projectized. 2 points QUESTION 24 1. Project stakeholder behavior towards a project can be classified into (select all that apply): A. Champion behavior. B. Nemesis behavior. C. Comatose. D. Dumb. 2 points QUESTION 25 1. In reference to the Center's recommended project organization structure, which of the following statement is correct? A. The project manager should report to his/her functional manager as that manager is closest to the project manager. B. The project manager should report to the functional managers of the team members as these managers have the direct control over the team members. C. The project manager should report to the sponsor. D. The project manager should report to the project office as they have control over all of the projects. 2 points QUESTION 26 1. The Pre-Launch stage is: A. The first stage of the PPA. B. Second stage of the PPA. C. Third stage of the PPA. D. Is not a stage of the PPA 2 points QUESTION 27 1. Consider the following data: Phase-1 has an estimated duration of six months and needs six FTE; Phase-2 has an estimated duration of five months and needs four FTE; Phase-3 has an estimated duration of four months and needs three FTE. Phase-2 has a lead time of three months with Phase-1, and Phase-3 has a lead time of three months with Phase-2. What is the FTE for month 9? A. 3 B. 4 C. 7. D. 9. 2 points QUESTION 28 1. You have taken over a project in progress and you discover that the charter was not formally reviewed and approved by the sponsor. The program manager to whom you report has instructed you to proceed with the project work as the project is already behind schedule. The program manager assures you that the lack of approval is a simple administrative omission and that the sponsor will formally approve the charter shortly. You should: A. You should start the work on the project without further delay as the charter approval is just an overlooked formality. B. You should start the work but send an e-mail to the program manager that if any problems arise, it would not be your responsibility. C. You should clearly communicate to the program manager the risk of starting the project work without an approved charter. D. You should try to find another project to manage. 2 points QUESTION 29 1. The intra-project priorities for a project: A. Don't need to be rank ordered B. Should be rank ordered. C. Need to be ordered as equally. D. Should be avoided as this can lead to project politics. 2 points QUESTION 30 1. Your project team consists of a number of people who have not been very good at communicating with each other and this has resulted in issues staying unresolved and misunderstanding with some of the key stakeholders. You have called a team meeting to discuss the importance of clear and effective communications. Which of the following items will best help your message get through? A. The responsibility lies with the person who needs the information - recipient. B. The responsibility lies with the person who sends the information. C. Both the sender and the recipient have equal responsibility as both are a part of the communication. D. The project manager needs to make sure that the sender has sent a clear message and that the recipient has received a clear message. 2 points QUESTION 31 1. The OFTE for a project estimated to last 50 work months is: A. 6 B. 7 C. 8 D. 9 2 points QUESTION 32 1. Relating to stakeholders of a project, which of the following statements are not true? Select all that apply. A. Project stakeholders invariably shape the outcome of a project. B. Project stakeholders' expectations can conflict with the objectives of the project. C. The interests of the project's customers should be given a consideration only if they support the expectations of the organization executives. D. The interests of the organization's executives should be the primary driver of a project. 2 points QUESTION 33 1. Which is the correct order of team building steps within the Tuckman's team building concept? A. Storming, Norming, Forming, Performing B. Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing C. Norming, Forming, Storming, Performing D. Storming, Norming, Performing, Forming 2 points QUESTION 34 1. The number of probable full time equivalent (PFTE) resources is: A. Same as the OFTE. B. Less than OFTE. C. More than OFTE. D. Same or less than OFTE. 2 points QUESTION 35 1. In order to quantify the severity of a given risk, you need to define (select all that apply): A. The impact of the risk using a numeric scale. B. The reason behind the risk. C. The probability of risk occurrence using a numeric scale. D. Whether the risk is due to the action of a champion or a nemesis. 2 points QUESTION 36 1. The business complexity of your project included six attributes as they were assessed as 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, and 4. This resulted in business complexity of 1.5. Therefore: A. You don't need to be concerned about the business complexity as it is quite low. B. You can ignore the attribute ranked 4 as the net business complexity is low. C. You cannot ignore the attribute ranked 4 as this specific attribute can be the cause of project risk. D. Consult with the project office and see what their policy is regarding such situations. 2 points QUESTION 37 1. Mitigation of a risk means to: A. Take steps to avoid the risk. B. Take steps to reduce the probability of the risk. C. Develop a set of steps to execute if and when the risk occurs. D. Take steps to reduce the impact of the risk. 2 points QUESTION 38 1. The Pre-Launch stage steps are recommended for: A. Any approved project. B. Any approved project request. C. Any project proposed by a nemesis. D. Any project longer than nine months. 2 points QUESTION 39 1. Key components of a risk are: A. Risk event, risk probability, and the degree of impact. B. Opportunity cost, avoidance cost, mitigation cost. C. Certainty, uncertainty, and opportunity. D. Risk event, risk triggered, and risk. 2 points 1. QUESTION 40 You are going to start as a project manager of a project for a customer who is very committed to quality end products. At the same time you learn that senior management is highly concerned about cost of projects because of reduced profit margins and wants products brought to market as soon as possible. For the project that you will start, which of the four constraints - schedule, Scope, quality, and cost will you give the highest priority? A. Give cost the highest priority because that is what the upper management wants. B. Give quality the highest priority because that is the right thing to do. C. The priority ranking of these constraints will need to be specifically defined for this project by management (sponsor and the key stakeholders). D. Give schedule the highest priority because that would bring the product to market at an early date. 2 points QUESTION 41 1. In which of the following project organization structure does the project manager have minimal authority? A. Functional. B. Strong matrix. C. Weak matrix. D. Projectized. 2 points QUESTION 42 1. A key deliverable in your project is a fully tested and robust security firewall. The development of the firewall is the responsibility of a separate security group; no other options are viable. From your discussions with the security group, you have concluded that they may not be able to deploy the firewall at the planned time. The team member responsible for testing the security firewall informs you that the firewall is not robust and the system is not secure. Your next step should be to: A. File an official complaint against the firewall security development group. B. Develop a contingency plan. C. Transfer the risk to a vendor expert in firewall security. D. Implement your contingency plan. 2 points QUESTION 43 1. Which zone of the complexity diagram represents the highest complexity projects? A. Zone I B. Zone II C. Zone III D. Zone IV 2 points QUESTION 44 1. Given a situation where the various project stakeholders have difficulty agreeing on a common ranking of the intra-project priority, the best solution is to: A. Use the priority ranking proposed by the most nemesis stakeholder(s), it would placate them. B. Use the priority ranking proposed by the biggest champion stakeholder(s), it would please them. C. The sponsor needs to communicate with the key stakeholders and then decide on intra-project priority ranking. D. The project manager and the team decide on the intra-project priority ranking. 2 points QUESTION 45 1. You are facilitating the development of the task network diagram for your project and one of the team members raises the question of the placement of the team building activities. Your advice should be: A. Group the team building activities towards the front of the network diagram thus enabling the team to develop camaraderie before project execution begins. B. Group the team building exercises at the start of each project phase thus enabling the team to develop camaraderie before the start of each project phase. C. Distribute team building activities throughout the project lifecycle. D. Group the building activities as a part of scope verification, thereby achieving two objectives concurrently and saving time. 2 points QUESTION 46 1. You are facilitating the WBS development of your project and two of the team members assigned to identify high risk items point to a deliverable that carries high risk due to lack of appropriate skills within the team. You discuss the risk problem with the customer and jointly decide to remove the deliverable from the project scope. This is an example of: A. Risk transfer. B. Risk avoidance. C. Risk acceptance. D. Being risk averse. 2 points QUESTION 47 1. The source of a task plan can be: A. Knowledge base. B. Memory and experience. C. Innovative guess. D. All three. 2 points QUESTION 48 1. Within a matrix project organization structure, most individual team members are accountable to both a functional manager and a project manager. Effective management of this duel reporting relationship is primarily the responsibility of: A. Appropriate functional manager, they know their resources. B. Individual team members, they know who their bosses are. C. Project manager. D. Project office because they manage the resource pool. 2 points 1. QUESTION 49 The suggested effort hours per month of a sponsor for a Zone I project are: A. 10 to 12 hours. B. 8 to 10 hours. C. 6 to 8 hours. D. 4 to 6 hours. 2 points QUESTION 50 1. During the Pre-Launch stage of a project (select all that apply): A. All of the steps must be completed for every project. B. The more complex the project, the more steps need to be complete. C. The time spent in completing the various steps is the same for every project. D. The more complex the project, the more time spent in completing the steps. 2 points Click Save and Submit to save and submit. Click Save All Answers to save all answers. QUESTION 3 1. Once assessed, the complexity of a project: A. Does not change as the project proceeds through its lifecycle. B. Must be changed as the project proceeds through its lifecycle. C. Might change as the project proceeds through its lifecycle. D. Must be monitored every week. 2 points 1. QUESTION 6 You are facilitating the WBS development of your project and two of the team members assigned to identify high risk items point to a deliverable that carries high risk due to lack of appropriate skills within the team. You discuss the risk problem with the customer and jointly decide to remove the deliverable from the project scope. This is an example of: A. Risk transfer. B. Risk avoidance. C. Risk acceptance. D. Being risk averse. 2 points 1. QUESTION 8 Of the following, which is the most desirable project organization structure? A. Functional. B. Strong matrix. C. Weak matrix. D. Projectized. 2 points 1. QUESTION 9 You are at meeting with fellow project managers to discuss the overall project management processes in your organization. One of the newly hired project manager raises the issue of too many changes and scope creep which invariable lead to over budget and behind schedule projects and seeks the group's advice. Which of the following is the right advice for this problem? A. Project managers need to be assertive and say no to all changes. B. Ask the sponsor to direct the customers to stop asking for changes. C. Involve stakeholders early in the planning process and conduct formal scope verifications. D. Charge the stakeholders a premium for every change they make. This will make the changes very costly for the stakeholders. 2 points 1. QUESTION 11 Consider the following data: Phase-1 has an estimated duration of six months and needs six FTE; Phase-2 has an estimated duration of five months and needs four FTE; Phase-3 has an estimated duration of four months and needs three FTE. Phase-2 has a lead time of three months with Phase-1, and Phase-3 has a lead time of three months with Phase-2. What is the FTE for month 9? A. 3 B. 4 C. 7. D. 9. 2 points 2 points QUESTION 13 1. Consider the following data: Phase-1 1 has an estimated duration of six months and needs six FTE; Phase-2 has an estimated duration of five months and needs four FTE; Phase-3 has an estimated duration of four months and needs three FTE. Phase-2 has a lead time of three months with Phase-1, and Phase-3 has a lead time of three months with Phase-2. What is the total FTE for month 4? A. 6 B. 9 C. 10. D. 13. 2 points QUESTION 14 1. You and the core team have finished developing the task plan of your project and you would like to make sure that the key stakeholders have buy-in and commitment to the project. The best way to achieve it is to: A. Send an e-mail to the stakeholders that you would appreciate their buy-in and commitment to the project. B. Have the sponsor send an e-mail to the key stakeholders that she would appreciate their buy-in and commitment to the project. C. Hold a meeting and invite the key stakeholders for a review of the task plan. D. Take pictures of the stakeholders and put them on your project's web site. 2 points 1. QUESTION 15 Given a situation where the various project stakeholders have difficulty agreeing on a common ranking of the intra-project priority, the best solution is to: A. Use the priority ranking proposed by the most nemesis stakeholder(s), it would placate them. B. Use the priority ranking proposed by the biggest champion stakeholder(s), it would please them. C. The sponsor needs to communicate with the key stakeholders and then decide on intra-project priority ranking. D. The project manager and the team decide on the intra-project priority ranking. 2 points QUESTION 16 1. In which of the following project organization structure does the project manager have most authority? A. Functional. B. Strong matrix. C. Weak matrix. D. Projectized. 2 points QUESTION 19 1. The primary responsibility to complete the information needed to successfully execute the steps of the Pre-Launch stage lies with: A. The project manager. B. The sponsor. C. The person who proposed the idea. D. The project office. 2 points QUESTION 20 1. When developing phase based size estimates, the formula for computing the OFTE is: A. Square root of work months. B. Square root of work months + 1. C. Square root of work months - 1. D. Square root of work months + 2. 2 points 1. QUESTION 23 The intra-project priorities relate to: A. Schedule, scope, budget, and quality. B. Schedule, scope, ROI, and quality. C. Scope, ROI, business cycle, and quality. D. ROI, business cycle, quality, and risk. 2 points 1. QUESTION 28 Within a disciplined risk management process, in the event a predictable risk actually occurs, the next step should be to: A. Do your best to transfer the risk to a subject matter expert who can evaluate the situation and advise you on your next steps. B. Inform the team to promptly develop a contingency plan that you will submit to the sponsor for review and approval. C. Implement the contingency plan for the risk. D. Ascertain whose action resulted in the risk event; then direct the individual to correct the situation. 2 points 2 points QUESTION 33 1. You are going to be assigned as a project manager for a project with the team dispersed in three continents. You have been picked for this position because you have a number of years of experience with the company and are considered an expert in the primary technology to be used to develop and deploy the project. Two of three team location sites have had difficulty with projects with similar technology and your expertise was a key factor for your selection. Three senior team members from each location are coming to a meeting to work with you to start the project planning process. As you prepare for the meeting, and then work with the various team members, you should: A. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the cultural nuances of each team's host country. B. During the upcoming meeting, make sure you firmly convey to the various team members the degree of your expertise and how that is the key reason for your being the project manager. C. Develop a comprehensive communications plan with the team. D. Remind the team members of the failed and challenged attempts at deploying the technology at their locations and their need to follow your directions. 2 points QUESTION 36 1. The intra-project priorities for a project: A. Don't need to be rank ordered B. Should be rank ordered. C. Need to be ordered as equally. D. Should be avoided as this can lead to project politics. 2 points 2 points 1. QUESTION 38 Which of the following statement is not true? A. An approved project charter is not a plan. B. An approved project charter gives the project manager authority. C. An approved project charter formally recognizes the existence of the project. D. An approved project charter should not be changed once approved. 2 points 2 points 1. QUESTION 42 The acronym SMART vis--vis project objectives means: A. Special, Mandatory, Active, Remarkable, Timely. B. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time Bound. C. Sacrosanct, Motivated, Alluring, Related to the Strategy, Tonal. D. Stable, Memorable, Altruistic, Rooted, Tweaked. 2 points QUESTION 43 1. If you accept a risk, which of the following is not the correct response? A. Develop a prevention plan. B. Develop a mitigation plan. C. Develop a contingency plan. D. Develop a delegation plan. 2 points QUESTION 44 1. Communications planning involves (select one): A. Developing the agenda for the sponsor status reporting meeting. B. Developing an outline for the customer presentation. C. Determining the information and communications needs of various stakeholders. D. Determining the information and communications needs of the functional managers. 2 points 2 points 1. QUESTION 46 There are many barriers to effective communications among people. All of the following are aids to good communications except (select all that apply): A. Effective listening. B. Lack of subject matter knowledge. C. Jargon and acronyms. D. Feedback loop. 2 points 1. QUESTION 2 Which of the following involves eliminating the cause of an expected risk? A. Risk acceptance. B. Risk avoidance. C. Risk mitigation. D. Contingency planning. 2 points 1. QUESTION 3 What are the four stages of team development according to Tuckman's team building model? A. Norming, Forming, Storming, Performing B. Norming, Forming, Storming, Motivating C. Hoping, Accepting, Panicking, Growing D. Accepting, Agreeing, Doing, Performing 2 points 2 points 1. QUESTION 5 The number of communication lines (interactions) among the members of a team of five participants is: A. 5 B. 7 C. 10 D. 11 2 points 1. QUESTION 6 Which of the following involves the reduction of the impact of a risk? A. Risk acceptance. B. Risk avoidance. C. Risk mitigation. D. Contingency planning. 2 points 1. QUESTION 9 If you accept a risk, which of the following is not the correct response? A. Develop a prevention plan. B. Develop a mitigation plan. C. Develop a contingency plan. D. Develop a delegation plan. 2 points 1. QUESTION 11 The primary purpose of a kickoff meeting is to: A. Confirm a project manager for the project. B. Assign an Id and a name to the project. C. Announce the project finish date. D. Start a monthly project news letter. 2 points 1. QUESTION 14 Of the following types of questions to be asked during a hiring interview, which type should be avoided? A. Openended. B. Closed. C. Limitations. D. Personal. 2 points 1. QUESTION 15 During the review of your project plan, you decide that a component of the planned technology is too unstable and risky. You decide to change the project plan to use different stable technology. This is an example of: A. Risk acceptance. B. Risk avoidance. C. Risk mitigation. D. Risk transference. 2 points 1. QUESTION 16 The intra-project priorities relate to: A. Schedule, scope, budget, and quality. B. Schedule, scope, ROI, and quality. C. Scope, ROI, business cycle, and quality. D. ROI, business cycle, quality, and risk. 2 points 1. QUESTION 18 Which of the following involves putting into action a plan when an expected risk materializes? A. Risk acceptance. B. Risk avoidance. C. Risk mitigation. D. Contingency planning. 2 points 1. QUESTION 21 Consider the following data: Phase-1 1 has an estimated duration of six months and needs six FTE; Phase-2 has an estimated duration of five months and needs four FTE; Phase-3 has an estimated duration of four months and needs three FTE. Phase-2 has a lead time of three months with Phase-1, and Phase-3 has a lead time of three months with Phase-2. What is the total FTE for month 4? A. 6 B. 9 C. 10. D. 13. 2 points 1. QUESTION 22 You have taken over a project in progress and you discover that project plans are not up-to-date, which of the following is not true: A. You don't need to worry about the project plan as long as the work gets done. B. Without an up-to-date project plan the project is at risk. C. Incomplete plan will result in inaccurate time and cost estimates. D. You don't need to be concerned about the plan as you can blame the previous project manager for any unsatisfactory results. 2 points QUESTION 23 1. Consider the following data: Phase-1 has an estimated duration of six months and needs six FTE; Phase-2 has an estimated duration of five months and needs four FTE; Phase-3 has an estimated duration of four months and needs three FTE. Phase-2 has a lead time of three months with Phase-1, and Phase-3 has a lead time of three months with Phase-2. What is the FTE for month 9? A. 3 B. 4 C. 7. D. 9. 2 points 1. QUESTION 24 The conceptual build of a project typically specifies all of the following except: A. What will be accomplished. B. What functionality will be build. C. Who will use it. D. How long will the project take. 2 points 1. QUESTION 25 The primary responsibility to complete the information needed to successfully execute the steps of the Pre-Launch stage lies with: A. The project manager. B. The sponsor. C. The person who proposed the idea. D. The project office. 2 points QUESTION 26 1. You are going to start as a project manager of a project for a customer who is very committed to quality end products. At the same time you learn that senior management is highly concerned about cost of projects because of reduced profit margins and wants products brought to market as soon as possible. For the project that you will start, which of the four constraints - schedule, Scope, quality, and cost will you give the highest priority? A. Give cost the highest priority because that is what the upper management wants. B. Give quality the highest priority because that is the right thing to do. C. The priority ranking of these constraints will need to be specifically defined for this project by management (sponsor and the key stakeholders). D. Give schedule the highest priority because that would bring the product to market at an early date. 2 points 1. QUESTION 27 Developing the size estimates of a project involves all of the following except: A. Estimated effort hours. B. Estimated duration days. C. Estimated resources. D. Estimated project completion date. 2 points 1. QUESTION 31 The acronym SMART vis--vis project objectives means: A. Special, Mandatory, Active, Remarkable, Timely. B. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time Bound. C. Sacrosanct, Motivated, Alluring, Related to the Strategy, Tonal. D. Stable, Memorable, Altruistic, Rooted, Tweaked. 2 points QUESTION 32 1. Which type of project organization structure is most prone to project miscommunications? A. Strong matrix. B. Functional. C. Projectized. D. Weak matrix. 2 points QUESTION 33 1. Which type of project organization structure is least prone to project miscommunications? A. Strong matrix. B. Functional. C. Projectized. D. Weak matrix. 2 points QUESTION 36 1. All of the following are true except: A. Managing the cultural differences is the responsibility of human resources department as they are privy to cross cultural policies and mores. B. There are invariably common elements among cross-cultural team members on which they can reach meeting of their minds. C. Cross-culture elements can be used to leverage competitive advantage. D. It is difficult to have uniform reward and recognition systems for crosscultural teams. 2 points 1. QUESTION 37 The primary purpose of the Pre-Launch stage is to: A. Try to put as many project requests on hold as possible because typically there are too many project requests. B. Conduct appropriate due diligence to assess the project request for it veracity and to develop a comprehensive project charter. C. Show to the project customer that it is not a simple one or two steps to try move forward with a project, the customer needs to know that project management is hard work. D. Train the newly promoted project managers in the basic processes of project due diligence. 2 points QUESTION 38 1. You and the core team have finished developing the task plan of your project and you would like to make sure that the key stakeholders have buy-in and commitment to the project. The best way to achieve it is to: A. Send an e-mail to the stakeholders that you would appreciate their buy-in and commitment to the project. B. Have the sponsor send an e-mail to the key stakeholders that she would appreciate their buy-in and commitment to the project. C. Hold a meeting and invite the key stakeholders for a review of the task plan. D. Take pictures of the stakeholders and put them on your project's web site. 2 points 1. QUESTION 39 Communications planning involves (select one): A. Developing the agenda for the sponsor status reporting meeting. B. Developing an outline for the customer presentation. C. Determining the information and communications needs of various stakeholders. D. Determining the information and communications needs of the functional managers. 2 points 1. QUESTION 40 You are at meeting with fellow project managers to discuss the overall project management processes in your organization. One of the newly hired project manager raises the issue of too many changes and scope creep which invariable lead to over budget and behind schedule projects and seeks the group's advice. Which of the following is the right advice for this problem? A. Project managers need to be assertive and say no to all changes. B. Ask the sponsor to direct the customers to stop asking for changes. C. Involve stakeholders early in the planning process and conduct formal scope verifications. D. Charge the stakeholders a premium for every change they make. This will make the changes very costly for the stakeholders. 2 points 2 points 1. QUESTION 42 The Pre-Launch stage consists of: A. Ten step. B. Twelve steps. C. Thirteen steps. D. Fourteen steps. 2 points QUESTION 43 1. In which of the following project organization structure does the project manager have most authority? A. Functional. B. Strong matrix. C. Weak matrix. D. Projectized. 2 points 1. QUESTION 44 Within a matrix project organization structure, most individual team members are accountable to both a functional manager and a project manager. Effective management of this duel reporting relationship is primarily the responsibility of: A. Appropriate functional manager, they know their resources. B. Individual team members, they know who their bosses are. C. Project manager. D. Project office because they manage the resource pool. 2 points QUESTION 45 1. Regarding the role of a project manager, all of the following statements are true except (select all that apply): A. Must be in charge of the project resources. B. Must have authority to say no when appropriate. C. Must be a technical expert in the technology of the project. D. Must be able to deal with unrealistic scope. 2 points 1. QUESTION 46 When developing phase based size estimates, the formula for computing the OFTE is: A. Square root of work months. B. Square root of work months + 1. C. Square root of work months - 1. D. Square root of work months + 2. 2 points QUESTION 47 1. You are going to be assigned as a project manager for a project with the team dispersed in three continents. You have been picked for this position because you have a number of years of experience with the company and are considered an expert in the primary technology to be used to develop and deploy the project. Two of three team location sites have had difficulty with projects with similar technology and your expertise was a key factor for your selection. Three senior team members from each location are coming to a meeting to work with you to start the project planning process. As you prepare for the meeting, and then work with the various team members, you should: A. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the cultural nuances of each team's host country. B. During the upcoming meeting, make sure you firmly convey to the various team members the degree of your expertise and how that is the key reason for your being the project manager. C. Develop a comprehensive communications plan with the team. D. Remind the team members of the failed and challenged attempts at deploying the technology at their locations and their need to follow your directions. 2 points 1. QUESTION 48 The suggested effort hours per month of a sponsor for a Zone I project are: A. 10 to 12 hours. B. 8 to 10 hours. C. 6 to 8 hours. D. 4 to 6 hours. 2 points QUESTION 1 1. If you accept a risk, which of the following is not the correct response? A. Develop a prevention plan. B. Develop a mitigation plan. C. Develop a contingency plan. D. Develop a delegation plan. 2 points QUESTION 2 1. You and a group of your colleagues are discussing the subject of team building in a matrix project organization structure. The facilitator summarizes the group discussion into the following four items. All of the following are false except: A. The functional managers of the team members are responsible for team building activities of their own resources. B. Team members are responsible for their own team building as they report to their respective functional managers. C. The project manager is responsible for incorporating team building activities into the project plan. D. The human resources department is responsible for team building as people come from cross-functional departments. 2 points QUESTION 3 1. You are facilitating the development of the task network diagram for your project and one of the team members raises the question of the placement of the team building activities. Your advice should be: A. Group the team building activities towards the front of the network diagram thus enabling the team to develop camaraderie before project execution begins. B. Group the team building exercises at the start of each project phase thus enabling the team to develop camaraderie before the start of each project phase. C. Distribute team building activities throughout the project lifecycle. D. Group the building activities as a part of scope verification, thereby achieving two objectives concurrently and saving time. 2 points QUESTION 4 1. The Pre-Launch stage steps are recommended for: A. Any approved project. B. Any approved project request. C. Any project proposed by a nemesis. D. Any project longer than nine months. 2 points QUESTION 5 1. Project stakeholders can be classified as (select all that apply): A. Policy level. B. Upper class level. C. Implementation level. D. Coach class level. 2 points QUESTION 6 1. Within a disciplined risk management process, in the event a predictable risk actually occurs, the next step should be to: A. Do your best to transfer the risk to a subject matter expert who can evaluate the situation and advise you on your next steps. B. Inform the team to promptly develop a contingency plan that you will submit to the sponsor for review and approval. C. Implement the contingency plan for the risk. D. Ascertain whose action resulted in the risk event; then direct the individual to correct the situation. 2 points QUESTION 7 1. Which of the following statement is not true? A. An approved project charter is not a plan. B. An approved project charter gives the project manager authority. C. An approved project charter formally recognizes the existence of the project. D. An approved project charter should not be changed once approved. 2 points QUESTION 8 1. A key deliverable in your project is a fully tested and robust security firewall. The development of the firewall is the responsibility of a separate security group; no other options are viable. From your discussions with the security group, you have concluded that they may not be able to deploy the firewall at the planned time. You should: A. Ignore the risk because they may still be able to develop the security firewall as planned. B. Inform the sponsor that the problem is out of your control and all you can do is wait and see. C. Change the requirements and make the firewall an optional deliverable. D. Develop a contingency plan. 2 points QUESTION 9 1. In which of the following project organization structure does the project manager have minimal authority? A. Functional. B. Strong matrix. C. Weak matrix. D. Projectized. 2 points QUESTION 10 1. Project complexity is a composite of (select all that apply): A. Business complexity. B. Logical complexity. C. Technical complexity. D. Infrastructure complexity. 2 points QUESTION 11 1. You are at meeting with fellow project managers to discuss the overall project management processes in your organization. One of the newly hired project manager raises the issue of too many changes and scope creep which invariable lead to over budget and behind schedule projects and seeks the group's advice. Which of the following is the right advice for this problem? A. Project managers need to be assertive and say no to all changes. B. Ask the sponsor to direct the customers to stop asking for changes. C. Involve stakeholders early in the planning process and conduct formal scope verifications. D. Charge the stakeholders a premium for every change they make. This will make the changes very costly for the stakeholders. 2 points QUESTION 12 1. You are going to be assigned as a project manager for a project with the team dispersed in three continents. You have been picked for this position because you have a number of years of experience with the company and are considered an expert in the primary technology to be used to develop and deploy the project. Two of three team location sites have had difficulty with projects with similar technology and your expertise was a key factor for your selection. Three senior team members from each location are coming to a meeting to work with you to start the project planning process. As you prepare for the meeting, and then work with the various team members, you should: A. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the cultural nuances of each team's host country. B. During the upcoming meeting, make sure you firmly convey to the various team members the degree of your expertise and how that is the key reason for your being the project manager. C. Develop a comprehensive communications plan with the team. D. Remind the team members of the failed and challenged attempts at deploying the technology at their locations and their need to follow your directions. 2 points QUESTION 13 Regarding the attributes that comprise the business complexity of a project (select all that 1. apply): A. The number of attributes selected for different projects must be the same. B. The names of the attributes selected for different projects must be the same. C. The number of attributes selected for all different projects do not need to be the same. D. The names of the attributes selected for different projects do not need to be the same. 2 points QUESTION 14 1. Of the following types of questions to be asked during a hiring interview, which type should be avoided? A. Openended. B. Closed. C. Limitations. D. Personal. 2 points QUESTION 15 1. The primary responsibility to complete the information needed to successfully execute the steps of the Pre-Launch stage lies with: A. The project manager. B. The sponsor. C. The person who proposed the idea. D. The project office. 2 points QUESTION 16 1. In order to quantify the severity of a given risk, you need to define (select all that apply): A. The impact of the risk using a numeric scale. B. The reason behind the risk. C. The probability of risk occurrence using a numeric scale. D. Whether the risk is due to the action of a champion or a nemesis. 2 points QUESTION 17 1. Within a matrix project organization structure, most individual team members are accountable to both a functional manager and a project manager. Effective management of this duel reporting relationship is primarily the responsibility of: A. Appropriate functional manager, they know their resources. B. Individual team members, they know who their bosses are. C. Project manager. D. Project office because they manage the resource pool. 2 points QUESTION 18 1. What are the four stages of team development according to Tuckman's team building model? A. Norming, Forming, Storming, Performing B. Norming, Forming, Storming, Motivating C. Hoping, Accepting, Panicking, Growing D. Accepting, Agreeing, Doing, Performing 2 points QUESTION 19 1. The intra-project ranking of a project: A. Once defined need to stay unchanged. B. Need to be changed as the project progresses through future stages. C. Might change because of changing project environment. D. Need to be assessed only if there are any nemesis stakeholders. 2 points QUESTION 20 1. You are facilitating the WBS development of your project and two of the team members assigned to identify high risk items point to a deliverable that carries high risk due to lack of appropriate skills within the team. You discuss the risk problem with the customer and jointly decide to remove the deliverable from the project scope. This is an example of: A. Risk transfer. B. Risk avoidance. C. Risk acceptance. D. Being risk averse. 2 points QUESTION 21 1. The acronym SMART vis--vis project objectives means: A. Special, Mandatory, Active, Remarkable, Timely. B. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time Bound. C. Sacrosanct, Motivated, Alluring, Related to the Strategy, Tonal. D. Stable, Memorable, Altruistic, Rooted, Tweaked. 2 points QUESTION 22 1. The suggested effort hours per month of a sponsor for a Zone I project are: A. 10 to 12 hours. B. 8 to 10 hours. C. 6 to 8 hours. D. 4 to 6 hours. 2 points QUESTION 23 1. Consider the following data: Phase-1 1 has an estimated duration of six months and needs six FTE; Phase-2 has an estimated duration of five months and needs four FTE; Phase-3 has an estimated duration of four months and needs three FTE. Phase-2 has a lead time of three months with Phase-1, and Phase-3 has a lead time of three months with Phase-2. What is the total FTE for month 4? A. 6 B. 9 C. 10. D. 13. 2 points QUESTION 24 1. Key components of a risk are: A. Risk event, risk probability, and the degree of impact. B. Opportunity cost, avoidance cost, mitigation cost. C. Certainty, uncertainty, and opportunity. D. Risk event, risk triggered, and risk. 2 points QUESTION 25 1. The intra-project priorities for a project: A. Don't need to be rank ordered B. Should be rank ordered. C. Need to be ordered as equally. D. Should be avoided as this can lead to project politics. 2 points QUESTION 26 1. Which of the following statements best defines project scope? A. The work that must be done to complete a project. B. The work that must be done to satisfy the stakeholders. C. The work that must be done to satisfy the stakeholders, sponsor, and management. D. The work that must be done in order to deliver a product with the specified functions, features, and quality. 2 points QUESTION 27 1. Which of the following items must be included in a Project Charter? A. Names of all of the team members who will work on the project. B. The impact of business cycles on the proposed project. C. The technology to be used to build the project. D. The location(s) where the project will be developed. 2 points QUESTION 28 1. Which of the following involves eliminating the cause of an expected risk? A. Risk acceptance. B. Risk avoidance. C. Risk mitigation. D. Contingency planning. 2 points QUESTION 29 1. Which one of the following provides the most comprehensive source for a task plan? A. Knowledge base. B. Memory and experience. C. Innovative guess. D. All three. 2 points QUESTION 30 1. Which type of project organization structure is most prone to project miscommunications? A. Strong matrix. B. Functional. C. Projectized. D. Weak matrix. 2 points QUESTION 31 1. Your key stakeholder for the project has asked for the following rankings of the intra-project priorities: Schedule 1, Scope 1, Budget 1, and Quality 1. The stakeholder had stated that her manager (a senior VP) considers this project to be very important and will like to see the rankings met. What would be your response? A. You should do your best to meet the stated ranking as the customer's boss is a high-level executive and know what needs to be done. B. Report the situation to the sponsor and have the sponsor deal with the problem. C. Advise the stakeholder that such rankings practically impossible to meet. D. March into the senior executive's office and turn in your resignation and report the individual to the human resources department. 2 points QUESTION 32 1. In reference to the Center's recommended project organization structure, which of the following statement is correct? A. The project manager should report to his/her functional manager as that manager is closest to the project manager. B. The project manager should report to the functional managers of the team members as these managers have the direct control over the team members. C. The project manager should report to the sponsor. D. The project manager should report to the project office as they have control over all of the projects. 2 points QUESTION 33 1. Which type of project organization structure is least prone to project miscommunications? A. Strong matrix. B. Functional. C. Projectized. D. Weak matrix. 2 points QUESTION 34 1. It is obvious that a project manager cannot be concerned about every risk that arises in a project. Which of the following steps will help the project manager prioritize a list of risks? A. Risk avoidance. B. Risk quantification. C. Risk transfer. D. Risk mitigation. 2 points QUESTION 35 The OFTE for a project estimated to last 50 work months is: 1. A. 6 B. 7 C. 8 D. 9 2 points QUESTION 36 1. During the Pre-Launch stage of a project (select all that apply): A. All of the steps must be completed for every project. B. The more complex the project, the more steps need to be complete. C. The time spent in completing the various steps is the same for every project. D. The more complex the project, the more time spent in completing the steps. 2 points QUESTION 37 1. Given a situation where the various project stakeholders have difficulty agreeing on a common ranking of the intra-project priority, the best solution is to: A. Use the priority ranking proposed by the most nemesis stakeholder(s), it would placate them. B. Use the priority ranking proposed by the biggest champion stakeholder(s), it would please them. C. The sponsor needs to communicate with the key stakeholders and then decide on intra-project priority ranking. D. The project manager and the team decide on the intra-project priority ranking. 2 points 1. QUESTION 38 It is a well accepted fact that project managers do not have the authority that is necessary to carry out their responsibilities. Which of the following will help a project manager attain authority? The project manager is paid a higher salary than any of the team members. The project manager has the largest office of all of the team members. The project manager does not start the project unless there is an approved project charter. The project manager is certified as a professional. 2 points QUESTION 39 1. You find that one of the team members is not appropriately skilled to fulfill his work responsibilities and you decide to enroll the individual in a class to help improve his skill level. This is an example of: A. Risk avoidance. B. Risk acceptance. C. Risk mitigation. D. Risk transfer. 2 points QUESTION 40 1. Which of the following are the key components of negations? Select all that apply. A. Substance. B. Accommodatin g. C. Withdrawing. D. Relationship. 2 points QUESTION 41 1. You and the core team have finished developing the task plan of your project and you would like to make sure that the key stakeholders have buy-in and commitment to the project. The best way to achieve it is to: A. Send an e-mail to the stakeholders that you would appreciate their buy-in and commitment to the project. B. Have the sponsor send an e-mail to the key stakeholders that she would appreciate their buy-in and commitment to the project. C. Hold a meeting and invite the key stakeholders for a review of the task plan. D. Take pictures of the stakeholders and put them on your project's web site. 2 points QUESTION 42 1. When developing phase based size estimates, the formula for computing the OFTE is: A. Square root of work months. B. Square root of work months + 1. C. Square root of work months - 1. D. Square root of work months + 2. 2 points QUESTION 43 1. The source of a task plan can be: A. Knowledge base. B. Memory and experience. C. Innovative guess. D. All three. 2 points QUESTION 44 1. The conceptual build of a project typically specifies all of the following except: A. What will be accomplished. B. What functionality will be build. C. Who will use it. D. How long will the project take. 2 points QUESTION 45 1. Which zone of the complexity diagram represents the highest complexity projects? A. Zone I B. Zone II C. Zone III D. Zone IV 2 points QUESTION 46 1. You observe that two of your team members tend to miss communicate quite frequently and you would like to help them improve their communications. You meet with each team member individually and advise them that the best approach to improve the quality of their communications is to (select all that apply): A. Be more expressive by enhancing their nonverbal gestures. B. Speak clearly and slowly so that the other person can understand. C. Provide feedback as they communicate with each other. D. Demonstrate concern for other person's point of view. 2 points QUESTION 47 1. Communications planning involves (select one): A. Developing the agenda for the sponsor status reporting meeting. B. Developing an outline for the customer presentation. C. Determining the information and communications needs of various stakeholders. D. Determining the information and communications needs of the functional managers. 2 points QUESTION 48 1. The Pre-Launch stage is: A. The first stage of the PPA. B. Second stage of the PPA. C. Third stage of the PPA. D. Is not a stage of the PPA 2 points QUESTION 49 1. The number of communication lines (interactions) among the members of a team of five participants is: A. 5 B. 7 C. 10 D. 11 2 points QUESTION 50 1. Project stakeholder behavior towards a project can be classified into (select all that apply): A. Champion behavior. B. Nemesis behavior. C. Comatose. D. Dumb

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