Save your file, then answer the questions below using the Tableau dashboards you Answers Questions 1. What is the variable factory overhead costs for the year? 2. What are the total Manufacturing Costs? 3. What is the total cost of Goods manufactured? 4. What are the total Goods Available for Sale? 5. What is the total cost of Goods Sold? Sheet 1 Catego Add Beg 28,000 220,000 20,000 Endir Trans -228.000 -152,000 300,000 0 -390,000 Inventory Step Row 1. Beginning Balance, Jan Materials 2 (4) Purchases (RM Purs. 3.Ending Balance 4 - Transferred Out (RM Direct Labor 5 (+) Direct Labor Overhead 6(+) Fixed Overhead 7 (4) Variable Overhead & Total Factory Overhe WIP 9. Beginning Balance, Jan 10+) Additions (RM used 11 (+) Additions (DL used) 12 (4) Additions (OH used) 13) Ending Balance De 24 = Transferred Out (CO -755,000 15 Beginning Balance 16+) Addition (COGM 17 Ending Balance De 18. Transferred Out (CO -1000K 300M 40,000 228.000 152,000 390.000 55,000 35,000 755,000 15,000 O 400 2002 400 500 1000 Amount D B 1 Step Amount Category 2 1. Beginning Balance, January 1 28,000 Beginning Balance 3 2. (+) Purchases (RM Purchases) 220,000 Addition 4 3. (-) Ending Balance 20,000 Ending Balance 5 4. - Transferred Out (RM used) (228,000) Transferred Out 6 5.(+) Direct Labor (152,000) Transferred Out 7 6. (+) Fixed Overhead 300,000 Addition 8 7. (+) Variable Overhead Addition 9 8. = Total Factory Overhead (390,000) Transferred Out 10 9. Beginning Balance, January 1 40,000 Beginning Balance 11 10.(+) Additions (RM used) 228,000 Addition 12 11.(+) Additions (DL used) 152,000 Addition 13 12. (+) Additions (OH used) 390,000 Addition 14 13.-) Ending Balance, December 31 55,000 Ending Balance 15 14. = Transferred Out (COGM) (755,000) Transferred Out 16 15. Beginning Balance, January 1 35,000 Beginning Balance 17 16.(+) Additions (COGM) 755,000 Addition 18 17. () Ending Balance, December 31 15,000 Ending Balance 19 18. = Transferred Out (COGS) Transferred Out 20 21 Inventory Raw Materials Raw Materials Raw Materials Raw Materials Direct Labor Overhead Overhead Overhead WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP FG FG FG FG