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Scenario/Summary [THIS IS C++ LANGUAGE] We have two separate goals this week: We are going to create an abstract Employee class and two pure virtual

Scenario/Summary [THIS IS C++ LANGUAGE]

We have two separate goals this week:

We are going to create an abstract Employee class and two pure virtual functions - calculatePay() and displayEmployee(). The abstract Employee class will prevent a programmer from creating an object based on Employee, however, a pointer can still be created. Objects based on Salaried and Hourly will be allowed. The pure virtual function calculatePay() in Employee will force the child classes to implement calculatePay(). The other pure virtual function displayEmployee() in Employee will force the child classes to implement displayEmployee().

We are going to implement Polymorphism and dynamic binding in this Lab.

STEP 1: Understand the UML Diagram

Notice in the updated UML diagram that the Employee class is designated as abstract by having the class name Employee italicized. Also, the calculatePay method is italicized, which means that it is a pure virtual function and needs to be implemented in the derived classes. In addition, make displayEmployee() method a pure virtual function as well.

image text in transcribed

STEP 3: Modify the Employee Class

Define calculatePay() as a pure virtual function.

Define displayEmployee() as a pure virtual function.

When class Employee contains two pure virtual functions, it becomes an abstract class.

STEP 4: Create Generalized Input Methods

Reuse method getInput() from the previous Lab to prompt the user to enter Employee information.

STEP 5: Modify the Main Method

Create two employee pointers with:

image text in transcribed

The first employee pointer refers to a salaried employee and the second employee pointer refers to a hourly employee.

Prompt the user to enter information for these two pointers and display the calculated result.

For salaried employee, the following information needs to be displayed:

Partial Sample Output: image text in transcribed

For hourly employee, the following information needs to be displayed:

Partial Sample Output: image text in transcribed







#include "Employee.h" //***REVISED

#include "Salaried.h" //***NEW

#include "Hourly.h" //***NEW

// The Methods

void DisplayApplicationInformation();

void DisplayDivider(string outputTitle);

string GetInput(string inputType);

void TerminateApplication();

//int Employee :: numEmployees = 0;

int main(){ // begin main()

// The Variables


DisplayDivider("Start Program");

Employee employeeObject1;

// Gathering user input

DisplayDivider(" Employee 1 ");

string firstName = GetInput("First Name: ");


string lastName = GetInput("Last Name: ");


string gender = GetInput("Gender: ");

char firstCharacterGender = gender[0]; // Takes value and places into an array - using the first character


string dependents = GetInput("Dependents: ");

employeeObject1.setDependents(dependents); // Using new Setter method

string annualSalary = GetInput("Annual Salary: ");

employeeObject1.setAnnualSalary(annualSalary); // Using new Setter method

string healthInsurance = GetInput("Health Insurance: ");


string lifeInsurance = GetInput("Life Insurance: ");


string vacation = GetInput("Vacation: ");


// Display Employee Object



DisplayDivider("Number of Employee Object(s) Created");


// ***NEW Salaried Employee Section

DisplayDivider(" Employee 2 ");

Salaried salariedEmployee1;

// Employee 2 [Salaried] Object

firstName = GetInput("First Name: ");


lastName = GetInput("Last Name: ");


gender = GetInput("Gender: ");

firstCharacterGender = gender[0]; // Takes value and places into an array - using the first character


dependents = GetInput("Dependents: ");

salariedEmployee1.setDependents(dependents); // Using new Setter method

annualSalary = GetInput("Annual Salary: ");

salariedEmployee1.setAnnualSalary(annualSalary); // Using new Setter method

healthInsurance = GetInput("Health Insurance: ");


lifeInsurance = GetInput("Life Insurance: ");


vacation = GetInput("Vacation: ");


// Display Salaried Employee Object



DisplayDivider("Number of Employee Object(s) Created");


// ***NEW Hourly Employee Section

DisplayDivider(" Employee 3 ");

Hourly hourlyEmployee1;

// Employee 3 [Hourly] Object

firstName = GetInput("First Name: ");


lastName = GetInput("Last Name: ");


gender = GetInput("Gender: ");

firstCharacterGender = gender[0]; // Takes value and places into an array - using the first character


dependents = GetInput("Dependents: ");

hourlyEmployee1.setDependents(dependents); // Using new Setter method

annualSalary = GetInput("Annual Salary: ");

hourlyEmployee1.setAnnualSalary(); // Using new Setter method

healthInsurance = GetInput("Health Insurance: ");


lifeInsurance = GetInput("Life Insurance: ");


vacation = GetInput("Vacation: ");


// Display Hourly Employee Object



DisplayDivider("Number of Employee Object(s) Created");



} // end main()

void DisplayApplicationInformation(){ // begin DisplayApplicationInformation

// Method: Provide the program user some basic information about the program



} // end DisplayApplicationInformation

void DisplayDivider(string outputTitle){ // begin DisplayDivider

// Method: Provide a meaningful output separator between different sections of the program output



} // end DisplayDivider

string GetInput(string inputType){ // begin inputType

// Method: Generalized function that will prompt the user for a specific type of information

string strInput;


getline(cin, strInput);

return strInput;

} // end GetInput

void TerminateApplication(){ // begin TerminateApplication

// Method: Provides a program termination message and then terminate the application



system("pause"); // Keep the output window from automatically closing

} // end TerminateApplication


Hourly Header

#include "Employee.h"

using namespace std;

#ifndef HOURLY_H

#define HOURLY_H

class Hourly : public Employee{ // begin Hourly class


static const int MIN_WAGE = 10;

static const int MAX_WAGE = 75;

static const int MIN_HOURS = 0;

static const int MAX_HOURS = 50;

double wage;

double hours;

string category;



Hourly(double wge, double hrs, string cat);

Hourly(string first, string last, char gen, int dep, double wge, double hrs, Benefit ben, string cat);

double calculatePay();

void displayEmployee();

double getAnnualSalary();

void setAnnualSalary();

// Getters & Setters

double getWage();

void setWage();

double getHours();

void setHours();

string getCategory();

void setCategory();

}; // end Hourly class



Hourly Class




#include "Employee.h"

#include "Hourly.h"

Hourly :: Hourly(){ // begin [default] Hourly constructor

// The Variables

wage = 0;

hours = 0;

category = "Unknown";

} // end [default] Hourly constructor

Hourly :: Hourly(double wge, double hrs, string cat){ // begin Hourly constructor [with parameters]

wage = wge;

hours = hrs;

category = cat;

} // end Hourly constructor [with parameters]

Hourly :: Hourly(string first, string last, char gen, int dep, double wge, double hrs, Benefit ben, string cat) : Employee(first, last, gen, dep, ben){ // begin Hourly [loaded] constructor

wage = wge;

hours = hrs;

category = cat;

} // end Hourly [loaded] constructor

double Hourly :: calculatePay(){ // begin Hourly calculatePay method

return wage * hours;

} // end Hourly calculatePay method

void Hourly :: setAnnualSalary(){ // begin Hourly setAnnualSalary method

annualSalary = calculatePay() * 50;

} // end Hourly setAnnualSalary method

void Hourly :: displayEmployee() { // begin Hourly displayEmployee method

Employee :: displayEmployee();






} // end Hourly displayEmployee method


Employee Header

using namespace std;

#ifndef EMPLOYEE_H

#define EMPLOYEE_H

#include "Benefit.h"

class Employee{ // begin Employee class

protected: // ***REVISED to protected

string firstName;

string lastName;

char gender;

int dependents;

double annualSalary;

Benefit benefit;


static int numEmployees;



// Employee(string first, string last, char gen, int dep, double salary);


Employee(string first, string last, char gen, int dep, Benefit benefit);

double calculatePay();

void displayEmployee();

string getFirstName();

void setFirstName(string first);

string getLastName();

void setLastName(string last);

char getGender();

void setGender(char gen);

int getDependents();

void setDependents(int dep);

void setDependents(string dep);

double getAnnualSalary();

void setAnnualSalary(double salary);

void setAnnualSalary(string salary);

static int getNumEmployees();


Benefit getBenefit();

void setBenefit(Benefit ben);

}; // end Employee class



Employee Class




#include "Employee.h"

// ***REMOVED?

//class iEmployee{ // begin iEmployee class


//virtual double calculatePay() = 0;

//}; // end iEmployee class

Employee :: Employee(){ // begin [default] Employee constructor

// The Constructors

// The Variables

firstName = "not given";

lastName = "not given";

gender = 'U'; // U for unknown

dependents = 0;

annualSalary = 20000;


} // end [default] Employee constructor

//Employee::Employee(string first, string last, char gen, int dep, double salary){ // begin Employee constructor [with parameters]


Employee::Employee(string first, string last, char gen, int dep, Benefit ben){ // begin Employee constructor [with parameters]

firstName = first;

lastName = last;

gender = gen;

dependents = dep;


} // end Employee constructor [with parameters]

double Employee :: calculatePay(){ // begin calculatePay

return annualSalary / 52;

} // end calculatePay

// Display Interface

void Employee :: displayEmployee(){ // begin displayEmployee










} // end displayEmployee

// The Getters & Setters

string Employee :: getFirstName(){ // begin getFirstName

return firstName;

} // end getFirstName

void Employee :: setFirstName(string first){ // begin setFirstName

firstName = first;

} // end setFirstName

string Employee :: getLastName(){ // begin getLastName

return lastName;

} // end getLastName

void Employee :: setLastName(string last){ // begin setLastName

lastName = last;

} // end setLastName

char Employee :: getGender(){ // begin getGender

return gender;

} // end getGender

void Employee :: setGender(char gen){ // begin setGender

gender = gen;

} // end setGender

int Employee :: getDependents(){ // begin getDependents

return dependents;

} // end getDependents

void Employee :: setDependents(int dep){ // begin setDependents

dependents = dep;

} // end setDependents

// ** New string dependents

void Employee :: setDependents(string dep){ // begin setDependents

dependents = stoi(dep); // String to integer conversion

} // end setDependents

double Employee :: getAnnualSalary(){ // begin getAnnualSalary

return annualSalary;

} // end getAnnualSalary

void Employee :: setAnnualSalary(double salary){ // begin setAnnualSalary

annualSalary = salary;

} // end setAnnualSalary

void Employee :: setAnnualSalary(string salary){ // begin setAnnualSalary

annualSalary = stod(salary); // String to double conversion

} // end setAnnualSalary


Benefit Employee :: getBenefit(){ // begin getBenefit

return benefit;

} // end getBenefit

void Employee :: setBenefit(Benefit ben){ // begin setBenefit

benefit = ben;

} // end setBenefit


int Employee :: numEmployees = 0;

int Employee :: getNumEmployees(){ // begin getNumEmployees

return numEmployees;

} // end getNumEmployees


Salaried Header

#include "Employee.h"

using namespace std;

#ifndef SALARIED_H

#define SALARIED_H

class Salaried : public Employee{ // begin Salaried class


static const int MIN_MANAGEMENT_LEVEL = 0;

static const int MAX_MANAGEMENT_LEVEL = 3;

static const int BONUS_PERCENT = 10;

int managementLevel;



Salaried(string first, string last, char gen, int dep, double sal, Benefit ben, int manLevel);

Salaried(double sal, int manLevel);

double calculatePay();

void displayEmployee();

int getManagementLevel();

void setManagementLevel();

}; // end Salaried class



Salaried Class




#include "Employee.h"

#include "Salaried.h"

Salaried :: Salaried(){ // begin [default] Salaried constructor

// The Variables

managementLevel = 0;

} // end [default] Salaried constructor

Salaried :: Salaried(string first, string last, char gen, int dep, double sal, Benefit ben, int manLevel) : Employee(first, last, gen, dep, ben){ // begin Salaried [loaded] constructor

managementLevel = manLevel;

annualSalary = sal;

} // end Salaried [loaded] constructor

Salaried :: Salaried(double sal, int manLevel){ // begin Salaried constructor [with parameters]

annualSalary = sal;

managementLevel = manLevel;

} // end Salaried constructor [with parameters]

double Salaried :: calculatePay(){ // begin Salaried calculatePay method

return Employee :: calculatePay() * (1 + (managementLevel * BONUS_PERCENT));

} // end Salaried calculatePay method

void Salaried :: displayEmployee() { // begin Salaried displayEmployee method

Employee :: displayEmployee();




} // end Salaried displayEmployee method


Benefit Header

using namespace std;

#ifndef BENEFIT_H

#define BENEFIT_H

class Benefit{ // begin Benefit class


string healthInsurance;

double lifeInsurance;

int vacation;



Benefit(string health, double life, int vac);

void displayBenefits();

string getHealthInsurance();

void setHealthInsurance(string health);

double getLifeInsurance();

void setLifeInsurance(double life);

int getVacation();

void setVacation(int vac);

}; // end Benefit class



Benefit Class




#include "Benefit.h"

Benefit :: Benefit(){ // begin [default] Benefit constructor

// The Constructors

// The Variables

healthInsurance = "Not Given";

lifeInsurance = 0.00;

vacation = 0;

} // end [default] Benefit constructor

Benefit :: Benefit(string health, double life, int vac){ // begin Benefit constructor [with parameters]

healthInsurance = health;

lifeInsurance = life;

vacation = vac;

} // end Benefit constructor [with parameters]

// The Getters & Setters

string Benefit :: getHealthInsurance(){ // begin getHealthInsurance

return healthInsurance;

} // end getHealthInsurance

void Benefit :: setHealthInsurance(string health){ // begin setHealtInsurance

healthInsurance = health;

} // end setFirstName

double Benefit :: getLifeInsurance(){ // begin getLifeInsurance

return lifeInsurance;

} // end getLifeInsurance

void Benefit :: setLifeInsurance(double life){ // begin setLifeInsurance

lifeInsurance = life;

} // end setLifeInsurance

int Benefit :: getVacation(){ // begin getVacation

return vacation;

} // end getVacation

void Benefit :: setVacation(int vac){ // begin setVacation

vacation = vac;

} // end setVacation

// Display Interface

void Benefit :: displayBenefits(){ // begin displayBenefits






} // end displayBenefits

Benefit Emplovee -healthinsurance string -lifeinsurance double vacation int +Benefit(0 +Benefit(in hins: string, in lins double, in vac: int) +displayBenefits) void #firstName . String #lastName : string #gender: char #dependents int #annua!Salary : double #benefitBenefit static numEm +Employee) +Employee(in fname: string, in Iname string, in gen: char, in dep: int, in benefits: Benefit) +static getNumEmployees0: int +CalculatePay): double +displayEmployee void ees : int = 0 Salaried -MIN MANAGEMENT LEVEL: int=0 -MAX MANAGEMENT LEVEL: int=3 BONUS PERCENT : double= 10 -managementLevel int +Salariedo +Salaried(in fname string, in Iname string, in gen: char, in dep int, in sal double, in ben Benefit, in manLevel: int) +Salaried(in sal: double, in manLevel: int) +CalculatePay double +dis void Hourl -MIN WAGE: double= 10 -MAX WAGE : double = 75 -MIN HOURS: double=0 MAX HOURS: double 50 wage: double -hours: double -cate +Hourly) +Hourly (in wage: double, in hours double, in category: string) +Hourly in fname string, in Iname : string, in gen: char, in dep: int, in wage: double, in hours: double, in ben: Benefit, in category string) +CalculatePay double +displayEm strin ee() void Benefit Emplovee -healthinsurance string -lifeinsurance double vacation int +Benefit(0 +Benefit(in hins: string, in lins double, in vac: int) +displayBenefits) void #firstName . String #lastName : string #gender: char #dependents int #annua!Salary : double #benefitBenefit static numEm +Employee) +Employee(in fname: string, in Iname string, in gen: char, in dep: int, in benefits: Benefit) +static getNumEmployees0: int +CalculatePay): double +displayEmployee void ees : int = 0 Salaried -MIN MANAGEMENT LEVEL: int=0 -MAX MANAGEMENT LEVEL: int=3 BONUS PERCENT : double= 10 -managementLevel int +Salariedo +Salaried(in fname string, in Iname string, in gen: char, in dep int, in sal double, in ben Benefit, in manLevel: int) +Salaried(in sal: double, in manLevel: int) +CalculatePay double +dis void Hourl -MIN WAGE: double= 10 -MAX WAGE : double = 75 -MIN HOURS: double=0 MAX HOURS: double 50 wage: double -hours: double -cate +Hourly) +Hourly (in wage: double, in hours double, in category: string) +Hourly in fname string, in Iname : string, in gen: char, in dep: int, in wage: double, in hours: double, in ben: Benefit, in category string) +CalculatePay double +displayEm strin ee() void

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