Scroll down to open a Hent a. A student made the following measurements on three samples of titanium (ii). Calculate density of each sample. Enter the density values in ginL to the nearest 001gmL and enter the unit using the symbol g/mL Luiut Equation ( For the mean, vanance, and standard deviation and the Exces formulas for their deterinination are available in No Penally Hirit Iint Eqn. ( if you are uneure trow to complete this section of the Analysis, assialance is avaiable in Hint b Scrol down to open a Hint b. Calculate the mean, variance, and standard deviation of the three density determinations Enter the mean and standard deviation in units of 9mL to the nearest 0.01gmL and enter the unit using the symbol g/mL. Enter the varance in unts of g2/mL2 to the bearest 0.0001g2/mL2 and enter the unit using the symbol g2mLm2. Equation (1.1.1) for determining ab:olute error is avadable in No Penalty Hint Eqn. (1.1.1) Equasion (1 1 2) for determining percent enor is available in No Penalty Hint Eqn. (1.1.2). Ifyou are unsure how to compiefe this section of the question, asgistance 5 mabailable in Hint c Scroll down to oped a Hint hint Equation (1,2) for determining percent erior E avallabk in Nu Penalty Mint Eqn. (4.1:2) If you are unsure how to complole thas section of ihe question, assiotance is available in Hint c Scroll down to open a Hint Taking the true value for the density of titanium to be 4.506gint, calculate the absolute error and the percent error for the mean of the densify determinations. Enter absolute error values in unit: of g/mL to the nearest 0.01g/mL and include the unit using the symbof giml. Enter percent error values to the nearest 0.0176 without units because percent error are unitiess quantities