Section D: Closest Point Problems and Algorithms ns maximizing the . 1. Describe how to find the furthest pair of values in a sorted array of numbers (where "furthest" means maximizi difference in their values). What is the time complexity? ving the difference 2 Describe how to find the closest pair of values in a sorted array of numbers (where "closest" means minimizine the in their values). What is the time complexity? 3. Describe a brute force approach to find the closest pair of values in an unsorted array of numbers? What is the time complexity? 4. Describe a transform-and-conquer approach to find the closest pair of values in an unsorted array of numbers. What is the time complexity? 5. Describe a brute-force approach to find the closest pair of values in a set of points in two dimensions (where "closest" means minimizing the Euclidean distance). What is the time complexity? 6. Describe a divide-and-conquer approach to find the closest pair of values in a set of points in two dimensions. What is the time complexity? 7. Explain what modifications would be required for the brute-force and divide-and-conquer approaches (questions #5 and #6) if the points were in three dimensions instead of two Section D: Closest Point Problems and Algorithms Describe how to find the furthest pair of values in a sorted array of numbers (where "Turthest means maximizing the difference in their values). What is the time complexity? 2: Describe how to find the closest nair of values in a sorted array of numbers (where "closest" means minimizing the difference in their values). What is the time complexity? 5. Describe a brute force approach to find the closest nair of values in an unsorted array of numbers? What is the time complexity? Describe a transform and conquer approach to find the closest pair of values in an unsorted array of numbers. What is the time complexity? 5. Describe a brute force aproach to find the closest nair of values in a set of points in two dimensions (where closest means minimizing the Euclidean distance). What is the time complexity? i s the 6. Describe a divide and conquer innroach to find the closest pair of values in a set of points in two dimensions, w time complexity? and wo) 7. Explain what modifications would be required for the bruteforce and divide-and conquer approaches (questions if the points were in three dimensions instead of two