Section Dependent Variable: ERROR2 Method: Least Squares Date: 05/05/20 Time: 18:27 Sample: 1990 1995 Included observations: 6 Variable Coefficient Std. Error 1-Statistic Prob. 46.73592 49.62768 0.941731 0.4158 AGE 4.986871 9.063620 0.550207 0.6205 AGE^2 -0.127067 0.181162 -0.701401 0.5336 R-squared 0.295512 Mean dependent var 45.59368 -0.174146 S.D. dependent var 65.60926 11.67270 71.09290 Akalke info criterion 15162.60 Schwarz criterion 11.56858 Adjusted R-squared S.E. of regression Sum squared resid Log likelihood F-statistic Prob(F-statistic) 11.25590 -32.01811 Hannan-Quinn criter. 0.629207 Durbin-Watson stat 0.591303 3.483023 7 You are testing for a problem in the :regression, and the given result are obtained where the dependent variable (error2) represent the square value of error. then the value for test statistics is equal to note: round your answer to the nearest) * (integer (1 ) Section Dependent Variable: ERROR2 Method: Least Squares Date: 05/05/20 Time: 18:27 Sample: 1990 1995 Included observations: 6 Variable Coefficient Std. Error 1-Statistic Prob. 46.73592 49.62768 0.941731 0.4158 AGE 4.986871 9.063620 0.550207 0.6205 AGE^2 -0.127067 0.181162 -0.701401 0.5336 R-squared 0.295512 Mean dependent var 45.59368 -0.174146 S.D. dependent var 65.60926 11.67270 71.09290 Akalke info criterion 15162.60 Schwarz criterion 11.56858 Adjusted R-squared S.E. of regression Sum squared resid Log likelihood F-statistic Prob(F-statistic) 11.25590 -32.01811 Hannan-Quinn criter. 0.629207 Durbin-Watson stat 0.591303 3.483023 7 You are testing for a problem in the :regression, and the given result are obtained where the dependent variable (error2) represent the square value of error. then the value for test statistics is equal to note: round your answer to the nearest) * (integer (1 )