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See below for case study: If you were in charge of implementing the above marketing strategies and knew that the admissions staff and counselors were

See below for case study:

  1. If you were in charge of implementing the above marketing strategies and knew that the admissions staff and counselors were fielding numerous questions related to the football incident with prospective students and their parents, what would you do to ensure a consistent message was being relayed?

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_ Winning At A\" COS\": A Case Slu X X 6 9 C' i |earn>useast-1-prod-f|eet02xythos.content,blackboardcdncom/5f3aa0f71aeGb/l667650?X-Blackboard-Expiration:16168248000008LX-Blackboard-Signature=XOtRyK5... * e 3 Winning At All Costs: A Case Study Background West Rirnrock University is a small, private, liberal arts institution located in the Northwestern United States. Historically the university was a comprehensive master's degree status institution that had doctoral program offerings as well. Athletically, the university previously competed at the NCAA Division I level, offering full grants-inaid in all men's sports and in women's tennis. The tennis teams experienced much success. In addition to winning national titles by defeating schools like Stanford and UCLA, numerous individuals competed in Wimbledon, and the U.S., French, and Australian Tennis Opens. The rest of the athletics program competed at a high level, but did not achieve success on the same level as did tennis. With the passage of Title IX of the Educational Amendments in 1972, West Rimrock University was faced with a difcult decision. University administrators realized the development of a women's athletics program would be costly, especially if grants-in-aid for student-athletes were to be considered. Therefore, in the fall of 1973 the university announced it would eliminate scholarships in all sports and move from competing at the NCAA Division I level to the NCAA Division HI (non-scholarship) level. Athletes on both the men's and women's tennis teams, however, would continue to receive grants-in-aid and compete at the highest level. The initial response from current and former students and alumni was very negative and the institution failed to attract the types of student-athletes it once had. As a result, except for the two tennis teams, which continued to ourish, the university experienced a signicant decline in athletics success. ,0 Type here to search ' , ' , 9:17 PM E: 3/25/2021 Homework Help - Q&A from On Bb Winning At All Costs: A Case Stu( X X - C o Winning At All Costs: A Case Study 7 / 16 - 100% + Mr. Frederickson's personal moral code included empathy, responsibility, respect, and fairness. As such he firmly held that institutions of learning should care about their students and employees as people and not simply view them as means to an end. If he chose either of the first two options, what message would Mr. Frederickson send to Phil, Coach Granderson, the other 400 student-athletes, the coaching staff, and the entire university community? As he saw it, part of developing the whole person was caring about that person's welfare, both in the present and the future. By suspending Phil and a young Coach Granderson, Mr. Frederickson was sending a strong message that with poor choices come consequences. Both Phil and Coach Granderson chose to be irresponsible and they are therefore being held accountable. Conversely, if he decided to allow them to participate in the game, Mr. Frederickson felt that he would send a clear signal that athletes deserve special treatment. His hope was that, in time, Phil and Coach Granderson would come to appreciate the lesson. While it was no easy decision, Mr. WINNING AT ALL COSTS, 24 Frederickson having wrestled with the numerous considerations, felt good about his selection. He would soon, however, come to understand the full impact of his choice. Type here to search O w 9:18 PM 3/26/2021_ Winning At A\" COS\": A Case Stu X X 6 9 C' i |earn>useast-1-prod-f| * e 3 Winning At All Costs: A Case Study Upon making the decision, his rst call was President Cook to inform him of the choice. As suspected, the university president was pleased Mr. Frederickson had decided to suspend both Phil Johnstone and Coach Granderson from participating in and travelling to the national championship game. After informing Phil, Coach Granderson, and the head football coach of his decision, Mr. Frederickson, through his sports information director, issued a press release. Upon hearing the news, the campus, city, and former students almost immediately split into two camps. One set of constituents, mostly team parents and football alumni made it clear they were disgruntled with the decision. Meanwhile, the faculty and a large portion of the current and former student body were impressed that the athletics department chose to suspend both the player and the coach. West Rimrock University went to the national championship game with a quarterback who had not played all year. As a result, they were thoroughly outplayed during a nationally televised game. Numerous athletes and parents were so unhappy with the result they called for the university to re Mr. Frederickson. His decision had essentially cost West Rimrock an opportunity to win the championship. For many athletes this was the last organized football game of their careers. They worked their entire lives for this opportunity, and from their viewpoint the athletics director had taken away from them any realistic chance at winning. In his mind, however, using both personal and professional moral codes, Mr. Frederickson had arrived at the most ethical decision. But what was the cost? He was at a personal crossroads. Would other coaches lose faith and trust in him? Could he effectively ,0 Type here to search i , ' , 9:18 PM E: 3/25/2021 Homework Help - Q&A from On Bb Winning At All Costs: A Case Stu( X X - C o Winning At All Costs: A Case Study 9 / 16 | 100% + manage the athletics department if football alumni stopped making donations? How would the WINNING AT ALL COSTS, 25 nationally televised defeat impact recruitment? These and other questions caused Mr. Frederickson to experience many sleepless nights. Type here to search O w 9:18 PM 3/26/2021Homework Help - Q&A from On Bb Winning At All Costs: A Case Stu( X X - C a Winning At All Costs: A Case Study 11 / 16 | 100% + WINNING AT ALL COSTS, 27 Appendices Appendix A Division III Philosophy Statement* found on page vii of the 2009-2010 NCAA Division III manual. Download from NCAA: Type here to search O w 9:18 PM 3/26/2021Homework Help - Q&A from On Bb Winning At All Costs: A Case Stu( X X - C a Winning At All Costs: A Case Study 12 / 16 | 100% + Newspaper Report on Incident Police Brief: Hours after huge victory, West Rimrock QB is arrested Posted: Sunday, December 20, 2009 The Associated Press UNIVERSITY CITY (AP) - Hours after West Rimrock earned a spot to compete for the NCAA Division III football championship game, its quarterback was arrested and charged with public intoxication. Phil Johnstone, who was named the offensive player of the year for 2009 by the Northern Collegiate Athletic Conference, was arrested in Sunday's early hours on the Grand Canal. Johnstone, a senior, "tried to grab (the officer's) arm," and "had a strong smell of intoxicants on his breath, bloodshot eyes, slurred speech and was unsteady on his feet," according to the police report. As the police were arresting Johnstone, a West Rimrock assistant coach was also charged. According to police report, Jeff Granderson a third year assistant coach was charged with "interfering with the duties of a public servant" stemming from Johnstone's arrest. Coach Granderson was released on $1500 bond. Johnstone, 22-year old senior, led West Rimrock (14-0) to a 41-20 victory Saturday afternoon over St. Sebastian earned the West Rimrock University team a trip to the Stagg Bowl in Salem, Va., for the national title game. West Rimrock will play in their first-ever national championship game against Sunrise State University, which is unbeaten in 14 games and has won 95 of its last 96 games. West Rimrock officials said any punishment, if there were any, Type here to search 9 W 9:18 PM O 3/26/2021_ Winning At A\" COS\": A Case Slu X X 6 9 C' i |earn>useast-1-prod-f| * e 3 Winning At All Costs: A Case Study WINNING AT ALL COSTS, 29 Appendix C Excerpt from Employee Handbook Disciplinary Actions and Dismissal In order to achieve university goals, both the University and individual departments set expectations for employees regarding job performance, time and attendance, and conduct. Employees are responsible for adhering to these expectations and for understanding that failure to meet expectations may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. The purpose of discipline in most cases is to help employees improve. In many instances the University will attempt to address these issues by following a system of progressive discipline, which typically includes the following steps: 1) Counseling by the direct supervisor 2) Written warnings 3) Disciplinary suspension for misconduct 4) Dismissal Following a disciplinary action, it is the employee's responsibility to correct the issues that have been identied Failure to do so may lead to further discipline, up to and including dismissal. Certain violations and infractions, as determined by the University, including, but not limited to, performance or conduct that is harmful to the University, dishonesty, theft, vandalism, physical assault, falsication of University records, or other illegal activity may be sufficiently serious to suspend the normal progressive disciplinary process. Under these circumstances, any step in the disciplinary procedure may be used, including dismissal without prior discipline. By establishing these procedures, the University does not waive or limit its right to terminate employment with or without notice or cause. In addition, employees need to remember that the \"Employment at Will\" policy remains in full force and effect at all times. ,0 Type here to search i , ' , 9:19 PM E: 3/25/2021 _ Winning At A\" COS\": A Case Stu X X 6 9 C' i |earn> * e 3 Winning At All Costs: A Case Study WINNING AT ALL COSTS, 30 Appendix D Excerpt from West Rimrock's Student-Athlete Handbook Section 7' STUDENT-ATHLETE CONDUCT It is expected that student-athletes will conduct themselves in a manner that reects positively on West Rimrock University, and display exemplary behavior through their time as a West Rimrock student-athlete. Student-athletes are expected to abide by all policies, procedures, and guidelines regarding appropriate conduct as outlined in the West Rimrock's Student Handbook as well as to federal, state, and local laws. Student-athletes shall refrain from the use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and non-prescription drugs while representing West Rimrock, regardless of the student-athlete's age. Consumption of performance-enhancing drugs at anytime is strictly prohibited unless prescribed by a physician for medical reasons All West Rimrock University student-athletes are required to sign a drug testing consent form prior to athletic participation. The West Rimrock University and the NCAA reserve the right to randomly drug test student athletes throughout the academic year and during post-season championships. In addition to the above department-wide policies, the coach of each sport may develop team mles concerning appropriate student-athlete conduct. In such a case, the coach must provide the director of athletics with these rules and inform his or her team of these rules and guidelines during the rst team meeting. Team rules and policies must be reviewed annually. Violations of conduct, university, athletic department, and/or team policies and guidelines will result in sanctions, which may include permanent dismissal from all athletics department programs. Sanctions may include, but are not limited to verbal reprimand, written reprimand, game(s) suspension, suspension from the team for a specied time frame, or expulsion from the team for the remainder of the academic year. ,0 Type here to search i , ' , 9:19 PM E: 3/25/2021 Homework Help - Q&A from On Bb Winning At All Costs: A Case Stu( X X - C a Winning At All Costs: A Case Study 15 / 16 100% + Newspaper Article on Prior Incident Involving Johnstone Four students expelled following off-campus incident Posted: Sunday, January 14, 2007 The Associated Press UNIVERSITY CITY (AP) - President Gentry Cook upheld the suspension of four West Rimrock students in December after an off-campus incident in October. Senior Paul Thompson, sophomores Casey Land and Thomas O'Connor and first year Phil Johnstone were suspended after defending their case in three University hearings against senior Michael Overby's allegation that they broke into and fired a weapon in his off-campus apartment. Jennifer Lutz, dean of students, charged the four students with dishonesty, disorderly conduct, dangerous conduct, destruction of property, and assault and battery, in their first hearing, though the last charge was later dismissed. Land questioned why the University pursued this when the local police department had not pursued the case at that time. "This whole time we've been working with the police, they say that we're not at risk, they've dropped their whole investigation toward us, and they're willing to come in and help us ... but West Rimrock hasn't allowed it," Land said. Overby initiated the University investigation by reporting the incident to Lutz the day after it occurred. "The incident involved a gun, and the gun was actually fired in my apartment. I was scared for my life at that point, and I was pretty sure it was the four of them," Overby said. "I didn't feel comfortable on campus ... that's why I decided to bring it to campus." Type here to search O 9 w 9:19 PM 3/26/2021_ Winning At A\" COS\": A Case Stu X X 6 9 C' i |earn>useast-1-prod-fleet02xythos.content,blackboardcdn,com/5f3aa0f71aeGb/i667650?X-Blackboard-Expiration:16168248000008LX-Blackboard-Signature=XOtRyK5... * e 3 Winning At All Costs: A Case Study Although Lutz could not comment specically on how the community's interests are affected in this case and why the University chose to pursue this off-campus incident, she said WINNING AT ALL COSTS, 32 some cases do warrant University intervention when they involve a conict between students that does not end when students return to campus. "If the incident primarily involves students, then there would be an interest, regardless of what happens legally outside of campus. So whereas the police may or may not investigate something, the reasons for not doing so may not be related at all to the truth, it may be related to technicalities of the law." Lutz said. The Student Handbook states, "Activities of students may, upon occasion, result in violation of the law, but this in itself does not constitute basis for additional penalties by the University. However, the University may impose penalties independent of and in addition to the actions of a civil or criminal court when its own community interests are affected." Overby returned to West Rimrock this semester, and Johnstone, Land, O'Connor, and Thompson are permitted to apply for readmission to the University after the Spring 2007 ,0 Type here to search ' , 9:19 PM E: 3/25/2021 _ Winning At A\" COS\": A Case Stu X X 6 9 C' i |earn>useast-1-prod-f| * e 3 Winning At All Costs: A Case Study In 1979 the university hired a new president, Gentry Cook, a vibrant, gregarious historian from Yale. His first major decision was to shift the academic focus of the institution. Dr. Cook WINNING AT ALL COSTS, 18 made his feelings very clear to the faculty senate because of its size, the university could not be a comprehensive master's degree granting institution and continue offering quality undergraduate programs A choice had to be made. Under his guidance the faculty decided the focus should shift to providing students with an excellent undergraduate liberal arts experience. Within two years, West Rimrock went from offering more than 20 master's degrees to its current ve. It concurrently experienced a ten-percent boost in undergraduate enrollment. Dr. Cook's 20-year tenure can almost be divided into two halves. While the first half was spent refocusing West Rimrock's mission, the second half of his tenure he focused entirely on turning West Rimrock into an institution that would be renowned regionally. He centered his attention on improving all aspects of the institution, including the athletics department. Not only did he want the best chemistry professors, he also wanted a winning football team. Within a decade half that dream was realized as West Rimrock University .eamed a spot among the top- /0 Type here to search ' , ' , 9:17 PM E: 3/25/2021 _ Winning At A\" COS\": A Case Stu X X 6 9 C' i |earn>useast-1-prod-f|eet02xythos,content,blackboardcdnrom/5f3aa0f71ae6b/1667650?X-Blackboard-Expiration:16168248000008LX-Blackboard-Signature=XOtRyK5m * e 3 Winning At All Costs: A Case Study WINNING AT ALL COSTS, 32 some cases do warrant University intervention when they involve a conict between students that does not end when students return to campus. "If the incident primarily involves students, then there would be an interest, regardless of what happens legally outside of campus. So whereas the police may or may not investigate something, the reasons for not doing so may not be related at all to the truth, it may be related to technicalities of the law,\" Lutz said. The Student Handbook states, "Activities of students may, upon occasion, result in violation of the law, but this in itself does not constitute basis for additional penalties by the University. However, the University may impose penalties independent of and in addition to the actions of a civil or criminal court when its own community interests are affected." Overby returned to West Rimrock this semester, and Johnstone, Land, O'Connor, and Thompson are permitted to apply for readmission to the University after the Spring 2007 semester, 9:19 PM 3/25/2021 ,0 Type here to search El _ Winning At A\" COS\": A Case Stu X X 6 9 C' i |earn>useast-1-prod-f|eet02xythos.content,blackboardcdn,com/5f3aa0f71ae6b/1667650?X-Blackboard-Expiration:16168248000008LX-Blackboard-Signature=XOtRyK5... * e 3 Winning At All Costs: A Case Study ranked universities. Shortly thereafter, he announced the tennis teams would no longer compete at the NCAA Division I level. The tennis teams would join the remainder of the athletics department and compete at the Division III level (cf. Appendix A). The move freed money that had been going to individual athletes and distributed those funds among the other sport teams. It is important to note that since the decision to drop from NCAA Division I athletics in 1972 the university experienced 20 plus years of athletics mediocrity. Dr. Cook understood that if his plan was to work three things had to happen: 1) he needed to hire the right person to guide the athletics department, 2) that person could not come from within, and 3) he had to hire someone with a reputation for caring about academic success. WINNING AT ALL COSTS, 19 Dr. Cook found this individual and William Frederickson was hired as the director of athletics in 1994. Frederickson was young, but he already had an impressive resume. He experienced success both as a collegiate athlete and more recently as the director of athletics at ,0 Type here to search i , ' , 9:17 PM E: 3/25/2021 Homework Help - Q&A from On Bb Winning At All Costs: A Case Stu( X X - C o Winning At All Costs: A Case Study 3 / 16 - 100% + his alma mater. But most importantly, Frederickson was a firm believer in the Division III model, that is, the student truly comes first in the term student-athlete (NCAA, 2009). Frederickson brought a new attitude to the department and things began to improve almost immediately. Within five years of his hire, the department won more than 30 conference titles and many sports competed in their respective NCAA post-season events for the first time in school history. During that same time span 12 athletes received coveted NCAA post-graduate scholarships. The scholarships afforded students the opportunity to pursue degrees in medicine, law, and economics among others. As a result, the institution was gaining a positive reputation nationally for a place that balanced athletic and academic success. Furthermore, the grade point averages, retention rates, and graduation rates for student-athletes, which previously had been well below that of the general student body, began to rise. In fact, at the end of his seventh year, the grade point average for athletes eclipsed that of the general student population for the first time in school history. Frederickson was clearly succeeding in his mission to create winning teams and to graduate successful students. In his last act as president, Dr. Cook worked with William Frederickson to create the West Rimrock University Athletics Hall-of-Fame. The reason for creating the Hall-of-Fame was straightforward. For too long, athletes from the scholarship era had disassociated themselves from the institution. Dr. Cook needed a way re-engage them, both for economic and political reasons. As a result, the first Hall-of-Fame class, which consisted of athletes exclusively from Type here to search O W 9:17 PM 3/26/2021_ Winning At A\" COS\": A Case Stu X X 6 9 C' i |earn>useast-1-prod-f|eet02xythos.content,blackboardcdn,com/5f3aa0f71aeGb/l667650?X-Blackboard-Expiration:16168248000008LX-Blackboard-Signature=XOtRyK5m * e 3 Winning At All Costs: A Case Study reasons, As a result, the first Hall-ofFame class, which consisted of athletes exclusively from WINNING AT ALL COSTS, 20 the scholarship era, was inducted in 1999. Understanding the importance of not alienating any constituent group, the rst class of 10 honorees consisted of 2 football players, 2 coaches, 4 tennis players, and 1 athlete from both trap and skeet and men's basketball, respectively. It was during the creation and development of the West Rimmck Athletics Hall-of-Fame that Mr. Frederickson came to understand the importance of keeping both internal and external stakeholders happy. That lesson, though, would soon be challenged. Dilemma The football team had been to the national semi-nals during the 2007 and 2008 campaigns, but both times they had to travel across the country to play the game and lost. The 2009 season was different; it had been one for the ages. West Rimrock's quarterback, Phil Johnstone, was leading the nation in four different passing categories and they were the highest scoring team in the country. They boasted a receiving core that was ranked near the top in three different statistical categories, ,0 Type here to search i , ' , 9:18 PM E: 3/25/2021 Homework Help - Q&A from On Bb Winning At All Costs: A Case Stu( X X - C o Winning At All Costs: A Case Study 4 / 16 100% + In another stroke of good fortune, St. Sebastian's upset victory over Reveille College meant that West Rimrock was able to host the national semi-final game. West Rimrock's football team could not have played better as they ended up defeating St. Sebastian by three touchdowns. The margin of victory was so large that many players who did not normally play were able to get into the game and play meaningful minutes. West Rimrock would be playing in the nationally televised NCAA Division III championship game the next weekend. The game had started at noon and since there was no travel involved for West Rimrock, the football team, the fans, and the university community were ready to celebrate the victory in style. West Rimrock University's Director of Athletics, William Frederickson sat at his desk early the next cold December morning. This should have been the happiest day of his tenure, he WINNING AT ALL COSTS, 21 thought. The football team, who less than 15 years ago had not won a single game, just defeated powerhouse St. Sebastian in the national semi-finals. West Rimrock's football team was headed to Virginia to play for NCAA Division III national championship for the first time in school history. Yet instead of elation, Mr. Frederickson was distraught about the information he Type here to search O 9 w 9:18 PM 3/26/2021_ Winning At A\" COS\": A Case Stu X X 6 9 C' i |earn>useast-1-prod-fleet02xythos.content,blackboardcdn,com/5f3aa0f71aeGb/l667650?X-Blackboard-Expiration:16168248000008LX-Blackboard-Signature=XOtRyK5... * e 3 Winning At All Costs: A Case Study received less than an hour before. The problem began shortly after 11 pm, when Phil J ohnstone placed a call to his quarterback coach. He said that he was at the Grand Canal, the town's tourist area, and needed some help. Assistant Coach Jeff Granderson, who had been the starting quarterback for West Rimrock just three years before, jumped into his car and drove downtown to help his star player. By the time Coach Granderson found his quarterback, a city police ofcer was placing Phil under arrest for drunk and disorderly conduct. Coach Granderson, while attempting to reason with the police ofcer, was also handcuffed and subsequently charged with resisting arrest and interfering with the duties of a public servant. Phil and Coach Granderson spent the night in jail and after paying the fines for their respective misdemeanor charges, were released the next day at 5 am. As William Frederickson sat in his ofce after receiving news of the incident (see Appendix B), he pondered his choices. The rst option was simply to take no action at all. The issue did not occur on university grounds and should therefore not be under the purview of university regulations. .Although Phil and Jeff Granderson had been arrested and charged with misdemeanors, they paid their nes and though they now had a criminal record, each owed no further debt to society. Should their actions be scrutinized by the athletics department though? After all, it is commonly held that an athlete represents the university at all times. Even though NCAA Division HI athletes do not receive recompense for their athletic ability, they still enjoy ,0 Type here to search i , ' , 9:18 PM E: 3/25/2021 Homework Help - Q&A from On Bb Winning At All Costs: A Case Stu( X X - C a Winning At All Costs: A Case Study 6 / 16 - 100% + numerous benefits and privileges associated with participation. And what about the case of Coach Granderson? As a university employee should he be punished for his participation in the situation? These questions led Mr. Frederickson to consider a second choice more thoughtfully. As he viewed it, the second option was to treat the two cases as separate and different events. Coach Granderson was, after all, a university employee and as such his behavior directly reflected upon the institution. What would it say about the moral character of West Rimrock if Coach Granderson were allowed to be on the sidelines during the national championship game on Saturday? As for Phil, he violated team rules and was later arrested at the Grand Canal, the busiest, most visible part of the city. Maybe he should be punished differently than Coach Granderson? Besides prohibiting Coach Granderson from coaching on Saturday, Mr. Frederickson also considered suspending Phil for the first quarter of the game. Doing so would send a strong statement to all stakeholders that the university took seriously its mission to develop the whole person. Another consideration was that in making this choice Mr. Frederickson would not be jeopardizing the team's chances to win the school's first ever NCAA Division III national championship. Winning a national championship would bring much positive publicity to the university. Perhaps that positive press would turn into greater alumni giving. Furthermore, the win might aid in the recruitment process of future West Rimrock students (Goff, 2000). Mr. Frederickson thought about his history at the institution and reflected upon both his personal and Type here to search O 9 W 9:18 PM 3/26/2021Homework Help - Q&A from On Bb Winning At All Costs: A Case Stu( X X - C o Winning At All Costs: A Case Study 7 / 16 | 100% + the university's espoused values. He was hired by President Cook both to create a winning athletics program and to ensure West Rimrock graduates would be well rounded and capable of making positive contributions to society. WINNING AT ALL COSTS, 23 This knowledge and deep understanding of President Cook's philosophy led Mr. Frederickson to consider a third option. Prior to making the decision, however, Mr. Frederickson, conducted a thorough review of the NCAA Division III philosophy (see Appendix A), West Rimrock's faculty/staff handbook (see Appendix C) and student handbook (see Appendix D). After researching the documents, Mr. Frederickson felt confident that current policy would affirm his decision. He knew the verdict would not be popular, but he first wanted to ensure it could not be challenged from a legal standpoint. Mr. Frederickson felt that it is the institution's job to teach principles and he believed that decisions made by the institution should not be free from value judgments. By choosing to suspend both Phil and Coach Jeff Granderson, Mr. Frederickson was sending a strong message about how all members of the athletics department, both coaches and players, should represent themselves. Type here to search O w 9:18 PM 3/26/2021

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