Selve the folloning problens waing Word, Project and Eworl spreadshert. Sesion C lecluedes Benus questians if you have estra time. The tatal errdit miab bena added will not euceed 40 points. A. Preject Managemeaf- 25pt 1. (3 p0) The work trealdown sinaitur (WBSy for belding a botae (lrveb 1 and 2) is shown below: a) Add two level 3 activities to each of be level 2 actinities to prowide more detail to the WHS b) Select one of your leiel 3 activities ad ald twolevel-4 activitien below it. 2. (10 pe) Task time estimutes for the modifiction of an asenbly line at fim Goodale's Cartoedsle. Illinois fuctury are as follow: a) Draw the project setwork wing AON. b) Lientify the cericical peth (Liar the ES LF LS LI and alack time for exh activily? c) What is the expocied pregect length? 3. (12 pe) Kelle Capet and Trim installs carper in sommencial offices. Peder Kelle has been very concerned with the amount of time it rodk is complase keveral recent jobs. Some of his workers are very unseliable. A lit of activites and their epeimstic completion time, the anost likely completion tias, and the pewimidis cumpletion time (all in angs) for a secw contrat are given in the following lable: a) Determine the expected conipletion time anf varince fot each actify. b) Determine the total peoject ceempletina tine and the critical path for the project. c) Determine ES, EF, LS, L. and slack for eich activily. d) What is the peobubility that Kelle Capper and Trim will fiaist the peoject in 40 days or less? Selve the folloning problens waing Word, Project and Eworl spreadshert. Sesion C lecluedes Benus questians if you have estra time. The tatal errdit miab bena added will not euceed 40 points. A. Preject Managemeaf- 25pt 1. (3 p0) The work trealdown sinaitur (WBSy for belding a botae (lrveb 1 and 2) is shown below: a) Add two level 3 activities to each of be level 2 actinities to prowide more detail to the WHS b) Select one of your leiel 3 activities ad ald twolevel-4 activitien below it. 2. (10 pe) Task time estimutes for the modifiction of an asenbly line at fim Goodale's Cartoedsle. Illinois fuctury are as follow: a) Draw the project setwork wing AON. b) Lientify the cericical peth (Liar the ES LF LS LI and alack time for exh activily? c) What is the expocied pregect length? 3. (12 pe) Kelle Capet and Trim installs carper in sommencial offices. Peder Kelle has been very concerned with the amount of time it rodk is complase keveral recent jobs. Some of his workers are very unseliable. A lit of activites and their epeimstic completion time, the anost likely completion tias, and the pewimidis cumpletion time (all in angs) for a secw contrat are given in the following lable: a) Determine the expected conipletion time anf varince fot each actify. b) Determine the total peoject ceempletina tine and the critical path for the project. c) Determine ES, EF, LS, L. and slack for eich activily. d) What is the peobubility that Kelle Capper and Trim will fiaist the peoject in 40 days or less