Sensitivity Analysis In sheet "Data table \& scenario manager", after you have followed the course videos to create one-input data table and two-input data table, on the same page, create another two-input data table as a sensitivity analysis. We want to see how purchasing.price and tax rate together affect after-tax income. Use a two-input data table to show After-tax income as a function of purchasing price ($5,$6,13) and tax rate (30%,32%,40%). Sensitivity Analysis for this business model. 1. Uhe one-inpet daus able Report tealts of Revenue and Afteritax income as a fanction of Namber of anits 10ld(10,30,100). 2. Use two-iaput dats tables Report revulis of After-tax inceene as a function of Number of units sold. (10, 20, 100) and rales price (\$6, 57, $15). Scenario Analysis for this business model. Penimistic H of units sold 30, Sales price 310 , Purchue price $9, ax rate 40%. Report the summary retults for Revenee and Afeer-ax income. Sensitivity Analysis In sheet "Data table \& scenario manager", after you have followed the course videos to create one-input data table and two-input data table, on the same page, create another two-input data table as a sensitivity analysis. We want to see how purchasing.price and tax rate together affect after-tax income. Use a two-input data table to show After-tax income as a function of purchasing price ($5,$6,13) and tax rate (30%,32%,40%). Sensitivity Analysis for this business model. 1. Uhe one-inpet daus able Report tealts of Revenue and Afteritax income as a fanction of Namber of anits 10ld(10,30,100). 2. Use two-iaput dats tables Report revulis of After-tax inceene as a function of Number of units sold. (10, 20, 100) and rales price (\$6, 57, $15). Scenario Analysis for this business model. Penimistic H of units sold 30, Sales price 310 , Purchue price $9, ax rate 40%. Report the summary retults for Revenee and Afeer-ax income