Several markek participants interact in developed markets to organize the exchange of funds from buyers to sallers. 5 uch institutions as inveitment banks, commerciai banks, financial services corporations, credit unions, pension funds, life insurance companies, mutual funds, exchange traded fund5, hedge funds, and private equity companies play a key role in facilitating these transfers. Identify the financial institution based on each description given in the following table: 11. Financial institutions Several market participants interact in developed markets to organize the exchange of funds from buyers to sellers. Such institution banks, commercial banks, financial services corporations, credit unions, pension funds, life insurance companies, mutual funds, funds, hedge funds, and private equity companles play a key role in facilitating these transfers. Identify the financial institution based on each description given in the following table: Financial Institution Description These financial conglomerates provide a range of services, such as investment banking, commercial banking, and financial advising. These are financial intermediaries that share the financial risk of the untimely demise of their policyholders, who make regular payments to financial intermediaries for taking this risk. They are a pool of assets that trade like stocks on an exchange. They track a group of stocks, such as all stocks in an index or stocks of companies in emerging markets. ial services corporations, credit unions, pension funds, life insurance companies, mutua and private equity companies play a key role in facilitating these transfers. funds, hedge funds, and private equity com Identify the financial institution based on each description given in the following table: Several market participants interact in developed markets to organize the ex banks, commercial banks, financial services corporations, credit unlons, pensionfunds, life funds, hedge funds, and private equity companies play a key role in facilitating these transfers. Identify the financial institution based on each description given in the following table: Financial Institution Description These financial conglomerates provide a range of services, such as investment banking, commercial banking, and financial advising. These are financial intermediaries that share the financial risk of the untimely demise of their policyholders, who make regular payments to financial intermediaries for taking this riski They are a pool of assets that trade like stocks on an exchange. They track a group of stocks, such as all stocks in an index or stocks of companies in emerging markets