Shane Holler project 3 part 1 (Compatibility Mode]- Exe LE HOME INSERT PAGE LAYOUT FORMULAS DATA REVIEW VIEW General ste Format Painter B 1 u? ?A- ??? ?Merge & Center , $ . % , 282 condition Formatting Clipboard Font Alignment Number Xf Submission 2 (12 points)- due Tuesday April 17 before 5pm- You must submit your complete Submission 2 (12 points)- due Tuesday April 17 before 5pm- You must submit your completed Bonds portion of the financining options tab and the Bonds portion of the partial balance sheets and the bonds formulas tab completed. Your file must be named correctly - "Your name (first and last) Project 3 part 2. Failure to name your file correctly will result in a 1 point deduction Submission 3 (12 points)- due Tuesday April 24 before 5pm - You must submit your total excel file with the equity option section of the financing options worksheet tab completed, the equity option section of the partial balance sheets tab completed, the ratios tab ompleted, the choice and reasons tab completed, and the balance sheet and ratios formula tabs completed. Your file must be named correctly- "Your name (first and last) Project 3 part 3. Failure to name your file correctly will result in a 1 point deduction 10 Failure to use formulas for all of the project will result in points being deducted. If y 11 and don't use formulas you will NOT get full credit Because you will need to complete Part 1 to be able to complete Part 2 and complete Parts 1 & 2 to complete Part 3 you may earn partial credit for a Part of the Project that you did NOT submit in a timely fashion when you submit the subsequernt part of the project For example, f you do not complete and submit Part 1 of the project by the due date you will lose the 9 points allocated to that part of the project If you complete that part of the project and submit t along with your completed Part 2 of the project in Project Information pctb sset aquistions s planned dep'n financing options worksheet