Calculating Avogadro's Number (Model f Cimic Molecales): In this model we will assume that the shape of each malecele of eetyl aloobot is in the shape of a cube. This will allow for the calculatine of the volume of the molecule, ab we eas annume that cach vile lesegth of the cube is equal fir tho thickness. Votume of & Molecale of Cety A A sotol (vp)b. Number of Molecesten in the Moologe (M=V/V) : Number of Moles in the Moodsyer in 24250gmm ). Avogutro's Number (aumber of molecstei in 1 mole, No N M an): Calculating Avogadro's Number (Model 2 Rectirgalar Pricm Molecules): Is this modti we will ssume that the shape of each molesele of seryl alcohal is in tee sape of a rectangular geim as seen below. This will agan allow for the eatculatice of the volame of the molesule froat its thickness, awpening that heipht is cqual to thicknes, aad both ieeth and width are equal to one fith the thicknes. This model woold be moer accurate based on ia beies. cloner to the actual shape of cetyl alochol. Volame of a Molecule of Cety Alsobol [v * ele5) (V:5)]: Number of Molecules in the Monoley (M =V/v ) Nuaber of Moles in the Moeolayer (nm242.80g inol) Avotadro's Number (namber of molseeles in 1 mole, No0M ): Data Table: Medicine Dropper Calibration: Calculations (please show work on calculation page of the lab): Volume of Cetyl Alcohol Solution Used to Make the Monolayer: Concentration of Cetyl Alcohol-Hexane Solution (from bottle): 1.0810.4 Mass of Pure Cetyl Alcobol in Monolayer ( m ): Density of Pure Cetyl Alcohol (D): 0.818gcm3 Volume of Pure Cetyl Alcohol (V=m/D) : Area of Monolayer (A=d2/4) : Thickness of Monolayer (t=V/A) : Calculating Avogadro's Number (Model f Cimic Molecales): In this model we will assume that the shape of each malecele of eetyl aloobot is in the shape of a cube. This will allow for the calculatine of the volume of the molecule, ab we eas annume that cach vile lesegth of the cube is equal fir tho thickness. Votume of & Molecale of Cety A A sotol (vp)b. Number of Molecesten in the Moologe (M=V/V) : Number of Moles in the Moodsyer in 24250gmm ). Avogutro's Number (aumber of molecstei in 1 mole, No N M an): Calculating Avogadro's Number (Model 2 Rectirgalar Pricm Molecules): Is this modti we will ssume that the shape of each molesele of seryl alcohal is in tee sape of a rectangular geim as seen below. This will agan allow for the eatculatice of the volame of the molesule froat its thickness, awpening that heipht is cqual to thicknes, aad both ieeth and width are equal to one fith the thicknes. This model woold be moer accurate based on ia beies. cloner to the actual shape of cetyl alochol. Volame of a Molecule of Cety Alsobol [v * ele5) (V:5)]: Number of Molecules in the Monoley (M =V/v ) Nuaber of Moles in the Moeolayer (nm242.80g inol) Avotadro's Number (namber of molseeles in 1 mole, No0M ): Data Table: Medicine Dropper Calibration: Calculations (please show work on calculation page of the lab): Volume of Cetyl Alcohol Solution Used to Make the Monolayer: Concentration of Cetyl Alcohol-Hexane Solution (from bottle): 1.0810.4 Mass of Pure Cetyl Alcobol in Monolayer ( m ): Density of Pure Cetyl Alcohol (D): 0.818gcm3 Volume of Pure Cetyl Alcohol (V=m/D) : Area of Monolayer (A=d2/4) : Thickness of Monolayer (t=V/A)