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Warehouse Order Picking Market Sue, Share I Trends Anajysis Report By Solutions (Paper-baned, Barcode Scanning lRHD Fickingi), By Deployment (Onpramise, Cloud), By Application, By Region, Ans Segment Fenteats, 2019 - 2005 The gobal warebose order pioking maket sias was vilted at USO 5.34 blion in 2018 and is expected to grow at a conipound amuial groes rate (CAGF) of 10.2% from 2019 to 2025. The ragid development of the econmence indertry, which has led to the emerpence of orser fumtment conlen wostaise, is the koy factor thing the market growh. The growing prelerence amoog warehouse cumess to incerporate automation ts anficipatiod to boost the deployment of arser tiritnent systems. Furthemone. the globultation of supply chain networks is enpeced to majpey contrbule to the increasing adoption of iting technologies among warehouse operation. The order picking peocess is reponed to acoent for ses5s of the totat warehouse operasing covt in recent yeur. the warehouse indaty has underyone a paradigen shift from traditional matrual ifing methods to ienientomased sechnologies that require lesser bobor force. Among the various capabiltes cofered by onder picking syutemk, attributes such as roducod marpinal leing enon, horesaded prodidivily. and resucod labor 8 traning cost are expectod to play a pietal mele in ther adopton. in asstion, these Ine. This is expectod to encourage the adoption ef pideng thechiliquet in warehouses. Warehouse and ditribution centers ase essertal atributes of commodiy thorage and maintenance worlbwide. Wit the rapid gobaltation of the economy, logistics and transportation tuts, trom where cooss berder businestes supply poods ant gaining prominence. Waretouse and didribution conters momesent the cphtalization of plobalized capialist production processes under thest condions; their ablijy to fural customes' varing requiremerts and to wod we mullele supplers along various ditribuson chamels are enoouraging ens-ewe srgmiatons ts aboge tochnologies toe improviting their supply chain manogement processes. As a mosult of this, the ooder ifting systems are projected to gin traction over the forecant period Some of the growg consemt faced by enture induties in the manspement of a warehouse incude on-tine akipmenta, adovesing siltate, and maintaing the average warehous capacty. To calor to these ropurenent. grominet players in the orser picking industry are louncting systems that leverspe the latest fechnologies to oase the ifting operations. The growing trend of incoporating Bly Dasa and Attifial Interligence (MN) is also expected to provide opporunties to makat plapens in the coming yeur. Voice-drected picking involves the wse of Al is actively listen to the intructor: voice for commands such as whece the syten is dieded bo plok tems frem as well as to provide accuracy of inventory management recorth. Oow of the biggest chalbnges in he effecie inplenertaten of onser picaing sstams is the lack of know how among operatprs. This nesuls in flwer processed orders and horeased response time, consequently hanpering the oweral productivity. Another challenge is hiring siblied postersionals that aw trained by industy eaperts, which employ protessionals with apperprime sidil seti for operating tectnologes that require to the dentination, are expected to hinder the muket gowh for wanhouse ordhe picting Solutions insights Solutions insights The warehouse order picking market has been segmented based on solufons into baccode scanningPPFID picking. papes based, and others. The barcode scanning RRFID picking segment accounted for the largest rerenum thare in 20tB and is expected to conthue dominating the market cwer the forecast period. This can be sttrbulled to the various teatures cftered by thete scanring tigs, including their ablilty to scan the code moented on product maintained in the imvertiory wth greater acouracy and eate of using the scarners. The tags are abo deployed for tracking inventory shrinkage and resueng product counterteiting Conbemporary tochnology toldons such as voice-drected. Aucrenled Rewicy (AR) and fick-to-light have been included in the "pthers" calegpory. These solutions, abhough in their nascent stage at the moment, are expected io withest signiceart groeth, exhbiting a CAGR of close to 2OWS ever the hexe six years. These tolusion dim to provide havigaton foclises to the employees in warehouses without amy hassle of dasa inputting scaneing. and notethiog. For intance, AF-based tochnology is a combination of voioe and visionbased order picking selutont. The tochnology uses smart glasses to peondibe vintat mages and belps to improve the speed of ogerafions and accuracy. Deployment insights Based on deployment, the market for warehouse onder pioking has been dassified into doud and on-premise. The cloud sogreent is anticioased bo witnets significant growth cover the nox six years. This is due la the fact that a mavorify of the cperations levolving conterngorary technologies such as woice-based and peck-lo-lgte are cartied out with the hevp of cloud solutions. These tolufons ase desianth to hels campanies track theiv logisties in coal-bime and rosuce the magein of ense, thereby impeoving the eqticlency and productivey of the warehoustes. Cloud schtions ate also deployed in medum and targe wastehouses that use advanced RofiD picking techniques for miriming the Luraround time. The con-premise segmect serpurted for a simnificant reversus thate of the botal market. Tradisongl ontor pichire secheiques such as barcode scanning and paper-barsod picking are eperated within the premises at these solutiont roguite manaal labor for inventory hangling. Furtheromore. smal- and megum-sired businesses preler low budget operabons, owing to which they deploy cost-effectire solutions in theie warehouse. This is contributing to the growth of the market for warehouse order picking. Application Insights Based on appication, the manet for warehouse ceder picking has been segregated into construction; maridacturng; rotal: e-commerce; heathcare, pharma, and cotmetics: transportation \& logstics, ahd cthers. The e-commerce begvent is projected to witness the fastest growth over the neat six years. The unprecedented growth of the ecommerce industry has led to a rise in the number of distritertion certers. This can be attreuted to the fact that fultiment 3echologies are cacable of frocesting orders with leaser travel fimie and increased ascuracy. Thus, e-commerce wovehoule opedaton are stiting toward incerporasing theste technologied in their premited The manufacturing segment dominated the markst for warehguse oriber pickang in 20+B, a tund which is proiected to cantiue dver the hexl six years. The riking concem of the industry for chole tme reduchans, movirg iete smalles lot sites. and poim-ct-use dehvery is expleted to highly oontribute to the revenue share of this market. Furthermoce. the emprging loreign trade activitens are expecbed to cotaribute is the deploymesh of aoluticns in the trarspcetaton and logivics warenouses where the shigrtents are sagred. Thub. the transportation and logistics segment is antipated to capture a sighifieant revenue shate in the markit. Fuegional Insights North Amenca was the dominant market for warehouse order picking in 2018. High adoption of order fulfement fochnologies by industries operatieg majorty in e-commerve. manutacturing, and neal is expected to boost the marked share of North America. in addion, the presence of a large number of significant order picking solution prowders. induding American Elooote and AFH and SalesWap, is cortibutiog 15 Ene market gowti. The U.S. hass emerged as the second-largest market for e-commerte gobaly. after China. thus dring the demand lor warehouse order picking soluboos in the courtry's e-commerce sector. The Asiat Pacific market is projected lo grow at the highest rate with an estimaled CACA of cver 10 th over the forecast period. The growth cas be attribuled to the increasing tedal and e-comperce sales as weol as rapid digitalqation in the indertry. Furthemere, the Aavi-growirg logivtes industry, manutacarang secter, and favorable policiet promating factarn infuancing the groweh of the market in this regiat Owing to the wede fressence of Ioneign trade and coline retal sales in China, the country/s transport arel logstlictindustry is anticipated of fourish. beading to an increbting demared for amstemaled warehoube orded picking solutiona over the forecast period Key Ceenpanies b. Market Share Insights New product taunches. rrerpers 8 asquistions, and Gollaborations see some of the business btraleges adepted by bey playwer for business ospansiter. For intance. in Fobruary 2019. KNAPP AG parthered awh a conflgurator of the modular design syshem. VCEA to optmize its sacaye and distribstion processes using KNAPP AB's automotion solution. This new system is schoduled to oonmenoe its operation in dugust 2019. Moreover, in May 2015, AESR entered lito a strategic aliance with RUNN ROFID to inoorporate the latter's system with UHF RFID and cloud. The inleriation erabled the compary to stockple, mansge, and share its RCFID-based data via the intemet Some of the prominene plaryars in the wayehouse order pickong market include. - Sandersan - Barendes. Inc - KNAPPAR - Bassian solutione inc. - ABkR - CC Sotware lie Segments covered in the report This report forecasts fevenut growst at the global, regonat, and coumtry levis and provides ath analysis of the lakest indusiry lends in each of the sub-segments form 2014 to zods. For the purpese of this study, Grand View Research has segmented the plotal warehouse erder gicking market rogert based on actutions, deploymerth, acplication, and region. - Solutions Outlook (Revenoe, USD Milion, 2014 - 2thzs) - Paper-based - Barcode scanringRFID picking - Others - Deployment Outiook (Revenue, USD Milion, 2014 - 20as) * On-premite - Cioud - Application Outiook (Revenue, USD Mitlion, 2014-2025) * Construction - Mancfasturing - Retail * E-commerce * Hrathcare. Pharma s Coermelics - Transportation 8 Logintics * Ohers - Region Qutiook (Revenue. USD Mition. 2014-2025) - North America U.S. - Cahada - Europe - Euroge o Genvary - Asia Pacfic - China 4 lindia - Latin America Brazil a Mexico * Middle East 8 Adrica Cuestions: 1. How big is the warehouse orter picking marke? 2. What is the warehouse coder picking market growei? 3. Which segment accounted for the laggest warehouse order picking martef shace? 4. Who are the key companieslplayers in warehouse onder picking market? 5. What are the Sactors driving the warehouse order picking markec