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EPS and merger terms Cleveland Copporation is interested in acouring Leais Tool Company by swapping 0.39 shace of its shock for each ahare of Lewis stock. Certain financial daea on these comparies are given in the following table, Cleveland has sufficiont authorzed but unissuod shares fo carry out the proposed mesger. a. How many now shares of stock wil Cleveland have to issue to mave the propesed mergen? b. If the earnings for each firm remain unchanged, what will the postmerger earnings per share be? c. How much, effectively, thas beon lost for each of the original shares of Lewa slock? d. How much, effectively, has besn earred on bohat of each of the orignal shares of Cleveland Corporation's stock? a. The number of new shares of stock Cleveland will have to issue to make the proposed marger is staves. (Round to the nearest whole number) b. If the eamings foc eachifirm temain unchanged, the post-merger eamings per shace wil be 5 (Round to the nearest cent.) 0. The ansounk, esectively, that has been lost for each of the criginal ahares of Lewis stock is 3 (Rround to the nearest cent.) d. The amount, emectively, that has been eamed on bohalf of oach of eve original shares of Cirveland Corporabin's stock is 5 (Round to the nearest cint) rger terms Cleveland Corporation is interested in acquiring Lewis Tool Company by swapping 0.39 share of its stock for eac re given in the following table. Cleveland has sufficient authorized but unissued shares to carry out the proposed mergar y new shares of stock will Cleveland have to issue to make the proposed merger? nings for each firm remain unchanged, what will the postmerger eamings per share be? hh, effectively, has been lost for each of the original shares of Lewis stock? Data table (Click on the icon located on the top-right comer of the data table below in order to copy its contents into a spreadsheet.)