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solve the question 2 in the picture below Where are the copyrights of ideas and features created with open source? INTERACTIVESESSION TECHNOLOGY Open Source lmoration.

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Where are the copyrights of ideas and features created with open source?
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INTERACTIVESESSION TECHNOLOGY Open Source lmoration. The New Competitie Advantage Open Source Innovation: The New Competitive Advantage Open source software is compater software whose advrrtining, image clasification, machine translation, source code is distriluted freely and can be modi- and optical churacter recogrifion. ThddlePaddle's core fied by anyone. The open noertn movrment ntartod lieraries are writien in C++ for apend, and it ia scalas a response to the high oost of, and restrictiotan on, able to a large number of ClWis or GrUa on multiple ptoptietary software. Initially, open sosirce softweare machines. was created and maintained by communities of users. fn Lob0, Baillu male a rirw foolkit for quatntum In the late 2010s, a new trend arose: companies. able on Cihheb. Padlle Qouanturn is dealigned oo bo bevan to release their proprictary software as open . ised to builh and train quantum neural networkx. tion, aimed to increase the pace of innovation by _hancel feutures for the Paldleladile framework, relying on asers for new ideas and featuess intead . which as now being msed by mote than 1.9 matlion of funt relying on a small, internal group doine FerD. developers at 14.000 buaineserh. This matked a dramatie shaft in mindset, from come A similar enample oomes frum tech giant Fujitaa, a peting based on propirictary intellectual property . loading lapanese mulhinational information and com(such as patents of copyriahts) to competing thruche masicathon tnehmolosy compatyy employing 130,000 opening up and sharing. Two prominent ecampies of emplogees ia mote than 100 countries. The company open inncwation are Raidu and Fujieke. fecosnined thut it was cratioal for it to move from its Based in China, Baidu is the leading oearch ea-. tradithonal peodocts and mervices to the lnternet and gine compary in China and the fourth-moet wisited the chool, and this droce it toorard opein mousce. aite in the world. It is often dubbed the "Coogle of One of the epportunities iatentised by Fujitsu was China." Beaides its cote search servioes, Bailu effres mulrecloud emvinonmenta. Cloud services officrod by commanity clowd servioes, an online vidoo plutform, phoviders atach as Amanne and IRA! have diflerent maps, takeout delivery, online and mobile payments, acocas methods and billins aystems, and they lack a took the IT world by surjrise, Bajdu feleased the the Open Service Catalos Manaber (OScM9, open aokiroe codn and documentation for its AI sottwate, source softwane based en Fujitstis Systemwalker which had taken three years to develops on the open cloud mervice pooviders bo list and mamage their sersource development platform Gutltub. vices and also enables cusbomers so get integtated Paddleladdle is a framework based on decp loare- billing from diferent poowilere OocM has been certiing, a promising fleld in machine loarning and Al. fod by Openseack and can be intergated with various It develops algorithms from huge amounts of data sersice prowilers sech as Amawn Web Services and inputs by inferring patterns and using sopltisticated . Microsott Anume. Fujitsu thas created an indastry. elassifying and predictive capahalities. It alio napports whle, wendor-eratral epen acource platiorm for delivnearal network architectares, sich as convolational ering eloud servicek. and recurrent neural retworis. Today, Paddlefladele . Beth Raider and Fujitsu used a non-traditional appowers mare than 30 of Raidu'k oflline and entine preach to enhance inanevations and peoduct dirvilopproducta and servicies, used across a variety od lindus- meat in thelr oomenpalies. Hailu wanted to leep up tries, including finarce and healthcase. For Baidu's with other ghobal tech giants who mete alreatly releastakeout busineiss, for example, it calculases the time ins their Al colle, such as Facebooks Torch toolkit for food to reach customers. It is alto the bealrs and Goorble's Brasoeflow, Bestides a competive nebehind speech transcription in Chinese, translis- cosaity, this mas also an artempe to accesss and attract for smartphone spoech interfaces. Ocher examples the trend of Al ptotensionals increasingly conceinof functionality supportend by it are seanch rankine. tratime in a fem dihal comparnies that are becoening an open source stratery because keeping its softrare meot solutions proprietary was no longer wery profitahte In addition. it rualined that thrae was mach mreater scope for innovation and expansion with the participation of the commanity. Finally, it was an opportunity for Flajitse to pioneer a platform and develop nem cempetemdes without a lot of investment In addition to the many eipected bencfits, such as lower cost and faster pace of innovation, both Baidu and Fujitin enjoyed many anexpected benefts. Aaidu's undertaking became the sgrituboatd for AI innovation in China, opening the doot to a variety of deeplearning applications in all facets et mociety, wuch as buaines, heatibeare, and transporta. ticin. Fujitsu became the partner of chowce for venders uxing OCSM and compantirs such as lmage Ware CASE STUDY QUESTIONS 1. What is open source software? Hone is it different 16. Why dad Fariesa adope an from proptictary sottwate? Hose did Pujitsa benofit ft 2. What motivated Baida to maloe its Al nothwate open soutce? llowe did Plakdu benefit frum open sourcing? HTML was otiginally designed to create and linl static documents cotmposod lafgely of text. Today, howevez, the web is mach mote social and interactive. and many web papes have multimedia elements-lmages, audio, and video Alditional programming weas required to integrate these tich media with web pages, putting strains on compputer processing. The neat evolution of HTML. called HTM1.5, solves this problent by making it possible to cmbed images, audio, video, and oeher elements directly into a document vrithout processorintensive add-ons. HIML.5 makes it casier for web pages to functioti actoss di!ferent display devices, including mokile devices as well as desktopr, and it supports the storage of data offline for appes that rum ever the web. Javabeript is another core techriology for maling wreb poges mone interactive. The vast majority of webaites use JavaScript foe clientaide page behavior, and all major web browsers have a builbin JavaScripe engine to execube it very quickly. JavaScript runs very fast and is able to inseruct the compuier on how to interact with the user upon feceiving user input Other popular programming sools for web applications inchude Python and Ruby on Rails. Python is knosen for its flemibility in scaling meb applications, its ability to run on mont platforms, and its ease of use. Ruby on Rails provides a framework with sools for buIlding featute-rich wechsites. INTERACTIVESESSION TECHNOLOGY Open Source lmoration. The New Competitie Advantage Open Source Innovation: The New Competitive Advantage Open source software is compater software whose advrrtining, image clasification, machine translation, source code is distriluted freely and can be modi- and optical churacter recogrifion. ThddlePaddle's core fied by anyone. The open noertn movrment ntartod lieraries are writien in C++ for apend, and it ia scalas a response to the high oost of, and restrictiotan on, able to a large number of ClWis or GrUa on multiple ptoptietary software. Initially, open sosirce softweare machines. was created and maintained by communities of users. fn Lob0, Baillu male a rirw foolkit for quatntum In the late 2010s, a new trend arose: companies. able on Cihheb. Padlle Qouanturn is dealigned oo bo bevan to release their proprictary software as open . ised to builh and train quantum neural networkx. tion, aimed to increase the pace of innovation by _hancel feutures for the Paldleladile framework, relying on asers for new ideas and featuess intead . which as now being msed by mote than 1.9 matlion of funt relying on a small, internal group doine FerD. developers at 14.000 buaineserh. This matked a dramatie shaft in mindset, from come A similar enample oomes frum tech giant Fujitaa, a peting based on propirictary intellectual property . loading lapanese mulhinational information and com(such as patents of copyriahts) to competing thruche masicathon tnehmolosy compatyy employing 130,000 opening up and sharing. Two prominent ecampies of emplogees ia mote than 100 countries. The company open inncwation are Raidu and Fujieke. fecosnined thut it was cratioal for it to move from its Based in China, Baidu is the leading oearch ea-. tradithonal peodocts and mervices to the lnternet and gine compary in China and the fourth-moet wisited the chool, and this droce it toorard opein mousce. aite in the world. It is often dubbed the "Coogle of One of the epportunities iatentised by Fujitsu was China." Beaides its cote search servioes, Bailu effres mulrecloud emvinonmenta. Cloud services officrod by commanity clowd servioes, an online vidoo plutform, phoviders atach as Amanne and IRA! have diflerent maps, takeout delivery, online and mobile payments, acocas methods and billins aystems, and they lack a took the IT world by surjrise, Bajdu feleased the the Open Service Catalos Manaber (OScM9, open aokiroe codn and documentation for its AI sottwate, source softwane based en Fujitstis Systemwalker which had taken three years to develops on the open cloud mervice pooviders bo list and mamage their sersource development platform Gutltub. vices and also enables cusbomers so get integtated Paddleladdle is a framework based on decp loare- billing from diferent poowilere OocM has been certiing, a promising fleld in machine loarning and Al. fod by Openseack and can be intergated with various It develops algorithms from huge amounts of data sersice prowilers sech as Amawn Web Services and inputs by inferring patterns and using sopltisticated . Microsott Anume. Fujitsu thas created an indastry. elassifying and predictive capahalities. It alio napports whle, wendor-eratral epen acource platiorm for delivnearal network architectares, sich as convolational ering eloud servicek. and recurrent neural retworis. Today, Paddlefladele . Beth Raider and Fujitsu used a non-traditional appowers mare than 30 of Raidu'k oflline and entine preach to enhance inanevations and peoduct dirvilopproducta and servicies, used across a variety od lindus- meat in thelr oomenpalies. Hailu wanted to leep up tries, including finarce and healthcase. For Baidu's with other ghobal tech giants who mete alreatly releastakeout busineiss, for example, it calculases the time ins their Al colle, such as Facebooks Torch toolkit for food to reach customers. It is alto the bealrs and Goorble's Brasoeflow, Bestides a competive nebehind speech transcription in Chinese, translis- cosaity, this mas also an artempe to accesss and attract for smartphone spoech interfaces. Ocher examples the trend of Al ptotensionals increasingly conceinof functionality supportend by it are seanch rankine. tratime in a fem dihal comparnies that are becoening an open source stratery because keeping its softrare meot solutions proprietary was no longer wery profitahte In addition. it rualined that thrae was mach mreater scope for innovation and expansion with the participation of the commanity. Finally, it was an opportunity for Flajitse to pioneer a platform and develop nem cempetemdes without a lot of investment In addition to the many eipected bencfits, such as lower cost and faster pace of innovation, both Baidu and Fujitin enjoyed many anexpected benefts. Aaidu's undertaking became the sgrituboatd for AI innovation in China, opening the doot to a variety of deeplearning applications in all facets et mociety, wuch as buaines, heatibeare, and transporta. ticin. Fujitsu became the partner of chowce for venders uxing OCSM and compantirs such as lmage Ware CASE STUDY QUESTIONS 1. What is open source software? Hone is it different 16. Why dad Fariesa adope an from proptictary sottwate? Hose did Pujitsa benofit ft 2. What motivated Baida to maloe its Al nothwate open soutce? llowe did Plakdu benefit frum open sourcing? HTML was otiginally designed to create and linl static documents cotmposod lafgely of text. Today, howevez, the web is mach mote social and interactive. and many web papes have multimedia elements-lmages, audio, and video Alditional programming weas required to integrate these tich media with web pages, putting strains on compputer processing. The neat evolution of HTML. called HTM1.5, solves this problent by making it possible to cmbed images, audio, video, and oeher elements directly into a document vrithout processorintensive add-ons. HIML.5 makes it casier for web pages to functioti actoss di!ferent display devices, including mokile devices as well as desktopr, and it supports the storage of data offline for appes that rum ever the web. Javabeript is another core techriology for maling wreb poges mone interactive. The vast majority of webaites use JavaScript foe clientaide page behavior, and all major web browsers have a builbin JavaScripe engine to execube it very quickly. JavaScript runs very fast and is able to inseruct the compuier on how to interact with the user upon feceiving user input Other popular programming sools for web applications inchude Python and Ruby on Rails. Python is knosen for its flemibility in scaling meb applications, its ability to run on mont platforms, and its ease of use. Ruby on Rails provides a framework with sools for buIlding featute-rich wechsites

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