Source code: #include #include int main() { int M,N,X,Y,I,J,K; int A[20][20], B[20][20], P[20][20]; cout>M; cout>N; cout>A[I][J]; cout>X; cout>Y; cout>B[I][J]; cout AIM: Multiplication of two Matrices Description: Here A is a two dimensional array with M rows and N columns. B is also a two-dimensional array with X rows and Y columns. This algorithm multiplies these two arrays. The output of the process will be matrix P with M rows and Y columns. Algorithm: (Multiplication of two Matrices) 1. Get dimensions of Matrix- A from user i.e. MX N [Read values for Matrix-A] 2. Repeat for I = 0 to M-1 3. Repeat for ) = 0 to N-1 4. Read A[I][J] [ Get value from user ] [End of Step-3 for Loop ] [ End of Step-2 for Loop ] 5. Get dimensions of Matrix-B from user i.e. X X Y [Read values for Matrix-B ] 6. Repeat for I = 0 to X-1 7. Repeat for ) = 0 to Y-1 8. Read B[I][J] [Get value from user ] [End of Step-7 for Loop ] [ End of Step-6 for Loop ] 9. If (N + X) then Write: "Multiplication is not possible, incompatible dimensions". and exit 10. Repeat for I = 0 to M-1 11. Repeat for ) = 0 to Y-1 12. Set P[I][j] = 0 13. Repeat For K = 0 to X-1 14. Set P[1][2] = P[I][J] + A[I][K] * B[K][J] [ End of Step-13 for Loop ] [ End of Step-11 for Loop ] [ End of Step-10 for Loop] [End of If of step-9 ] 15. Print the Matrix-P 16. End