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Source: LAB (50%) Library Book Loan Report Module Seneca library system creates a daily report of the books on loan in a file in


LAB (50%) Library Book Loan Report Module

Seneca library system creates a daily report of the books on loan in a file in the following format:

Book Title comma Stock Keeping Unit Number comma Number Of Days on Loan newline 


Alice's Adventures In Wonderland,122,15 Don Quixote,100,4 Pilgrim's Progress,101,18 Robinson Crusoe,102,20 Gulliver's Travels,103,4 Tom Jones,104,6 Clarissa,105,11 Tristram Shandy,106,13 Dangerous Liaisons,107,11 Emma,108,12 Frankenstein,109,14 Nightmare Abbey,110,11 The Black Sheep,111,10 Jude the Obscure,134,12 The Charterhouse of Parma,112,2 Sybil,113,12 David Copperfield,114,16 Wuthering Heights,115,17 

Your task for this lab is to create the modules required to provide functionalities to other programmers to create on-screen reports of:

  • All the books that are on loan
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ***** Seneca Library ***** Books on Loan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Row Book title SKU loan days penalty --- ------------------------------------------------ ------- --------- ------- 1 Alice's Adventures In Wonderland 122 15 2 Don Quixote 100 4 3 Pilgrim's Progress 101 18 4.50 4 Robinson Crusoe 102 20 7.50 5 Gulliver's Travels 103 4 6 Tom Jones 104 6 7 Clarissa 105 11 8 Tristram Shandy 106 13 9 Dangerous Liaisons 107 11 10 Emma 108 12 11 Frankenstein 109 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  • All the books that are on loan and overdue to be returned
Overdue Books ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Row Book title SKU loan days penalty --- ------------------------------------------------ ------- --------- ------- 1 Pilgrim's Progress 101 18 4.50 2 Robinson Crusoe 102 20 7.50 3 David Copperfield 114 16 1.50 4 Wuthering Heights 115 17 3.00 5 The Woman in White 121 18 4.50 6 Dangerous Liaisons 107 18 4.50 7 Nostromo 137 23 12.00 8 The Brothers Karamazov 127 19 6.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  • All the books with their title containing a substring.
>>> Searching for: "The" <<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ***** Seneca Library ***** Substring search ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Row Book title SKU loan days penalty --- ------------------------------------------------ ------- --------- ------- 1 The Black Sheep 111 10 2 The Charterhouse of Parma 112 2 3 The Scarlet Letter 118 9 4 The Woman in White 121 18 4.50 5 The Way We Live Now 124 7 6 The Brothers Karamazov 127 19 6.00 7 The Portrait of a Lady 128 20 7.50 8 The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 130 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 


To accomplish this, create two modules; the Book and the Library.

The Book should hold a single record of the book on loan in the report file. The Library should hold a dynamically allocated array of books and provide the required reports.

Note: Reading and accessing the data file and populating the Modules are done by the tester program. You are not implementing any file-related code

The Book module. (The Book class)

Constant Values

Define two constant values in the Book module:

 const double PENALTY = 1.5; // Penalty in dollars for each day a book's return is overdue const int MAXLOAN = 15; // Maximum number of days to loan a book witout penalty. 

Member variables (properties)

All the member variables are private.


Title of the book; an array of 51 characters to hold a Cstring of a maximum of 50 characters.


Stock Keeping Unit number, an integer


The number of days on loan.

Member Functions (Methods)

Public Methods:


Accepts three arguments and returns void:

  • Book title: a constant Cstring for the title of the book
  • SKU Number: (integer)
  • Number of days on loan: (integer)

If the book title is not null, and not an empty string and if the SKU and number of days are greater than zero, this function will set the corresponding member variables to the values of the arguments, otherwise, it will set the Book to a safe invalid empty state. (see setEmpty() method)


This constant member function will accept nothing and return true (a boolean) if the Book is in a safe empty state and false if it is not. (See setEmpty() to see what is the condition of an empty state here)


This constant member function will accept nothing and returns true (a boolean) if thenumber of days on loanmember variable is greater than theMAXLOANconstant integer value;


The subTitle function receives a constant Cstring (a substring) and returns true if the Cstring exists within the title of the book and otherwise returns false.

For example, if the title of the book isAlice's Adventures In Wonderlandand the Cstring argument passed to the function isWond, the function returns true. However, if the Cstring isabcit should return false:

subTitle("Wond"); // returns true subTitle("abc"); // returns false. 

Hint: Use the strstr function in to accomplish this.


This constant function returns void and does not accept anything. Display prints the book's properties in the following format if the book is not in a safe empty state:

  • in 49 spaces, left-justified, prints the title
  • in 8 spaces, left-justified, prints the SKU
  • in 10 spaces, left-justified, prints the number of days on loan
  • if the book is overdue (hasPenalty) in 7 spaces, right-justified and with two digits after the decimal point, it will print the penalty. (see penalty function)
  • goes to newline.

If the book is in a safe empty state, it will print"Invalid library book"and goes to a new line

Private Methods


Returns void and receives nothing. Set the book's title to an empty Cstring and other properties to zero.


This constant method returns a double and receives nothing. The double value returned, is the product of the overdue days and thePENALTYconstant value. (overdue days = days on loan - MAXLOAN)

The Library Module

Private Member Variables (properties)


This module will hold the name of the library up to 30 characters in a Cstring of 31 characters.


A Book pointer to hold a dynamic array of Book objects.


An integer to hold the size of the dynamic array of books


An integer to keep track of the number of books that are set to valid values in the books array.

Private Member functions

void setEmpty(); 

setEmpty sets the name to an empty Cstring and all the other properties to zero and nullptr.

bool isEmpty()const; 

Returns true if the Library is in a safe invalid empty state

void header(const char* title)const; 

Prints the header of the loaned books report as follows:

  • prints dashes ('-') 78 times and goes to a new line
  • prints"***** ", library name and" *****"then goes to a new line
  • prints the title argument and goes to a new line
  • prints dashes ('-') 78 times and goes to a new line
  • prints
"Row Book title SKU loan days penalty" 

and goes to a new line

  • prints
"--- ------------------------------------------------ ------- --------- -------" 

and goes to a new line

void footer()const; 
  • prints dashes ('-') 78 times and goes to a new line

Public Member functions

void initialize(const char* name, int noOfBooks); 

If the name is not null and not an empty Cstring and noOfBooks is greater than zero, it will:

  • copy the name into the library name
  • set the size ofbooksarray to the noOfBooks
  • allocate a dynamic array of Books to thenoOfBooks. (if the allocation fails it will set the Library into a safe empty state)
  • sets the added books member vairable to zero.

Otherwise, it will set the Library into a safe empty state.

bool addBook(const char* book_title, int sku, int loanDays); 

If the number of added books is less than the size of the books array, it will use the set method of the book to set the values of the next book in the array to the incoming arguments. If after setting the book, the newly added book is valid (not in a safe empty state) it will add one to the number of books and return true.

In all the other cases it will return false.

void clear(); 

Releases the allocated memory and sets the books pointer to nullptr.

void display(const char* substr); 

This function performs the following only if the Library is not in a safe empty state, otherwise, it will print"Invalid Library", goes to a new line and exits the function. defines an integer for row number and sets it to one. defines a search flag and sets it to false;

  • prints">>> Searching for: \""
  • prints thesubstr
  • prints"\" <<<"and goes to a new line
  • calls header function with"Substring search"as an argument
  • In a loop to the number of added books it will print the elements of the books array as follows (with a condition):
  • if the subTitle function of the book element returns true having thesubstras an argument the function will print:
  • in 4 spaces, left-justified it will print the row number and add one to it.
  • calls the display of the book element.
  • sets the search flag to true
  • If the search flag is false it will print:
  • "No book title contains \""
  • substrvalue
  • "\""and goes to a new line
  • prints the footer
void display(bool overdueOnly=false)const; 

This function performs the following only if the Library is not in a safe empty state, otherwise, it will print"Invalid Library", goes to a new line and exits the function.

defines an integer for row number and sets it to one.

  • prints the header with one of the following titles:
  • overdueOnly is true:"Overdue Books"
  • overdueOnly is false:"Books on Loan"
  • In a loop to the number of added books it will print the elements of the books array as follows (with the following condition):
  • if theoverdueOnlyis true, it will only print those books that are overdue (hasPenalty()) otherwise it will print them all.
  • in 4 spaces, left-justified it will print the row number and add one to it.
  • calls the display of the book element.
  • prints the footer

Tester program

// Workshop #3: // Version: 0.9 // Date: 2021/09/26 // Author: Fardad Soleimanloo, Original Nargis Khan // Description: // This file tests the lab section of your workshop /////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include #include "Library.h" #include "Book.h" using namespace std; using namespace sdds; int noOfRecs(FILE* fptr); void readBooks(Library& L, FILE* fptr); int main() { FILE* fptr = fopen("books.csv", "r"); Library b[4]; Library L; int i; b[0].initialize("", 10); b[1].initialize(nullptr, 20); b[2].initialize("something", 0); b[3].initialize("something", -1); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { b[i].display(); b[i].clear(); } L.initialize("Seneca Newnham Library", noOfRecs(fptr)); readBooks(L, fptr); L.display(); L.display(true); L.display("The"); L.display("ter"); L.clear(); fclose(fptr); } int noOfRecs(FILE* fptr) { int no = 0; int newline = 0; while ((newline = fgetc(fptr)) != EOF) { no += (newline == ' '); } rewind(fptr); return no; } void readBooks(Library& L, FILE* fptr) { int noOfRecs = ::noOfRecs(fptr); char book_title[51]; int sku; int days; for (int i = 0; i < noOfRecs; i++) { fscanf(fptr, "%[^,],%d,%d ", book_title, &sku, &days); L.addBook(book_title, sku, days); } } 

Execution sample

Invalid Library Invalid Library Invalid Library Invalid Library ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ***** Seneca Newnham Library ***** Books on Loan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Row Book title SKU loan days penalty --- ------------------------------------------------ ------- --------- ------- 1 Alice's Adventures In Wonderland 122 15 2 Don Quixote 100 4 3 Pilgrim's Progress 101 18 4.50 4 Robinson Crusoe 102 20 7.50 5 Gulliver's Travels 103 4 6 Tom Jones 104 6 7 Clarissa 105 11 8 Tristram Shandy 106 13 9 Dangerous Liaisons 107 11 10 Emma 108 12 11 Frankenstein 109 20 7.50 12 Nightmare Abbey 110 11 13 The Black Sheep 111 10 14 Jude the Obscure 134 22 10.50 15 The Charterhouse of Parma 112 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ***** Seneca Newnham Library ***** Overdue Books ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Row Book title SKU loan days penalty --- ------------------------------------------------ ------- --------- ------- 1 Pilgrim's Progress 101 18 4.50 2 Robinson Crusoe 102 20 7.50 3 Frankenstein 109 20 7.50 4 Jude the Obscure 134 22 10.50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>> Searching for: "The" <<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ***** Seneca Newnham Library ***** Substring search ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Row Book title SKU loan days penalty --- ------------------------------------------------ ------- --------- ------- 1 The Black Sheep 111 10 2 The Charterhouse of Parma 112 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>> Searching for: "ter" <<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ***** Seneca Newnham Library ***** Substring search ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Row Book title SKU loan days penalty --- ------------------------------------------------ ------- --------- ------- 1 The Charterhouse of Parma 112 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

PART 1 Submission

Files to submit:

Book.h Book.cpp Library.h Library.cpp WS3P1Tester.cpp books.csv 

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