Southeast Soda Pop, Inc, has a new frut drink for which it has high hopes, John Mithenthal, the production planner, has assembled the followny cost data and demand forecast Click the icon to view the demand forecast Click the icon to vew the cost dala John's job is to develog an agregate plan The three initial options he wants to evaluate ace: - Plan A a strategy that hires and fires personnei as necessary to meet the forecast - Plan B a level strategy - Plan.C. a level strategy that produces 1,000 cases per quarter and meets the foecast demand with inventory and suticontracting a) Which strategy is the iowest-cost plan? Try hing and layolts (to meet the forecast) as nocessary (onter your responses as whole numbora) The lotal cost, including normal tate laber costs, tor this hiring and lyyofts plan is 5 (oriter your response as a whole number) Construct a plac that holds empioyment steady (levet strategy) by producing the average forecast for all four quartert (enter your responses as whole aumbers) The total cost, including normal time labor costs, for this level plan is 5 (enter your response as a whole number). Construct the level plan that holds employment steady at 1,000 plus subcontracting (enter your responses as whole numbers) The total cost, including normal time labor costs, for this lovel phan is (enter your response as a whole number) b) If you are John's boss, the VP for operations, which plan do you implement and why? A. Plan A, as it is the highest cost and provides unsteady employment for the employees B. Plan A, as it is the highest cost and provides steady employment for the employees. C. Plan C, as it is the lowest cost and provides steady employment for the employees. D. Plan C, as it is the lowest cost and provides unsteady employment for the employees. E. Plan B, as it is the lowest cost and provides steady employment for the employees F. Plan B, as it is the highest cost and provides steady employment for the employees. More Info More Info 4 including normal time labor costs, for this hiring and layoffs plan