SPX LinkedIn Live Session: The Next Generation of Sponsorship Activationlet me know if the screenshot is not visible
BACKGROUND The Sports industry has had to pivot during the pandemic. Many sports had to stop, pause, reschedule, and for change their event programming and engagement with Fans Fans and spectators for professional (and urnatour) sporting events changed how the engaged and interacted with their sports teams both in-arenas and at home. This includes event programming within The sporting industry ASSIGNMENT: For this assignment, click and watch this webinar from Linked In- SPX Linkedin Live Session: The Next Goneration of Sponsorship Activation by Sponsorshipk Original air date: Wednesday. Dacamber 16, 2021 During this session, they discussed the top 10 trends that will drive ac livialion / programming in 2022 within Sports, Speakers Include: Ricardo Fort, Sport by Fort Consulting Kati Kasch, LAZ8 Kelly Higgins. V.S. Soccer Federation Kate Gordon, Visa Ryan Pasquale, The T1 Agency Moderator Mark Harrison, Sponsorships Many of the presenters are sharing from their experiences as sponsors and what is important to them and their brand and some predictions of tranda that may enter the sports (and sponsorship) industry in the future In las! surnestor in Sponsorship development, we learned about how to prepare = sponsorship proposal. This webinar ties into the activations DELIVERABLE For this assignment choose and share 1 of the trends that are presented in this webinar and expand on what event programming could look like. Students will be responsible for providing a report with the following information Outline what trend you have chosen: . Trend : Brief description of it Presenter name and Groanization . Provide why you chose this trend and why it stood out in YOU . Provide a minimum of three (3) recommendations or ideas how your trend and any professional sport of can incorporate this trend in event programming Be acalive - this dues not need to be in vervefureno. It can be virtual programming, social media engagement /programming or any other idea Why is this assignment important to YOU! As future leaders in events, including the sport industry, you will be responsible for thinking of ways to engage programming for fan engagement, and also to fulfill sponsorship and league brand commitments. Tactics you learn about and recommend for the sport industry can also be transferable to other event industry as "fans" exist for many lypes of everils. Although this webinar is the opinion and predictions from a select few sports industry leaders, this assignment hopefully gets you thinking about how programming will change in the future - especially as it pertains to sports. Reports should be short and businesslike, and include the deliverable quvulioris asked. Must be saved and submitted as a PDF file OTHER DETAILS INDIVIDUAL This is an individual assignment (not u group or puit assignment) REMINDER: Remember, this assignment in to help with future event programming of the event - not about health and safely specifically. You can reference health & safety if you feel it will help guide your recommendations- however your assignment and fan engagement activations should not solely be about For example and going forward the following will be consider a given or "greens-lees" for events . Hand weething . Sanitizing stations . Sucial disluncing . aft upart . Following local public health advisory . Vaccine policies / passports QUE DATE