For Year Ended December 31, 2013 | |
Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities | |
- Less: Decrease in accounts payable
- Add: Increase in inventories
- Less: Decrease in accounts receivable
- Cash, January 1, 2013
- Less: Increase in inventories
- Net income
- Cash, December 31, 2013
- Less: Depreciation expense
- Payment for purchase of building
- Add: Decrease in accounts payable
Correct 5 | | |
Adjustments for differences between income flows and cash flows from operating activities: | |
- Add: Increase in inventories
- Payment of dividends
- Less: Decrease in accounts receivable
- Receipt from issuance of bonds
- Payment for purchase of equipment
- Payment for purchase of building
- Add: Decrease in accounts payable
- Less: Depreciation expense
- Net income
- Add: Depreciation expense
Correct 8 | | |
- Less: Decrease in accounts receivable
- Less: Depreciation expense
- Receipt from issuance of bonds
- Add: Decrease in accounts receivable
- Payment of dividends
- Net income
- Add: Decrease in accounts payable
- Add: Increase in inventories
- Cash, January 1, 2013
- Cash, December 31, 2013
Correct 10 | | |
- Add: Increase in inventories
- Payment of dividends
- Payment for purchase of equipment
- Payment for purchase of building
- Add: Decrease in accounts payable
- Less: Increase in inventories
- Receipt from issuance of bonds
- Less: Decrease in accounts receivable
- Net income
- Less: Depreciation expense
Correct 12 | | |
- Payment for purchase of building
- Payment for purchase of equipment
- Less: Decrease in accounts payable
- Net income
- Less: Decrease in accounts receivable
- Cash, January 1, 2013
- Less: Depreciation expense
- Payment of dividends
- Receipt from issuance of bonds
- Cash, December 31, 2013
Correct 14 | | |
Net cash provided by operating activities | | |
Cash Flows From Investing Activities | |
- Net income
- Less: Increase in inventories
- Add: Increase in inventories
- Add: Depreciation expense
- Add: Decrease in accounts receivable
- Payment for purchase of building
- Less: Decrease in accounts payable
- Add: Decrease in accounts payable
- Less: Decrease in accounts receivable
- Less: Depreciation expense
Correct 19 | | |
- Less: Decrease in accounts payable
- Less: Increase in inventories
- Receipt from issuance of bonds
- Cash, January 1, 2013
- Add: Decrease in accounts payable
- Net income
- Payment of dividends
- Add: Increase in inventories
- Payment for purchase of equipment
- Cash, December 31, 2013
Correct 21 | | |
Net cash used for investing activities | | |
Cash Flows From Financing Activities | |
- Add: Depreciation expense
- Payment for purchase of building
- Add: Increase in inventories
- Add: Decrease in accounts payable
- Add: Decrease in accounts receivable
- Payment of dividends
- Cash, January 1, 2013
- Cash, December 31, 2013
- Payment for purchase of equipment
- Net income
Correct 26 | | |
- Cash, December 31, 2013
- Receipt from issuance of bonds
- Add: Decrease in accounts receivable
- Payment for purchase of building
- Net income
- Less: Depreciation expense
- Add: Increase in inventories
- Add: Depreciation expense
- Less: Increase in inventories
- Less: Decrease in accounts receivable
Correct 28 | | |
Net cash provided by financing activities | | |
- Net increase in cash
- Net decrease in cash
Correct 32 | | |
- Cash, December 31, 2013
- Cash, January 1, 2013
- Net increase in cash
- Net decrease in cash
Correct 34 | | |
- Cash, January 1, 2013
- Net decrease in cash
- Cash, December 31, 2013
- Net increase in cash
Correct 36 | | |