structure of balance sheet
200 Balance sheet 1. To prepare company balance sheet for the beginning of period: Equipment 8000 Stock Work in progress 2800 Finished goods 2500 Debtors 2200 Cash 6550 Share capital 2000 Retained earnings 9350 Debt commitment 3500 Wage debt 4200 Tax debt 3200 2. To determine, how given transactions change company balance sheet: a) Stock bought 2100 b) Received loan from the bank 3000 c) Factory equipment bought 3250 d) Pay wage 4200 e) Received debts 2200 ) Debt commitment is paid 500 g) Received money for sold finished production 1900 h) Part of retained earnings added to share capital 8000 i) Tax debt transferred 3200 j) Received stock on credit 250 3. To prepare company balance sheet for the end of period. BALANCE SHEET ASSETS F NOB-currats LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY Capital Sharcoal Revaluation Owhere Prelitoris Total capital Intangide for assets Development Total Intangibles Tangible and en Land and building Mantan mahinery Prosi Other cases Totaltan Muda Taxa Other Total Sharing op pres denkin Participating interest Cher la Other investments Total Liabilities Total non-correls New Current Elehentre las Bank loans and Ivy (Stack Payment received Raw materiale Trade credite Other Finished goods and pods for sale Advance payment for Accrua deford Total serrat Total investors stock) becherche Trade dette Riva bet pats Other debtors Debore sans Hank Lons and Short-term loan Prepaid esperes Called up share Accrued Income Prepayment Acom Trade credits Trade Total arts receivable Tipovable Others Showtime Cash, Rank Total carrer tas Total curreasts Total liabilities BALANCE BALANCE 2. To determine, how given transactions change company balance sheet: a) Stock bought 2100 b) Received loan from the bank 3000 c) Factory equipment bought 3250 d) Pay wage 4200 e) Received debts 2200 f) Debt commitment is paid 500 g) Received money for sold finished production 1900 h) Part of retained earnings added to share capital 8000 i) Tax debt transferred 3200 j) Received stock on credit 250 3. To prepare company balance sheet for the end of period