subject - Business operation
course - 0roject management
this assignment should be atleast 6 pages
this should be based on IT company
cover all and everything steps in this assignment
provide all information in 4 steps
a The comgsny/fein shauld ke registered is a besimons it Canada though it can opelase in and cter to cientsitustomersleonsum ers buitside od Cansti. o t could te s smail midem or large beniness entergeit Q. The business should ether create producth or ind gratide serviestr - Students emn decide on the cuerent ife crele stage for the businioss For exsrepie, roumar csislder fakbl shing an th businesi veriturs, wopand ng pr restocturing on isiato business. ate logroach belown For mecting the scope of the as singnm mnt s suderith are required fo complete all four s bctions facth sechon hat been d ividedinty peirits tanging trom 7 to 2 , incorporate ani it ar to all the poirits You mill als a obs erve hints in each section. Th prepose is ofuly lo provide ofirectionsto shudents and shocald nct be tr twhed as a fecuer ent ol the astignment. 1. Frovide a complefe description of your buisincss thithe the points shared above in the overview and top ifup a th more dithils what you feel are noceasary to explain your business Consider this section mb in opportunity to intr oduct ohat, why, and how of your busines sto the auditnce. Hirits (B2t himited to) Q. Gomis and obiectives o. Organizational struchuteiciare a businest pedet. o. Rroduct or servicos created, thair vulue gropgstion, candetion B duantage ofe. b. Target audiente. = Tiemeline. Hawlonghand ybe been in busieitss/ is its tesh start? Gris plarningta 10 tiawiand why? opperturith th deyou forestefar your taninens? reints 6. Whale ariswering, keep in mind the preaucts and services being athered by your teniness a. Complesity, aict, and geographe exparse ofyour tasiness. SECTION 3- COST-RASE ANAYYS 1 Wist the Types of Costs associsted with your business? 1. Along with the fixed and Vuriable costs, also discuss the contingeneies and fiture needs cost. b. Meation at least 59 exanples for each trpe 2. Depending onvour Cost. Buse Analyais, what Degree of Manageriat Centrol woald you have over the fnanciat decisiord of oour busintss baplain? Hints Think af ail the major act vitesidepartmenthi processes sss ociated with you business operations eurent and fature needs a. Once you have these deta s, categorist them aceording to fhe classiffation cosoiss din the Cont-Pase Ahatris o. While thiniming of the degret of managenal cortiol, thin sbout hod CQVID mighahmeplayed a roletin altecng your decisigns. 1. Folleang theinfomsaloeiprsyded in the soctispatbove which Seurceia of Funde is your besinesd tlipitefor? will you shoose to ting yaur ceckiemints. Crealy if ent on thit INICEAMATON and INSTMUCToNs financial tooks rou plan 40 ifilure, arid why?? 3. MCOVe to alfered rou potental to secuy b buding tron the primary sedree. What atemative optece would you explore (finarcial tootb) b suppert your teniness? Eaplain? Itunts O. Remember that there are three signitcant Sources at Funds avaidatie, as discansed in your course teat. o. Howerer, each buniness has specfic roquirtment and ownerafro strachire that detemines the most appeostiate soufce af Lunting Financial toglb are the different opSons mailable endw wach Source of Funding Eq. Undm Equdy Fintncing there are toeh We wah IPO MPg, seivale teaity, eft INSTRUCTWONS Thas is an INOFtouAl. Msigninent theriptste cotisberation with ariother stydent in atiyform will netbe folerated. - The as signiment deament shouid wor be mere ithan fyve gapes in Satal including the titidans reference paye - Poge 1 thould be the titie Page sontiting of atudent hame it Iutamisisn este - The main bedy of the assianthentaiategin on page 2 * The last otgeis for Aeferenoes, noting ali tha sourcen uted, including the opurwited Asmgnatint - Two Resubmissions are allowed ONLY within the due dateftimeframe set for submission. Any resubmission made past this point would be penalized according to the Late Assignment Submission Policy ACADEMIC INTEGRITY - All the students will follow the Paper Format, Writing Details, Referencing, and In-text citations outlinedia APAQCenestega - Any Academic Dishonesty will result in either an Academic Warning or Offence, depending on the case. Refer to the Academic Integrity page for more information. - Jucnitin similarity up to 30% from the textbook and online sources is expected and acceptable. - However, copying or paraphrasing another student's assignment will be considered cheating and be addressed following Conestoga's policies on Academic Integrity. Refer to the Rubrics tool in your respective course shells. How to access? Step 1- Click on Course Tool and open the drop-down menu. Step 2- Scroll down the list, find Rubrics, and click on it Step 3. Click on Written Assignments. a The comgsny/fein shauld ke registered is a besimons it Canada though it can opelase in and cter to cientsitustomersleonsum ers buitside od Cansti. o t could te s smail midem or large beniness entergeit Q. The business should ether create producth or ind gratide serviestr - Students emn decide on the cuerent ife crele stage for the businioss For exsrepie, roumar csislder fakbl shing an th businesi veriturs, wopand ng pr restocturing on isiato business. ate logroach belown For mecting the scope of the as singnm mnt s suderith are required fo complete all four s bctions facth sechon hat been d ividedinty peirits tanging trom 7 to 2 , incorporate ani it ar to all the poirits You mill als a obs erve hints in each section. Th prepose is ofuly lo provide ofirectionsto shudents and shocald nct be tr twhed as a fecuer ent ol the astignment. 1. Frovide a complefe description of your buisincss thithe the points shared above in the overview and top ifup a th more dithils what you feel are noceasary to explain your business Consider this section mb in opportunity to intr oduct ohat, why, and how of your busines sto the auditnce. Hirits (B2t himited to) Q. Gomis and obiectives o. Organizational struchuteiciare a businest pedet. o. Rroduct or servicos created, thair vulue gropgstion, candetion B duantage ofe. b. Target audiente. = Tiemeline. Hawlonghand ybe been in busieitss/ is its tesh start? Gris plarningta 10 tiawiand why? opperturith th deyou forestefar your taninens? reints 6. Whale ariswering, keep in mind the preaucts and services being athered by your teniness a. Complesity, aict, and geographe exparse ofyour tasiness. SECTION 3- COST-RASE ANAYYS 1 Wist the Types of Costs associsted with your business? 1. Along with the fixed and Vuriable costs, also discuss the contingeneies and fiture needs cost. b. Meation at least 59 exanples for each trpe 2. Depending onvour Cost. Buse Analyais, what Degree of Manageriat Centrol woald you have over the fnanciat decisiord of oour busintss baplain? Hints Think af ail the major act vitesidepartmenthi processes sss ociated with you business operations eurent and fature needs a. Once you have these deta s, categorist them aceording to fhe classiffation cosoiss din the Cont-Pase Ahatris o. While thiniming of the degret of managenal cortiol, thin sbout hod CQVID mighahmeplayed a roletin altecng your decisigns. 1. Folleang theinfomsaloeiprsyded in the soctispatbove which Seurceia of Funde is your besinesd tlipitefor? will you shoose to ting yaur ceckiemints. Crealy if ent on thit INICEAMATON and INSTMUCToNs financial tooks rou plan 40 ifilure, arid why?? 3. MCOVe to alfered rou potental to secuy b buding tron the primary sedree. What atemative optece would you explore (finarcial tootb) b suppert your teniness? Eaplain? Itunts O. Remember that there are three signitcant Sources at Funds avaidatie, as discansed in your course teat. o. Howerer, each buniness has specfic roquirtment and ownerafro strachire that detemines the most appeostiate soufce af Lunting Financial toglb are the different opSons mailable endw wach Source of Funding Eq. Undm Equdy Fintncing there are toeh We wah IPO MPg, seivale teaity, eft INSTRUCTWONS Thas is an INOFtouAl. Msigninent theriptste cotisberation with ariother stydent in atiyform will netbe folerated. - The as signiment deament shouid wor be mere ithan fyve gapes in Satal including the titidans reference paye - Poge 1 thould be the titie Page sontiting of atudent hame it Iutamisisn este - The main bedy of the assianthentaiategin on page 2 * The last otgeis for Aeferenoes, noting ali tha sourcen uted, including the opurwited Asmgnatint - Two Resubmissions are allowed ONLY within the due dateftimeframe set for submission. Any resubmission made past this point would be penalized according to the Late Assignment Submission Policy ACADEMIC INTEGRITY - All the students will follow the Paper Format, Writing Details, Referencing, and In-text citations outlinedia APAQCenestega - Any Academic Dishonesty will result in either an Academic Warning or Offence, depending on the case. Refer to the Academic Integrity page for more information. - Jucnitin similarity up to 30% from the textbook and online sources is expected and acceptable. - However, copying or paraphrasing another student's assignment will be considered cheating and be addressed following Conestoga's policies on Academic Integrity. Refer to the Rubrics tool in your respective course shells. How to access? Step 1- Click on Course Tool and open the drop-down menu. Step 2- Scroll down the list, find Rubrics, and click on it Step 3. Click on Written Assignments