Submission and Grading .All project deliverables are to be submitted in eLearning The pseudocode should be submitted as a Word or PDF document and is not accepted late. Submit the program as a cpp file only . Projects submitted after the due date are subject to the late penalties described in the syllabus. .Programs must compile using gcc 7.0.1 or higher with the following flags enabled o Wall o Wextra Wuninitialized o pedantic-errors Wconversion Each submitted program will be graded with the rubric provided in elearning as well as a set of test cases. These test cases will be posted in eLearning after the due date. Each student is responsible for developing sample test cases to ensure the program works as expected .Type your name and netID in the comments at the top of all files submitted. Objective: Allocate memory dynamically. Utilize pointers to directly manipulate memory. Problem: You have been hired by EA to work on a new Ghostbusters game. In this game, there is a multiplayer mode where players must capture the ghosts and as all good Ghostbusters know you can't cross the streams. Your task is to create the framework to identify at what point the streams might cross in a 3-dimensional space You will do this by implementing the Gauss-Jordan Elimination method of solving a linear system of equations. Details You will utilize a dynamically allocated array o You may create a dynamic multi-or single dimension array Dynamic multi-dimensional arrays require double pointers o Remember that standard multi-dimensional arrays in C++ are stored as single dimension arrays in memory - This may be easier to work with than the double pointers. The number of rows will be dependent on the number of players The number of columns will always be 4 (x, y, z, constant) The size of the array should be determined by the number of equations in the file. You are not expected to write a program that solves the matrix. We will leave it to someone else at EA to develop the Al that utilizes your framework and solves the matrix automatically. We are simply providing the functions that allow changes to be made to the array The linear equations will be read from a file Develop a user interface to modify the equations