subtracting the transaction amoun hohi the preous a balance the transaction is a withdrawal. Complete this processing for each tran tion. Finally, output the customer name, account number, previous y balance, and new computed monthly balance. If the number transactions is less than or equal to 0, the new balance will be to the previous balance. Also, assume that the proper number of tra tion records always follows the customer name record. Include a report heading and column headings, as well as a page number, on every p with 50 detail lines per page. Also include an initial IF and a modular d sign. Use automatic end-of-file to signal the end of the input. ansac 12. Construct a program flowchart and corresponding pseudocode to prepare automobile liability insurance estimates for customers. The input con sists of a series of records that contain the name of the customer, the of the customer, and a risk code. A code of 1 indicates a high-risk driver with recent moving violations. A code of 2 indicates a low-risk driver with no recent moving violations. If a record does not contain a code of 1 or a code of 2, the code is invalid, and an error message is to be printed on the report. The output is to consist of insurance estimates. The report is to contain the customer's name, age, risk code, a message identifying the customer as a high insurance risk or a low insurance risk, and the cost of the insurance coverage. If the customer is less than 25 years of age and has a risk code of 1 (high risk), the cost of insurance is $3000.00. If the customer is 25 years of age or more and has a risk code of 1 (high risk), the cost of the insurance is $2400.00. If the customer is 25 years of age or more and has a risk code of 2 (low risk), the cost o insurance is $1000.00. If the customer is less than 25 years of age and has a risk code of 2 (low risk), the cost of insurance is $2000.00. If the risk code is invalid, the message "RISK CODE IS INVALID" should appear on the report. After all records have been processed, the total number of customers, the total number of low-risk drivers, the total