Success will be tied to your understanding of how to read and interpret the 10K, annual reports and financial statements. 1. Clearly describe the company and the industry the company is a part of. a. Is the industry or market growing or shrinking (Provide a clear explanation and provide research to defend your answer). 2. Looking at the most recent annual report, is the company financed primarily by debt or equity? (Provide a clear explanation and defend your answer) a. Is there a benefit to financing with debt or equity, is than an advantage using one or the other? b. Is the company paying off debt or adding debt? 3. What is the largest current asset on the most recent annual report? a. Why do you think the company maintains such a large balance? (Provide a clear explanation and defend your answer). 4. Compute the company Free Cash Flow on the most recent annual report (show your computations) a. Interpret the computation, what does the fice cash flow tell you about the company? (Provide a clear explanation) b. Does the company appear may have to invest in replacing out dated assets in the near future? 5. What is P/E ratio for the companies? What does the P/E ratios say about the valuation of the companies. Why is one of the companies P/E ratio higher. Consider the revenue growth as the main driver of P/E ratio. (Provide a clear explanation of how you evaluated the P/E ratio in your recommendation. 6. Sammarize your evaluation of liquidity, asset tumover. solvency, and profitability by performing a through horizontal analysis. TRUNSTION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTCN 13 OR 15(0) of ThE SECURCTiEs ExCHANGE ACT of 163 For he tranision period trom io common fie inemex intel. INTEL CORPORATION (Stame or ocher junthiction of nedrboraboe ef erpandrasoof) (Adient of proncigad inshuter ofiots) (tr.S. Employor identication No) Cetregstered purnuant is Sectson 1 Ribj of the Aet frading espesintu) Natio of elich enehangie an which hegiteted Ate Nascatradak so oct Maner a I was repuletd io fulerill mich fues) ) Fib [ D Consolidated Condensed Statements of Income Consolidated Condensed Statements of Comprehensive Income Comh sw cawh fylvatens Sobilikent ruestimines Msocinft itceviatien ne: Werritire. Coter turent mssets Tolat curmet ansts Cquity incestnerth Goodieta Mencited thtangibie acceis, het Cener ling-lerm acketa Totai assats Wiakition and stackinelders' sutity Buctert laburten Shortineri sebe Acowinti faracion ivoute lase parable Deher mirueil tabetion Tolat therene hebitties Dutir Long tern inteme taans payalis Other long deres Eublities Centhoniteies (kete 1t) Tedal wisckhelders' ation (In Mimith: Unaudined Cath and caah equivalenta, beyinning of period Cavh tows provbed by (utsd fol coeroung ictitbel. Wet incemen (oss) Adpatiments to reconcien net racme to nit cath poviom by doerating activer. Depreclasoe Share hmed compeinason Mestriding ave werer chapes Anotribes of irtanglite (Cons) ienset on etuly mieumerts, nal (Gans) lessen on Girvitures Chergen in atsete ave latines: Acoovels sconatie invertories Acobures parabie Mooned concensaien avd sentes hoome tares Cewer askets ave meated Total auatmints Ket cash prwided by fused for eperatiog mivates Adicons io propery giat and eqciprert Muhrites ave bikis of thoh ierm ineucenis Seies of equly mentrecis Phoceeti foch teveithires orer inestoy Nef cask uned far inveuting activeties Frymeris an tiance leases Potrer conereutnes Cher bravong Consolidated Condensed Statements of Stockholders' Equity Note 4: Earnings (Loss) Per Share Other Financial Statement Details Accourks Receivable Amounts Offset in the Consolidated Condensed Bulance Sheets Dertvatives in Cast Flow Hedging Relationships Success will be tied to your understanding of how to read and interpret the 10K, annual reports and financial statements. 1. Clearly describe the company and the industry the company is a part of. a. Is the industry or market growing or shrinking (Provide a clear explanation and provide research to defend your answer). 2. Looking at the most recent annual report, is the company financed primarily by debt or equity? (Provide a clear explanation and defend your answer) a. Is there a benefit to financing with debt or equity, is than an advantage using one or the other? b. Is the company paying off debt or adding debt? 3. What is the largest current asset on the most recent annual report? a. Why do you think the company maintains such a large balance? (Provide a clear explanation and defend your answer). 4. Compute the company Free Cash Flow on the most recent annual report (show your computations) a. Interpret the computation, what does the fice cash flow tell you about the company? (Provide a clear explanation) b. Does the company appear may have to invest in replacing out dated assets in the near future? 5. What is P/E ratio for the companies? What does the P/E ratios say about the valuation of the companies. Why is one of the companies P/E ratio higher. Consider the revenue growth as the main driver of P/E ratio. (Provide a clear explanation of how you evaluated the P/E ratio in your recommendation. 6. Sammarize your evaluation of liquidity, asset tumover. solvency, and profitability by performing a through horizontal analysis. TRUNSTION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTCN 13 OR 15(0) of ThE SECURCTiEs ExCHANGE ACT of 163 For he tranision period trom io common fie inemex intel. INTEL CORPORATION (Stame or ocher junthiction of nedrboraboe ef erpandrasoof) (Adient of proncigad inshuter ofiots) (tr.S. Employor identication No) Cetregstered purnuant is Sectson 1 Ribj of the Aet frading espesintu) Natio of elich enehangie an which hegiteted Ate Nascatradak so oct Maner a I was repuletd io fulerill mich fues) ) Fib [ D Consolidated Condensed Statements of Income Consolidated Condensed Statements of Comprehensive Income Comh sw cawh fylvatens Sobilikent ruestimines Msocinft itceviatien ne: Werritire. Coter turent mssets Tolat curmet ansts Cquity incestnerth Goodieta Mencited thtangibie acceis, het Cener ling-lerm acketa Totai assats Wiakition and stackinelders' sutity Buctert laburten Shortineri sebe Acowinti faracion ivoute lase parable Deher mirueil tabetion Tolat therene hebitties Dutir Long tern inteme taans payalis Other long deres Eublities Centhoniteies (kete 1t) Tedal wisckhelders' ation (In Mimith: Unaudined Cath and caah equivalenta, beyinning of period Cavh tows provbed by (utsd fol coeroung ictitbel. Wet incemen (oss) Adpatiments to reconcien net racme to nit cath poviom by doerating activer. Depreclasoe Share hmed compeinason Mestriding ave werer chapes Anotribes of irtanglite (Cons) ienset on etuly mieumerts, nal (Gans) lessen on Girvitures Chergen in atsete ave latines: Acoovels sconatie invertories Acobures parabie Mooned concensaien avd sentes hoome tares Cewer askets ave meated Total auatmints Ket cash prwided by fused for eperatiog mivates Adicons io propery giat and eqciprert Muhrites ave bikis of thoh ierm ineucenis Seies of equly mentrecis Phoceeti foch teveithires orer inestoy Nef cask uned far inveuting activeties Frymeris an tiance leases Potrer conereutnes Cher bravong Consolidated Condensed Statements of Stockholders' Equity Note 4: Earnings (Loss) Per Share Other Financial Statement Details Accourks Receivable Amounts Offset in the Consolidated Condensed Bulance Sheets Dertvatives in Cast Flow Hedging Relationships