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Sweoter Coapomplat heyebs in propreis at the begining or Marct and no beging Wuertanes fhe corenany hat Mecusired DBLe. answers 102 decimal places. wequied inturmation

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Sweoter Coapomplat heyebs in propreis at the begining or Marct and no beging Wuertanes fhe corenany hat Mecusired DBLe. answers 102 decimal places. wequied inturmation datie and chestlah relate ts the month of March. Aeguires 4 retand intermediete calcutations.| owaty x= 3. How much manulacturing ovemead was appled from the fabricotion Depaitwent te job 3 und how much was agpied to Job a? (0o not reund interinedite caktatations.) 345515 in 17 tif Moot ? 4. What wos the tota) mamutationing cost asspotedo jot Py (De nes round infermedate calculations). (The focbowing informution Apples to the queatort doplyyed fielaw) dati and questions relege to the month of Marcht. 5weelen Carpomy had no underappled or erenegied manidactaring overtend costa dureng ina mimh. Reveukedi. hor ques as the allocation tisie in both depariments and jobi inguded 20 uvils and job Q induded a0 unts for guestigm: bise. 5 if Jeb f inckided 20 unts, whar wos its urit product cost? too not roand intermediate calculations. Faurve your final anuwer to irerest whole doliac] The fovorwing infirmanion mppeses to the questont displynd bolow] two manufocturing deportmenti - Mageldesg and Fabrication. it stacted, cempieled and scid onic twe labs during Marsh-. data and quostions telate to the merth of Murchl. Sweten Compary had no underapied of overaoplied manulactuting overfelad costs dutra the munth Hequired: For questicns t to 9 , essume that Siveuten Compary uses departmental grodetermined overfesad mates w in mactine hours as the dilocation base in both separtments and Job P included 20 units and Jeb Q nevded 70 unus, Fer cuertions io to 15 , assume that the company uses a plantwide predeterimined overtsead rate with machine hours as the slecmion bace. 6. What was the total manufncturing cost assigned to Job. Q? (Do not round intermediate calculatiens.) dots and qutstiens ielate to the morth of Mareby Sineeten Company had no underipplied or overoppied manufactuaing overhesd costs durng the month, Required: Required: hoves as the allocaticn bose in boeh depecthenes and Job P Pncluded 20 units and sab Q includeo 10 urits roc quertont bose. if Job 0 included 30 units; what was its unt product cest? (Do nat round intermediate calculstians. Aound yout fial answas to earest whole dotlar.) dots and eupitions retate to the mondt at Marty. Mequiredi 60 to 15 assume that the company uses a plentwide predesermined overhead rate eith machine-hours as the alocatinit bisio. for both johs when staied on a per. unit besis? (De net reand intermediate ealcuiations. feuad yeur finat enswers to nearest whele daliars Aequired informution (The following information applies to the questions dibployad berow.) Sweesen Company had no jobs in progress at the begring of March and no beginning ifrentories. The camipa iy has job p and Job Q. The following addional informstion is avalabie tor the compory as a whole end fer Jabe P and Q data and queatians rolate to the menth of Marcil Sweeten Company had no underapplied or overappled manufaciuning overhe ad costs during the month. Pequired: For guestlens 1 to 9 , assume that Sweeten Company uses departmental predetermined overtiead rates witr mactune: hours as the allocation bsse in both departments and Job p included 20 units and job Q included 30 units. For questions 10 to 15 , assume that the compary uses a plantwide predetermined avertesd tate with maching hours os the allocavon base 9. What was Sweeten Company's cost of goods sold for Macct? (Do not reand intermediate caleulatians.) Required information (The following infarmation apolis to the guesbors daplayed beiow] Sweven Company had no jobs in preqress at the beginning of Aarch and no beginning inventorins. The conipany has two manufacturing departments - Molding and Fabtication. if starteo, comvieted, and sold oniy two jobs durme MaictiJob P and job O. The foliewing add data and questions reliate to the month of Marehi. Sweuten Compsry had no underappled or averapglied mamufactaring ovemesd costr daring the merith. Required: For questions 1 to 9 , assume that Sweeses Company uses departmental predeternined overhesd rates. Wer mychinehours as the allocation base in both departiments and Job P included 20 unts and Job 0 included 30 ints For questons 10 to 15 , assume that the company uses a plantwide predelentined owerhead rate wht machine-hours as the nipecetien base. 10. What was the company's plantwide predetermined overhead rate? (Round your answer to 2 decimal places) (The following informarion apqles to the questions olplared beloes) data and cuestions telite qo the month of March Sweeten Company had no underapgled of vepplied maufacturing overnead costi buting the menth Reequired: 10 to 15 , assume that the company uses a plantwide predeterwined averthesd rate vith inechine. baurs as the diocaton? base 11. How much manufacturing overheod was appled to Job P and haw much was applied to dob Q ? too not round intermediate calculations.] Hecquired information Aesirtet prase: Hedret mhote estere) Hequired intonnationt Aeduired bases 3. If job Qincluded 30 urits. What vas its unt, prodect cosp? foo nat round interrmediate calculations, Round your fonal ins wer fo tedrest vithole tfemat) 14 Fweelen Compery had no jolis in pregress as the begnand of Mathh and no begnneng amestories. the compary ham cata and quettians telate to the itanth of Mertik Aeuvired tantin 15. What was Sweeten Companysk cost of geeds teld fixe Much? (Do net round imtermedate calculatiens.) Hequired be appied to Job Bravo? PAound your intermerfare calculations to 2 decimal pleces.) onther too high to get the job or lee low so maker aing money on hatr the jobs we bia: iots. The folowing estimates nere made ot the beginning of the year. costs in the three depariments as folowe: Aevulteat: 1. Using the companys clantwide oporoach. a. Compute the plantwide predeterinined rate tor the curront yeat. a. Determine the amount of mardacturing overised cost that woded hew been apolied to the Koepers job. 2. Suppose that insead of caing a plantwide predetermined overhead rate, the company had csed depaibnentai bredetainined averhesed rates based an drect labor cost. Under these condions. a. Compute the predetermlaed overhead rate for cach department for the overent yoa! 1. Doternine the amount of manufactuting oveinead cost that veidd have been appled to the koapers job. 4. Assume that it is customary in the industry to bib jobs at is oos of toual manutacturing cost (direct masterials, dibect labor, and applied. averheode a. What was the company's bid price on the Koopers job using a plantwide predetermined overhead rate? b. What would the bid price have been if departmental predetormined ovorhead rotes had been used to apply bverhead coss? Compiete this qoestion ty entering your answers in the Labs below. Requiredt 1. Lhing the compansir plantivide appioilich av Comple the piantwide otedebermirsed ratie for the cun che yeat. overhesd rotes based on direct iober cost. Under these conditions. a. Compute the predeteriruned overhond rate fot esth department lor tie cuitent ye at. b. Decorenthe ghe amount of marufacturind overthead cost thit wenta have been appled to the Koocers joh. ereraitresth. 3. Whaq was the compary's bid gices oa the Koopers job using a plantwide predetermined oucrhead rafe? Complete this qoestion by fintering your mniwers in the tabt betow. Required: L. Using the company Misitwide approich: i. Corh Jie the piantwide prodeteimened rate foe the curencit yer. b. Determio the amount of manulacfuring overhesd cost thst would tave been apolked to the koates job. 2. Suppose that instesd of using a plantwide gredetermuned overhesd rate, the compary had used depsitenemai oredeterminind cverhead fates based on ditect Labor cost. Under these conditions. a. Cormpute the predeteminied overhead rate for each deparment for the currentyent th. Desecmine the amdunt of manafacturing overhead cost that would have be on apaticd to the Koopors job. owerheadi a. What was the campamy's bid arice on the Koopers job using a plantwide fredetermined ouechest risej B. Wrat would the bid price have beon if departmentaf predetermined overheiad rates had been used to oppty oyeitiead coat Complete this queation by entering yeur anwwers in the tatie belew. apalied so the koopers jeb. Required: 1. Using the compons plantwide opproach. a. Compute the plantwide predetemined tate for the current year. b. Determhe the amount of menufsctiaing overhesa cost that woidd have been appited to the koopers job 2. Suppose than instead of using a plantwitie aredeterminod overhead tate, the company nad used depnttpontan profotermaned onerhead rates based on direct labor cost. Under these conditions: a. Compute the predetermined owemead rate for each deparment for the curient yeae b. Desermine the ameant of menutacturing overhead cost that would have been opplied to the Koepels job. 4. Assume that if is customary in the industry to bid jobs at 150% of total manufoctiring cost lairect materiaks, ditect lateov, and applied; owerhead. a. What was the compeny's bid price on the Koopers job uting a plantwide predetermined coitheod rate? b. What would the bid price have been if degartmental prebetermined overthe od rates had been vied to epgly overnead cost? Complete this guestion by entering vour ansers in the tabs below. 5uppose that kutead of using a plantwide predeternined ererhead ras, the company nad used exparimental prederermened overhead rates based on direct labor cost. Computh the presetermined overtiead rate for each department fur the current year. Plequired: 1. Using the comparys plantwide approsch. a. Compute the plapatwide predetermined rate for the cunent year. b. Determine the amount of manytsctiering oveehead cost that would have been opplied to the Koopers jab. 2 Suppose that instead of using a plavtwide predetennined overtiead rate, the campany had used deparimantal predetarimines owerhead raters based on diect labor cost, Under these condibions: a. Compate the predetermined overhead rate for each department for the curieat year. b. Determine the amount of marufacturing overhead cost that would have been appled to the Koopers lob. 4. Assume that a is customary in the industry to bid jobs at 150% of rotal monufacturing cost lo roct matediss, grecs acoc, and appled cvechest a. What was the company's bld peice on the Koopers job using a plantmde predetermined overnead rate? b. What woild the bid price have been ir deoartmental predeteemined trethead rotes had been used to apply owerticud cost? Complete this question tr entering your answens in the tabs beine. Suppose biat instead of using a plantmide prevorermined overiead rate, the company had used departmental piedeterimine overhead cates based on direct labor cost, Determine the amount of mamdectuing oyerhead coat that moula hive beth appled to the Koopen jeb Required: 1. Uaing the cortmarty's pinetwide spproache a. Compute the plantavide predetemined rate for the current year. b. Detormine the arpount of manufacturing oyefhesd cost that would hawe ooen appicd to the Koopers jes 2. 5uppase that instead of using an pinntwide predetermined Everheod rate, the company had used departime inta gedete ininind overheod raters based on di rect iabor eott. Under these conditions a. Campute the predetermined owerthead rate for each department for tho cument year, avertreadi. a. What was the cornpisny's bid price on the Koopers job using a plantivide predetermined overhead tate? b. What would the bit price have been if departmental prede4termined overhend rates had been used to opply eveifie sa cait? Comblete this question by entering your answers in the tabi below. Assuma that it is customary in the induntry fo bid jobs ot 1 sosh of cotal mamufacturing cost (difect materiais, direct taber, ami appeied everhead). What was the cempany's Eid price on the Knopers yob using a plantwide predeterririd overtishd rater Required: 1, Uising the compocry's piontwide approach; a. Compute the plantwide precfetermiaed rate for the current year. b. Determine she angant of manufacturing overhead cost that would have been applied to the Koapeis ohi. 2. Suppose that instead of using a plantwide aredeteimined cyerhead rahe, the company had used departmnntal precmermines overtiead rates based an direct labor cast Under these canditions? a. Compute the precetermined overhead rate for each department for the curremt year. b. Betermine the amodit of manufacturing overhead cost that would have boen applied in ine Keopers job 4. Assume that it is customary in the industy so bic jobs at 150% of total marufocturing cost (o'ecct matertisis, direct isbot, and asplied overisead). a. What was the company's bid price on the Koopers job vsing a ptantwide predeterinined erverivead rase? b. What would the bid peice have been if departmentsl predetermined ovetfead rates had been used ta appy oreichead cosi? Complete thil question by entering your answers in the tabs betow. Assume that it is custeehaty in the industry to bid jobs at 150% of total manufacaizing ceat cdiret materials, durect isbpe, and Apscime that overhead). What would the bid price have been if departmentat predeterminnd overhead rates had been used to abpry overhead cost? Sweoter Coapomplat heyebs in propreis at the begining or Marct and no beging Wuertanes fhe corenany hat Mecusired DBLe. answers 102 decimal places. wequied inturmation datie and chestlah relate ts the month of March. Aeguires 4 retand intermediete calcutations.| owaty x= 3. How much manulacturing ovemead was appled from the fabricotion Depaitwent te job 3 und how much was agpied to Job a? (0o not reund interinedite caktatations.) 345515 in 17 tif Moot ? 4. What wos the tota) mamutationing cost asspotedo jot Py (De nes round infermedate calculations). (The focbowing informution Apples to the queatort doplyyed fielaw) dati and questions relege to the month of Marcht. 5weelen Carpomy had no underappled or erenegied manidactaring overtend costa dureng ina mimh. Reveukedi. hor ques as the allocation tisie in both depariments and jobi inguded 20 uvils and job Q induded a0 unts for guestigm: bise. 5 if Jeb f inckided 20 unts, whar wos its urit product cost? too not roand intermediate calculations. Faurve your final anuwer to irerest whole doliac] The fovorwing infirmanion mppeses to the questont displynd bolow] two manufocturing deportmenti - Mageldesg and Fabrication. it stacted, cempieled and scid onic twe labs during Marsh-. data and quostions telate to the merth of Murchl. Sweten Compary had no underapied of overaoplied manulactuting overfelad costs dutra the munth Hequired: For questicns t to 9 , essume that Siveuten Compary uses departmental grodetermined overfesad mates w in mactine hours as the dilocation base in both separtments and Job P included 20 units and Jeb Q nevded 70 unus, Fer cuertions io to 15 , assume that the company uses a plantwide predeterimined overtsead rate with machine hours as the slecmion bace. 6. What was the total manufncturing cost assigned to Job. Q? (Do not round intermediate calculatiens.) dots and qutstiens ielate to the morth of Mareby Sineeten Company had no underipplied or overoppied manufactuaing overhesd costs durng the month, Required: Required: hoves as the allocaticn bose in boeh depecthenes and Job P Pncluded 20 units and sab Q includeo 10 urits roc quertont bose. if Job 0 included 30 units; what was its unt product cest? (Do nat round intermediate calculstians. Aound yout fial answas to earest whole dotlar.) dots and eupitions retate to the mondt at Marty. Mequiredi 60 to 15 assume that the company uses a plentwide predesermined overhead rate eith machine-hours as the alocatinit bisio. for both johs when staied on a per. unit besis? (De net reand intermediate ealcuiations. feuad yeur finat enswers to nearest whele daliars Aequired informution (The following information applies to the questions dibployad berow.) Sweesen Company had no jobs in progress at the begring of March and no beginning ifrentories. The camipa iy has job p and Job Q. The following addional informstion is avalabie tor the compory as a whole end fer Jabe P and Q data and queatians rolate to the menth of Marcil Sweeten Company had no underapplied or overappled manufaciuning overhe ad costs during the month. Pequired: For guestlens 1 to 9 , assume that Sweeten Company uses departmental predetermined overtiead rates witr mactune: hours as the allocation bsse in both departments and Job p included 20 units and job Q included 30 units. For questions 10 to 15 , assume that the compary uses a plantwide predetermined avertesd tate with maching hours os the allocavon base 9. What was Sweeten Company's cost of goods sold for Macct? (Do not reand intermediate caleulatians.) Required information (The following infarmation apolis to the guesbors daplayed beiow] Sweven Company had no jobs in preqress at the beginning of Aarch and no beginning inventorins. The conipany has two manufacturing departments - Molding and Fabtication. if starteo, comvieted, and sold oniy two jobs durme MaictiJob P and job O. The foliewing add data and questions reliate to the month of Marehi. Sweuten Compsry had no underappled or averapglied mamufactaring ovemesd costr daring the merith. Required: For questions 1 to 9 , assume that Sweeses Company uses departmental predeternined overhesd rates. Wer mychinehours as the allocation base in both departiments and Job P included 20 unts and Job 0 included 30 ints For questons 10 to 15 , assume that the company uses a plantwide predelentined owerhead rate wht machine-hours as the nipecetien base. 10. What was the company's plantwide predetermined overhead rate? (Round your answer to 2 decimal places) (The following informarion apqles to the questions olplared beloes) data and cuestions telite qo the month of March Sweeten Company had no underapgled of vepplied maufacturing overnead costi buting the menth Reequired: 10 to 15 , assume that the company uses a plantwide predeterwined averthesd rate vith inechine. baurs as the diocaton? base 11. How much manufacturing overheod was appled to Job P and haw much was applied to dob Q ? too not round intermediate calculations.] Hecquired information Aesirtet prase: Hedret mhote estere) Hequired intonnationt Aeduired bases 3. If job Qincluded 30 urits. What vas its unt, prodect cosp? foo nat round interrmediate calculations, Round your fonal ins wer fo tedrest vithole tfemat) 14 Fweelen Compery had no jolis in pregress as the begnand of Mathh and no begnneng amestories. the compary ham cata and quettians telate to the itanth of Mertik Aeuvired tantin 15. What was Sweeten Companysk cost of geeds teld fixe Much? (Do net round imtermedate calculatiens.) Hequired be appied to Job Bravo? PAound your intermerfare calculations to 2 decimal pleces.) onther too high to get the job or lee low so maker aing money on hatr the jobs we bia: iots. The folowing estimates nere made ot the beginning of the year. costs in the three depariments as folowe: Aevulteat: 1. Using the companys clantwide oporoach. a. Compute the plantwide predeterinined rate tor the curront yeat. a. Determine the amount of mardacturing overised cost that woded hew been apolied to the Koepers job. 2. Suppose that insead of caing a plantwide predetermined overhead rate, the company had csed depaibnentai bredetainined averhesed rates based an drect labor cost. Under these condions. a. Compute the predetermlaed overhead rate for cach department for the overent yoa! 1. Doternine the amount of manufactuting oveinead cost that veidd have been appled to the koapers job. 4. Assume that it is customary in the industry to bib jobs at is oos of toual manutacturing cost (direct masterials, dibect labor, and applied. averheode a. What was the company's bid price on the Koopers job using a plantwide predetermined overhead rate? b. What would the bid price have been if departmental predetormined ovorhead rotes had been used to apply bverhead coss? Compiete this qoestion ty entering your answers in the Labs below. Requiredt 1. Lhing the compansir plantivide appioilich av Comple the piantwide otedebermirsed ratie for the cun che yeat. overhesd rotes based on direct iober cost. Under these conditions. a. Compute the predeteriruned overhond rate fot esth department lor tie cuitent ye at. b. Decorenthe ghe amount of marufacturind overthead cost thit wenta have been appled to the Koocers joh. ereraitresth. 3. Whaq was the compary's bid gices oa the Koopers job using a plantwide predetermined oucrhead rafe? Complete this qoestion by fintering your mniwers in the tabt betow. Required: L. Using the company Misitwide approich: i. Corh Jie the piantwide prodeteimened rate foe the curencit yer. b. Determio the amount of manulacfuring overhesd cost thst would tave been apolked to the koates job. 2. Suppose that instesd of using a plantwide gredetermuned overhesd rate, the compary had used depsitenemai oredeterminind cverhead fates based on ditect Labor cost. Under these conditions. a. Cormpute the predeteminied overhead rate for each deparment for the currentyent th. Desecmine the amdunt of manafacturing overhead cost that would have be on apaticd to the Koopors job. owerheadi a. What was the campamy's bid arice on the Koopers job using a plantwide fredetermined ouechest risej B. Wrat would the bid price have beon if departmentaf predetermined overheiad rates had been used to oppty oyeitiead coat Complete this queation by entering yeur anwwers in the tatie belew. apalied so the koopers jeb. Required: 1. Using the compons plantwide opproach. a. Compute the plantwide predetemined tate for the current year. b. Determhe the amount of menufsctiaing overhesa cost that woidd have been appited to the koopers job 2. Suppose than instead of using a plantwitie aredeterminod overhead tate, the company nad used depnttpontan profotermaned onerhead rates based on direct labor cost. Under these conditions: a. Compute the predetermined owemead rate for each deparment for the curient yeae b. Desermine the ameant of menutacturing overhead cost that would have been opplied to the Koepels job. 4. Assume that if is customary in the industry to bid jobs at 150% of total manufoctiring cost lairect materiaks, ditect lateov, and applied; owerhead. a. What was the compeny's bid price on the Koopers job uting a plantwide predetermined coitheod rate? b. What would the bid price have been if degartmental prebetermined overthe od rates had been vied to epgly overnead cost? Complete this guestion by entering vour ansers in the tabs below. 5uppose that kutead of using a plantwide predeternined ererhead ras, the company nad used exparimental prederermened overhead rates based on direct labor cost. Computh the presetermined overtiead rate for each department fur the current year. Plequired: 1. Using the comparys plantwide approsch. a. Compute the plapatwide predetermined rate for the cunent year. b. Determine the amount of manytsctiering oveehead cost that would have been opplied to the Koopers jab. 2 Suppose that instead of using a plavtwide predetennined overtiead rate, the campany had used deparimantal predetarimines owerhead raters based on diect labor cost, Under these condibions: a. Compate the predetermined overhead rate for each department for the curieat year. b. Determine the amount of marufacturing overhead cost that would have been appled to the Koopers lob. 4. Assume that a is customary in the industry to bid jobs at 150% of rotal monufacturing cost lo roct matediss, grecs acoc, and appled cvechest a. What was the company's bld peice on the Koopers job using a plantmde predetermined overnead rate? b. What woild the bid price have been ir deoartmental predeteemined trethead rotes had been used to apply owerticud cost? Complete this question tr entering your answens in the tabs beine. Suppose biat instead of using a plantmide prevorermined overiead rate, the company had used departmental piedeterimine overhead cates based on direct labor cost, Determine the amount of mamdectuing oyerhead coat that moula hive beth appled to the Koopen jeb Required: 1. Uaing the cortmarty's pinetwide spproache a. Compute the plantavide predetemined rate for the current year. b. Detormine the arpount of manufacturing oyefhesd cost that would hawe ooen appicd to the Koopers jes 2. 5uppase that instead of using an pinntwide predetermined Everheod rate, the company had used departime inta gedete ininind overheod raters based on di rect iabor eott. Under these conditions a. Campute the predetermined owerthead rate for each department for tho cument year, avertreadi. a. What was the cornpisny's bid price on the Koopers job using a plantivide predetermined overhead tate? b. What would the bit price have been if departmental prede4termined overhend rates had been used to opply eveifie sa cait? Comblete this question by entering your answers in the tabi below. Assuma that it is customary in the induntry fo bid jobs ot 1 sosh of cotal mamufacturing cost (difect materiais, direct taber, ami appeied everhead). What was the cempany's Eid price on the Knopers yob using a plantwide predeterririd overtishd rater Required: 1, Uising the compocry's piontwide approach; a. Compute the plantwide precfetermiaed rate for the current year. b. Determine she angant of manufacturing overhead cost that would have been applied to the Koapeis ohi. 2. Suppose that instead of using a plantwide aredeteimined cyerhead rahe, the company had used departmnntal precmermines overtiead rates based an direct labor cast Under these canditions? a. Compute the precetermined overhead rate for each department for the curremt year. b. Betermine the amodit of manufacturing overhead cost that would have boen applied in ine Keopers job 4. Assume that it is customary in the industy so bic jobs at 150% of total marufocturing cost (o'ecct matertisis, direct isbot, and asplied overisead). a. What was the company's bid price on the Koopers job vsing a ptantwide predeterinined erverivead rase? b. What would the bid peice have been if departmentsl predetermined ovetfead rates had been used ta appy oreichead cosi? Complete thil question by entering your answers in the tabs betow. Assume that it is custeehaty in the industry to bid jobs at 150% of total manufacaizing ceat cdiret materials, durect isbpe, and Apscime that overhead). What would the bid price have been if departmentat predeterminnd overhead rates had been used to abpry overhead cost

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