Task B: PivotTable Reports (15%)
1. From the PivotTable data file provided, select the top 10 economies in term of their GDP.
2. Use the selected data to create PivotTable Reports in a new worksheet.
3. Use Country and then GDP as rows; use GDP growth as columns; and use Unemployment as content of the table.
4. Set two decimal points for Unemployment rates.
5. Remove column Grand Total.
6. Remove all Subtotals.
7. Sort the Column Labels by Ascending Order of Unemployment (Hint: Click on the button next to the Column Labels).
8. Interpret the resulting table (i.e., what relationships do you find from the table?)
DES Benin World Bank Data sources: Nite data worldbank.org indicator NY GDP MKTPKD ZG data worldbank.orgindicato LUEM TOTL.ZS httpMara work orginaIFPOPTOT ZG http://en.wikipedia.org/wit of countries by income qualitytente: **Please refer to the hyperlinks above for details of the terms Nominal GDP millions GDP growth rates Unemployment of US dollars (2013) of labor force) 2012 Country GDP GDP growth Unemployment Afghanistan 20.725 4.23 8.50 Albania 12.904 1.30 54.70 Algeria 210,183 2.70 9.80 Angola 121,704 4.06 Armenia 10.432 3.50 1850 Australia 1,500 597 2.66 5.20 Austria 415.844 0.39 4.30 Azerbaijan 73.560 5.30 5.40 Bangladesh 12 kg 6.03 4.50 Belarus 71.710 9.70 Belgium 508.116 0.20 7.50 Belize 1.605 7.90 8.307 5.50 1.00 Bhutan 1.854 49 2.10 Bolivia 30.601 6.78 3.20 Bosnia and Herzegovina 17.828 0.36 2820 Brazil 2.245 573 249 6.90 Bulgaria 53,010 0.90 12.30 Burkina Faso 11.583 E53 3:30 Burundi 2.718 447 7.70 Cambodia 15.250 7.46 1.50 Cameroon 29,275 5.50 2.80 Canada 1.825,096 200 720 Central African Republic 1.538 -36.00 7.50 Chile 277,199 6.40 China 9.240.270 7.67 4.50 Colombia 378,148 4.26 10.40 Comoros 657 3.52 7.00 Congo, Dem. Rep 30.629 7.20 Costa Rica 49.621 3.50 7/80 Cote d'Ivoire 30.905 8.70 4.00 Croatia 57.539 -1.00 15.80 Czech Republic 198.450 7.00 Denmark 330,814 0.40 7.50 Dominican Republic 60,614 4.06 13.00 Ecuador 90,023 4.00 4.50 Egypt, Arab Rep 271,973 2.10 11.90 El Salvador 24.259 16 6.90 Estonia 24,477 10.10 Ethiopia 46,869 10.36 5.40 F 4.028 274 8.40 Finland 256.842 7.80 France 2,734 949 021 9.90 Gabon 19.344 5. 20:30 Georgia 16.127 3.18 15.00 Germany 3.634 823 0.43 5.40 Ghana 47.929 7.13 3.60 Greece 241.721 2420 Guatemala 53.797 3.60 4.20 Guinea 6,193 2.50 3.10 Guinea-Bissau 859 0.26 7.50 8.450 430 7.00 Honduras 18,550 2.56 4.80 Hong Kong SAR, China 274,013 2.93 3.30 330 Hong Kong SAR, China India Indonesia Tran, Islamic Rep teland 5.02 5.70 5.80 274,043 1.80 068345 368.904 217310 29135 2010 14 403 6.60 3.10 140 331 233 6.00 44101 1304554 taly Jamaica Japan Jordan Keratan Kenya Korea, Rep Kyrgyz Republe Lao POR Lesotho Luxembourg Macedonia, FYR Madagascar M Malaysia Madives Mall Mexico Mol Mongolia Morocco Mobi TOTO 1370 430 12.20 5.30 9.20 320 8.40 1.30 26.50 510 1100 10:54 815 50 3.10 210 47 2200 6033 10.21 10,79 2.05 312.05 2.300 109 1200.945 7.95 271 215 107 19.14 441 7.80 3.10 11.30 10 490 560 5.20 9.00 7.50 15.70 2.70 8.30 690 104 1531 7.15 12.50 3.74 100.173 251 461 3.30 731 7,350 $12.00 236825 8.07 36 29.90 20020 2/2017 517.50 219.962 202.450 5.10 7.50 320 5.10 4.50 30 4.00 700 10.10 15.00 582 7.16 157 Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nagu Nigar Nagi Norway Pakistan Panana Paraguay Peru Prices Poland Portugal Gato Romania Russia Rwanda Senegal Serbia Semra Leone Singapore South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Suriname Swaziland Sweden Swird Tajikistan 700 5.50 2017 7452 15.150 405 9.90 27 350.000 1.358 23 2010 3.85 19 5. 3. 4.4 2.70 1153 196 740 6.96 1.40 200 2500 25 20 430 12.70 22:50 8.00 4,20 11.50 2.50 0.70 400 650 3.500 Thailand Timor-Leste 1515 Toge 21 211 5.12 160 2.81 20.207 21.40 2.522.21 166 Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Uganda UK Ukraine U USA Vene RB Vietnam Zambia 12.00 920 4.20 7.90 7.70 6.00 8.10 7.80 200 13:10 55.00 6.800.000 440 1.50 3 DES Benin World Bank Data sources: Nite data worldbank.org indicator NY GDP MKTPKD ZG data worldbank.orgindicato LUEM TOTL.ZS httpMara work orginaIFPOPTOT ZG http://en.wikipedia.org/wit of countries by income qualitytente: **Please refer to the hyperlinks above for details of the terms Nominal GDP millions GDP growth rates Unemployment of US dollars (2013) of labor force) 2012 Country GDP GDP growth Unemployment Afghanistan 20.725 4.23 8.50 Albania 12.904 1.30 54.70 Algeria 210,183 2.70 9.80 Angola 121,704 4.06 Armenia 10.432 3.50 1850 Australia 1,500 597 2.66 5.20 Austria 415.844 0.39 4.30 Azerbaijan 73.560 5.30 5.40 Bangladesh 12 kg 6.03 4.50 Belarus 71.710 9.70 Belgium 508.116 0.20 7.50 Belize 1.605 7.90 8.307 5.50 1.00 Bhutan 1.854 49 2.10 Bolivia 30.601 6.78 3.20 Bosnia and Herzegovina 17.828 0.36 2820 Brazil 2.245 573 249 6.90 Bulgaria 53,010 0.90 12.30 Burkina Faso 11.583 E53 3:30 Burundi 2.718 447 7.70 Cambodia 15.250 7.46 1.50 Cameroon 29,275 5.50 2.80 Canada 1.825,096 200 720 Central African Republic 1.538 -36.00 7.50 Chile 277,199 6.40 China 9.240.270 7.67 4.50 Colombia 378,148 4.26 10.40 Comoros 657 3.52 7.00 Congo, Dem. Rep 30.629 7.20 Costa Rica 49.621 3.50 7/80 Cote d'Ivoire 30.905 8.70 4.00 Croatia 57.539 -1.00 15.80 Czech Republic 198.450 7.00 Denmark 330,814 0.40 7.50 Dominican Republic 60,614 4.06 13.00 Ecuador 90,023 4.00 4.50 Egypt, Arab Rep 271,973 2.10 11.90 El Salvador 24.259 16 6.90 Estonia 24,477 10.10 Ethiopia 46,869 10.36 5.40 F 4.028 274 8.40 Finland 256.842 7.80 France 2,734 949 021 9.90 Gabon 19.344 5. 20:30 Georgia 16.127 3.18 15.00 Germany 3.634 823 0.43 5.40 Ghana 47.929 7.13 3.60 Greece 241.721 2420 Guatemala 53.797 3.60 4.20 Guinea 6,193 2.50 3.10 Guinea-Bissau 859 0.26 7.50 8.450 430 7.00 Honduras 18,550 2.56 4.80 Hong Kong SAR, China 274,013 2.93 3.30 330 Hong Kong SAR, China India Indonesia Tran, Islamic Rep teland 5.02 5.70 5.80 274,043 1.80 068345 368.904 217310 29135 2010 14 403 6.60 3.10 140 331 233 6.00 44101 1304554 taly Jamaica Japan Jordan Keratan Kenya Korea, Rep Kyrgyz Republe Lao POR Lesotho Luxembourg Macedonia, FYR Madagascar M Malaysia Madives Mall Mexico Mol Mongolia Morocco Mobi TOTO 1370 430 12.20 5.30 9.20 320 8.40 1.30 26.50 510 1100 10:54 815 50 3.10 210 47 2200 6033 10.21 10,79 2.05 312.05 2.300 109 1200.945 7.95 271 215 107 19.14 441 7.80 3.10 11.30 10 490 560 5.20 9.00 7.50 15.70 2.70 8.30 690 104 1531 7.15 12.50 3.74 100.173 251 461 3.30 731 7,350 $12.00 236825 8.07 36 29.90 20020 2/2017 517.50 219.962 202.450 5.10 7.50 320 5.10 4.50 30 4.00 700 10.10 15.00 582 7.16 157 Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nagu Nigar Nagi Norway Pakistan Panana Paraguay Peru Prices Poland Portugal Gato Romania Russia Rwanda Senegal Serbia Semra Leone Singapore South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Suriname Swaziland Sweden Swird Tajikistan 700 5.50 2017 7452 15.150 405 9.90 27 350.000 1.358 23 2010 3.85 19 5. 3. 4.4 2.70 1153 196 740 6.96 1.40 200 2500 25 20 430 12.70 22:50 8.00 4,20 11.50 2.50 0.70 400 650 3.500 Thailand Timor-Leste 1515 Toge 21 211 5.12 160 2.81 20.207 21.40 2.522.21 166 Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Uganda UK Ukraine U USA Vene RB Vietnam Zambia 12.00 920 4.20 7.90 7.70 6.00 8.10 7.80 200 13:10 55.00 6.800.000 440 1.50 3