#-----Task Description-----------------------------------------------# # # TREASURE MAP # # This assignment tests your skills at processing data stored in # lists, creating reusable code and following
#-----Task Description-----------------------------------------------#
# This assignment tests your skills at processing data stored in
# lists, creating reusable code and following instructions to display
# a complex visual image. The incomplete Python program below is
# missing a crucial function, "follow_path". You are required to
# complete this function so that when the program is run it traces
# a path on the screen, drawing "tokens" to indicate discoveries made
# along the way, while using data stored in a list to determine the
# steps to be taken. See the instruction sheet accompanying this
# file for full details.
# Note that this assignment is in two parts, the second of which
# will be released only just before the final deadline. This
# template file will be used for both parts and you will submit
# your final solution as a single Python 3 file, whether or not you
# complete both parts of the assignment.
# This section imports necessary functions and defines constant
# values used for creating the drawing canvas. You should not change
# any of the code in this section.
# Import the functions needed to complete this assignment. You
# should not need to use any other modules for your solution. In
# particular, your solution must not rely on any non-standard Python
# modules that need to be downloaded and installed separately,
# because the markers will not have access to such modules.
from turtle import *
from math import *
from random import *
# Define constant values used in the main program that sets up
# the drawing canvas. Do not change any of these values.
grid_size = 100 # pixels
num_squares = 7 # to create a 7x7 map grid
margin = 50 # pixels, the size of the margin around the grid
legend_space = 400 # pixels, the space to leave for the legend
window_height = grid_size * num_squares + margin * 2
window_width = grid_size * num_squares + margin + legend_space
font_size = 18 # size of characters for the coords
starting_points = ['Top left', 'Top right', 'Centre',
'Bottom left', 'Bottom right']
#-----Functions for Creating the Drawing Canvas----------------------#
# The functions in this section are called by the main program to
# manage the drawing canvas for your image. You should not change
# any of the code in this section. (Very keen students are welcome
# to draw their own background, provided they do not change the map's
# grid or affect the ability to see it.)
# Set up the canvas and draw the background for the overall image
def create_drawing_canvas():
# Set up the drawing window with enough space for the grid and
# legend
setup(window_width, window_height)
setworldcoordinates(-margin, -margin, window_width - margin,
window_height - margin)
# Draw as quickly as possible
# Choose a neutral background colour (if you want to draw your
# own background put the code here, but do not change any of the
# following code that draws the grid)
bgcolor('light grey')
# Get ready to draw the grid
color('slate grey')
# Draw the horizontal grid lines
setheading(0) # face east
for y_coord in range(0, (num_squares + 1) * grid_size, grid_size):
goto(0, y_coord)
forward(num_squares * grid_size)
# Draw the vertical grid lines
setheading(90) # face north
for x_coord in range(0, (num_squares + 1) * grid_size, grid_size):
goto(x_coord, 0)
forward(num_squares * grid_size)
# Draw each of the labels on the x axis
y_offset = -27 # pixels
for x_coord in range(0, (num_squares + 1) * grid_size, grid_size):
goto(x_coord, y_offset)
write(str(x_coord), align = 'center',
font=('Arial', font_size, 'normal'))
# Draw each of the labels on the y axis
x_offset, y_offset = -5, -10 # pixels
for y_coord in range(0, (num_squares + 1) * grid_size, grid_size):
goto(x_offset, y_coord + y_offset)
write(str(y_coord), align = 'right',
font=('Arial', font_size, 'normal'))
# Mark the space for drawing the legend
goto((num_squares * grid_size) + margin, (num_squares * grid_size) // 2)
write(' Put your legend here', align = 'left',
font=('Arial', 24, 'normal'))
# Reset everything ready for the student's solution
# End the program and release the drawing canvas to the operating
# system. By default the cursor (turtle) is hidden when the
# program ends - call the function with False as the argument to
# prevent this.
def release_drawing_canvas(hide_cursor = True):
tracer(True) # ensure any drawing still in progress is displayed
if hide_cursor:
#-----Test Data for Use During Code Development----------------------#
# The "fixed" data sets in this section are provided to help you
# develop and test your code. You can use them as the argument to
# the follow_path function while perfecting your solution. However,
# they will NOT be used to assess your program. Your solution will
# be assessed using the random_path function appearing below. Your
# program must work correctly for any data set that can be generated
# by the random_path function.
# Each of the data sets is a list of instructions expressed as
# triples. The instructions have two different forms. The first
# instruction in the data set is always of the form
# ['Start', location, token_number]
# where the location may be 'Top left', 'Top right', 'Centre',
# 'Bottom left' or 'Bottom right', and the token_number is an
# integer from 0 to 4, inclusive. This instruction tells us where
# to begin our treasure hunt and the token that we find there.
# (Every square we visit will yield a token, including the first.)
# The remaining instructions, if any, are all of the form
# [direction, number_of_squares, token_number]
# where the direction may be 'North', 'South', 'East' or 'West',
# the number_of_squares is a positive integer, and the token_number
# is an integer from 0 to 4, inclusive. This instruction tells
# us where to go from our current location in the grid and the
# token that we will find in the target square. See the instructions
# accompanying this file for examples.
# Some starting points - the following fixed paths just start a path
# with each of the five tokens in a different location
fixed_path_0 = [['Start', 'Top left', 0]]
fixed_path_1 = [['Start', 'Top right', 1]]
fixed_path_2 = [['Start', 'Centre', 2]]
fixed_path_3 = [['Start', 'Bottom left', 3]]
fixed_path_4 = [['Start', 'Bottom right', 4]]
# Some miscellaneous paths which encounter all five tokens once
fixed_path_5 = [['Start', 'Top left', 0], ['East', 1, 1], ['East', 1, 2],
['East', 1, 3], ['East', 1, 4]]
fixed_path_6 = [['Start', 'Bottom right', 0], ['West', 1, 1], ['West', 1, 2],
['West', 1, 3], ['West', 1, 4]]
fixed_path_7 = [['Start', 'Centre', 4], ['North', 2, 3], ['East', 2, 2],
['South', 4, 1], ['West', 2, 0]]
# A path which finds each token twice
fixed_path_8 = [['Start', 'Bottom left', 1], ['East', 5, 2],
['North', 2, 3], ['North', 4, 0], ['South', 3, 2],
['West', 4, 0], ['West', 1, 4],
['East', 3, 1], ['South', 3, 4], ['East', 1, 3]]
# Some short paths
fixed_path_9 = [['Start', 'Centre', 0], ['East', 3, 2],
['North', 2, 1], ['West', 2, 3],
['South', 3, 4], ['West', 4, 1]]
fixed_path_10 = [['Start', 'Top left', 2], ['East', 6, 3], ['South', 1, 0],
['South', 1, 0], ['West', 6, 2], ['South', 4, 3]]
fixed_path_11 = [['Start', 'Top left', 2], ['South', 1, 0], ['East', 2, 4],
['South', 1, 1], ['East', 3, 4], ['West', 1, 3],
['South', 2, 0]]
# Some long paths
fixed_path_12 = [['Start', 'Top right', 2], ['South', 4, 0],
['South', 1, 1], ['North', 3, 4], ['West', 4, 0],
['West', 2, 0], ['South', 3, 4], ['East', 2, 3],
['East', 1, 1], ['North', 3, 2], ['South', 1, 3],
['North', 3, 2], ['West', 1, 2], ['South', 3, 4],
['East', 3, 0], ['South', 1, 1]]
fixed_path_13 = [['Start', 'Top left', 1], ['East', 5, 3], ['West', 4, 2],
['East', 1, 3], ['East', 2, 2], ['South', 5, 1],
['North', 2, 0], ['East', 2, 0], ['West', 1, 1],
['West', 5, 0], ['South', 1, 3], ['East', 3, 0],
['East', 1, 4], ['North', 3, 0], ['West', 1, 4],
['West', 3, 1], ['South', 4, 1], ['East', 5, 1],
['West', 4, 0]]
# "I've been everywhere, man!" - this path visits every square in
# the grid, with randomised choices of tokens
fixed_path_99 = [['Start', 'Top left', randint(0, 4)]] + \
[['East', 1, randint(0, 4)] for step in range(6)] + \
[['South', 1, randint(0, 4)]] + \
[['West', 1, randint(0, 4)] for step in range(6)] + \
[['South', 1, randint(0, 4)]] + \
[['East', 1, randint(0, 4)] for step in range(6)] + \
[['South', 1, randint(0, 4)]] + \
[['West', 1, randint(0, 4)] for step in range(6)] + \
[['South', 1, randint(0, 4)]] + \
[['East', 1, randint(0, 4)] for step in range(6)] + \
[['South', 1, randint(0, 4)]] + \
[['West', 1, randint(0, 4)] for step in range(6)] + \
[['South', 1, randint(0, 4)]] + \
[['East', 1, randint(0, 4)] for step in range(6)]
# If you want to create your own test data sets put them here
#-----Function for Assessing Your Solution---------------------------#
# The function in this section will be used to assess your solution.
# Do not change any of the code in this section.
# The following function creates a random data set specifying a path
# to follow. Your program must work for any data set that can be
# returned by this function. The results returned by calling this
# function will be used as the argument to your follow_path function
# during marking. For convenience during code development and
# marking this function also prints the path to be followed to the
# shell window.
# Note: For brevity this function uses some Python features not taught
# in IFB104 (dictionaries and list generators). You do not need to
# understand this code to complete the assignment.
def random_path(print_path = True):
# Select one of the five starting points, with a random token
path = [['Start', choice(starting_points), randint(0, 4)]]
# Determine our location in grid coords (assuming num_squares is odd)
start_coords = {'Top left': [0, num_squares - 1],
'Bottom left': [0, 0],
'Top right': [num_squares - 1, num_squares - 1],
'Centre': [num_squares // 2, num_squares // 2],
'Bottom right': [num_squares - 1, 0]}
location = start_coords[path[0][1]]
# Keep track of squares visited
been_there = [location]
# Create a path up to 19 steps long (so at most there will be 20 tokens)
for step in range(randint(0, 19)):
# Find places to go in each possible direction, calculating both
# the new grid square and the instruction required to take
# us there
go_north = [[[location[0], new_square],
['North', new_square - location[1], token]]
for new_square in range(location[1] + 1, num_squares)
for token in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
if not ([location[0], new_square] in been_there)]
go_south = [[[location[0], new_square],
['South', location[1] - new_square, token]]
for new_square in range(0, location[1])
for token in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
if not ([location[0], new_square] in been_there)]
go_west = [[[new_square, location[1]],
['West', location[0] - new_square, token]]
for new_square in range(0, location[0])
for token in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
if not ([new_square, location[1]] in been_there)]
go_east = [[[new_square, location[1]],
['East', new_square - location[0], token]]
for new_square in range(location[0] + 1, num_squares)
for token in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
if not ([new_square, location[1]] in been_there)]
# Choose a free square to go to, if any exist
options = go_north + go_south + go_east + go_west
if options == []: # nowhere left to go, so stop!
target_coord, instruction = choice(options)
# Remember being there
location = target_coord
# Add the move to the list of instructions
# To assist with debugging and marking, print the list of
# instructions to be followed to the shell window
print('Welcome to the Treasure Hunt!')
print('Here are the steps you must follow...')
for instruction in path:
# Return the random path
return path
#-----Student's Solution---------------------------------------------#
# Complete the assignment by replacing the dummy function below with
# your own "follow_path" function.
# Follow the path as per the provided dataset
def follow_path(replace_me):
#-----Main Program---------------------------------------------------#
# This main program sets up the background, ready for you to start
# drawing your solution. Do not change any of this code except
# as indicated by the comments marked '*****'.
# Set up the drawing canvas
# Control the drawing speed
# ***** Modify the following argument if you want to adjust
# ***** the drawing speed
# Decide whether or not to show the drawing being done step-by-step
# ***** Set the following argument to False if you don't want to wait
# ***** forever while the cursor moves around the screen
# Give the drawing canvas a title
# ***** Replace this title with a description of your solution's theme
# ***** and its tokens
title("Put a description of your theme and tokens here")
### Call the student's function to follow the path
### ***** While developing your program you can call the follow_path
### ***** function with one of the "fixed" data sets, but your
### ***** final solution must work with "random_path()" as the
### ***** argument to the follow_path function. Your program must
### ***** work for any data set that can be returned by the
### ***** random_path function.
# follow_path(fixed_path_0) # <-- used for code development only, not marking
follow_path(random_path()) # <-- used for assessment
# Exit gracefully
# ***** Change the default argument to False if you want the
# ***** cursor (turtle) to remain visible at the end of the
# ***** program as a debugging aid
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