Task three Suppose you are a gold miner, or, you have a gold mine. On may 82023 , you know you will sell one kilogram gold in June 29. Would you worry about the movement of the gold price? If the price of gold go down in the following months, your profit will decrease. What would you like to do to avoid this kind of price risk. There are also two kinds of strategies. The first is to have a short hedging strategy. The second is to sell gold in June 29. Compare these these two kinds of strategies. Which one is better? Task Four Think about the functions of the hedging strategy. Discuss with your fellows the necessity of the hedging strategy. Then write them down. Task Five There are still many details which we don't talk about in former class, Such as why do we use August gold futures contract; How can we know the success or failure of the hedging strategies; Can we lock in the gold price in hedging strategy? Or on may 8 , Can you have a certain gold price for the purchase of gold in June 29. if you want to know more, You can study the conception of basis risk. Task six Combining with your actual Situations, Such as where do you come from. Which kind of international trade that you are familiar with, especially international trade of commodities, What kind of potential risk you will face. Design hedging strategy to avoid this kind of price risk. Find news and economic reports, which kind of bulk commodity is most important in international trades between your country (economic entity) and China. Is this commodity also the underlying asset of futures? if it is, suppose you are an importer (when. where, how many products do you want to buy in Sep 12), then choose suitable futures contract, use futures to avoid price risk, analyze the results ( you need today's spot price and futures price). By Sep 12, what should you do