Taszk MGMT2007 ASSESSIMIENT 3 5EM 1 2024 MEDIA FILES- 40% Your task is to find five media articles related to the topics studied in this unit. Each article should discuss a different topic. You should start collecting articles early in the semester so that you select the most useful articles to include. Make sure they are related to employment relations topics studied in this unit. Media articles should be written by journalists and obtained from newspapers, TV, radio or online news websites. You should not use articles obtained from government, academic, consultancy or legal websites (please see below). If you are not sure, please check with your lecturer. Your media articles should be dated from July 2023 to the present. ou should include a screenshot, photo or download of each article so that the lecturer can read the article in your assessment, without having to access it through a link. The articles should be included in an appendix. For each article: a. Use a heading which gives the name of the article, where it was published and the date it was published. b. Provide a brief description of the content of the article, primarily in your own words. c. Discuss how the article relates to a topic of the unit. This is the mast important part of each discussion. d. Discuss the perspective from which the article is written- for example, itis written from an employer or worker perspective, can you identify either a unitarist or pluralist perspective from the author? Refer to relevant regulation in vour discussions. f. Give your own point of view as to how the article helps you to understand employment relations in Australia. Assessment Instructions 1 You should include a cover page and Table of Contents. These are not included in your word count. ou should provide a brief introduction and conclusion. These are not included in the word count