tersinen. vented fees. 55.960 : e Melmvad unati frimelerin in atesurh, 11s.150. 1t Mad abctioty bi far aly teta. 3) Recodsd serices jrenidas on acoourt ler the ipin new of Jay. Is. ece. 3t Hed divetint 112 sod; fercuainad. 3) Averimit erungebics mis balkice. (ia) wisuraide exprost anavy ver it suss. (4) Sopyried an hand ea ser 3f are 12 ses (e) Deperciaton of osice efuintitht for hiy at 1735 (o) Fect expired otmog hyy ir 5 ) 400 . (i) thearicd foet on Jles at we 92 a s 7. Frheses at adyyctad trim buitence C. Praure batmone shbat as of diy 3 f. 20y? CHAET OF ACCOUNTS Diarand Comeuting Qenerel Lidper. 2f Accourta Pepabile 22 dyaisies Payotif a) Ureamat f nes EQuTr 31 Comman swek Iy Meiarned Gaemings 3) Muitesite Labels and Amount Ceseriotions Labeft Curentasati Carrent iebchias Eusenias. For tho Monh Endind Jury 34, zar? July 31. 20y? Precerty glant. and equipment Ronvenues Amgunt oefrtipltoes Braiances: July s.20va Balancek duy 31, word Dvidendi ismud cammon stock. Net income Net ias Total assais Total oument assets Total eupenees focal haboites Total liabisices and simekholders bquity Total properfy. piant, and equicunent Total alockichoris equily recoived. 1. Pait two mentw net ot e ease renat cocrazt, it ae0. vremamesifens. Is tob 5. Puechased adationat ofies aquenem on peerani ter Dfice statas Co. 38.360. 6 Resmeved cavh her eient an aocent, 34,100 19 Paid cakhtar a nteacaper advertipe inant $400. 12 Hecarded marices prova et en escoum for the pared juby 1-17, 113.305. Fectove the hokwing banpqctions in Page 2 of ine joumat: IB Psid cakh fer supalas, $600. 24. Receivod cash tem cierat en waxdunt $12,000. 27 Pad racejtioritg tor iwe vetehs' alairr, 31.700. 29 Rnd teloohere bit far day. 5325 : 7) Resordee cash tain ceat elents for fees aamos for ink poriod July 25:31, 55460 . 9t Resaved aarvices prdwded on ietoount for the remender at duf. $3,000 31 Fhid dheceds, 512,500 P Pequired Beware ait whasfuse tral halmen (e) inawistee 6 xaved daing 2 hy i 593 s (of I suwplec on fised on July 3t are $1.525 (c) Depreciation of atice equineal for Moy is $750. (0) Ascrued receptionis aliary ag way 31 ia 5t70 (e) Ront hipired during toly is s2. 400 II) Whisaved foss an AH/ 31 de $2,300 7. Propsman auluarod mai baimse 3. A. Piepare an metwe diafamort far the monit andes duly Jt, 29y2 : C. Propare e baintce shict as of Jlay 31,20 y? 10. Rropare a post-closing thid baiance. CHANt or ACCOUNtS Dikmosd Connuling Aerenal Ladger Labels and Amount Descriptions rabely Guirent saepts Eurcens inbidites Expentes: For the Mont Finded 2uly 31,20y2 juy 31, adey? Procerty, plant and saulptrese fervenuies Amount Dersciptions: Eslanides, duly, 1, 2ure Baiannes, dury,31, zer2 Divigenot Iscucd oommen aldeck. Net incorne Netioss Tolal bssets Total cument 27sess Tecal nxpeners. Tolal lsbilbes Jatal labiaties and stoekholder' ec elly Totai poopety. puset, and equpmint Tolar ssackhoisers aquily. tersinen. vented fees. 55.960 : e Melmvad unati frimelerin in atesurh, 11s.150. 1t Mad abctioty bi far aly teta. 3) Recodsd serices jrenidas on acoourt ler the ipin new of Jay. Is. ece. 3t Hed divetint 112 sod; fercuainad. 3) Averimit erungebics mis balkice. (ia) wisuraide exprost anavy ver it suss. (4) Sopyried an hand ea ser 3f are 12 ses (e) Deperciaton of osice efuintitht for hiy at 1735 (o) Fect expired otmog hyy ir 5 ) 400 . (i) thearicd foet on Jles at we 92 a s 7. Frheses at adyyctad trim buitence C. Praure batmone shbat as of diy 3 f. 20y? CHAET OF ACCOUNTS Diarand Comeuting Qenerel Lidper. 2f Accourta Pepabile 22 dyaisies Payotif a) Ureamat f nes EQuTr 31 Comman swek Iy Meiarned Gaemings 3) Muitesite Labels and Amount Ceseriotions Labeft Curentasati Carrent iebchias Eusenias. For tho Monh Endind Jury 34, zar? July 31. 20y? Precerty glant. and equipment Ronvenues Amgunt oefrtipltoes Braiances: July s.20va Balancek duy 31, word Dvidendi ismud cammon stock. Net income Net ias Total assais Total oument assets Total eupenees focal haboites Total liabisices and simekholders bquity Total properfy. piant, and equicunent Total alockichoris equily recoived. 1. Pait two mentw net ot e ease renat cocrazt, it ae0. vremamesifens. Is tob 5. Puechased adationat ofies aquenem on peerani ter Dfice statas Co. 38.360. 6 Resmeved cavh her eient an aocent, 34,100 19 Paid cakhtar a nteacaper advertipe inant $400. 12 Hecarded marices prova et en escoum for the pared juby 1-17, 113.305. Fectove the hokwing banpqctions in Page 2 of ine joumat: IB Psid cakh fer supalas, $600. 24. Receivod cash tem cierat en waxdunt $12,000. 27 Pad racejtioritg tor iwe vetehs' alairr, 31.700. 29 Rnd teloohere bit far day. 5325 : 7) Resordee cash tain ceat elents for fees aamos for ink poriod July 25:31, 55460 . 9t Resaved aarvices prdwded on ietoount for the remender at duf. $3,000 31 Fhid dheceds, 512,500 P Pequired Beware ait whasfuse tral halmen (e) inawistee 6 xaved daing 2 hy i 593 s (of I suwplec on fised on July 3t are $1.525 (c) Depreciation of atice equineal for Moy is $750. (0) Ascrued receptionis aliary ag way 31 ia 5t70 (e) Ront hipired during toly is s2. 400 II) Whisaved foss an AH/ 31 de $2,300 7. Propsman auluarod mai baimse 3. A. Piepare an metwe diafamort far the monit andes duly Jt, 29y2 : C. Propare e baintce shict as of Jlay 31,20 y? 10. Rropare a post-closing thid baiance. CHANt or ACCOUNtS Dikmosd Connuling Aerenal Ladger Labels and Amount Descriptions rabely Guirent saepts Eurcens inbidites Expentes: For the Mont Finded 2uly 31,20y2 juy 31, adey? Procerty, plant and saulptrese fervenuies Amount Dersciptions: Eslanides, duly, 1, 2ure Baiannes, dury,31, zer2 Divigenot Iscucd oommen aldeck. Net incorne Netioss Tolal bssets Total cument 27sess Tecal nxpeners. Tolal lsbilbes Jatal labiaties and stoekholder' ec elly Totai poopety. puset, and equpmint Tolar ssackhoisers aquily