TEST: Factorial Designs and Chi-Square. Part A: Factorial Design Samantha Carter is employed by a government agency that oversees personnel research for multiple military branches. Recent high turnover rates have sparked interest in better understanding and predicting possible turnover. Samantha hypothesizes that membership in military branch (military or civilian) and supervisor management style (theory x, y, or z) impact employee tenure. determine the impact of membership and management style on employee tenure. Use the Bonferroni post hoc test if/when needed. Your answer should include (a) an identification of the type of ANOVA and target variables, (b) discussion of main effects, and (c) discussion of interaction effects. Provide your answers based on your statistical analysis and interpretation. Answers: 1. Identify the type of ANOVA and target variables. Between-Subjects Factors Value Label Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variancesa,b MEMBER military 45 Statistic df1 df2 Sig. civilian 45 TENURE Based on Mean .665 5 84 .651 STYLE 1 30 Based on Median 389 5 84 855 855 2. Report the main effects 2 30 .389 5 76.095 30 with adjusted af Based on trimmed 640 .670 mean s the null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent variable is equal Descriptive Statistics across groups." a. Dependent variable: TENURE Dependent Variable: TENURE b. Design: Intercept + MEMBER + STYLE + MEMBER - STYLE Std. MEMBER STYLE Mean Deviation Tests of Between-Subjects Effects military x 5.27 2.604 15 Dependent Variable: TENURE 3. Report the interaction effects. y 7.20 2.145 15 Type Ill Sum Squared 6.47 2.326 15 Source Mean Square Sig. 45 Corrected Model 58.0892 Total 6.31 2.448 11.618 2.238 058 3867.778 3867.778 744.940 <.001 .899 civilian intercept x member .012 style .107 z . total corrected a. r squared=".118" .065 estimated marginal means of tenure dependent variable: confidence interval mean std. error lower bound upper military .588 post hoc tests multiple comparisons difference sid. sto ower term square the is significant at .05 level>