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The assignment is to analyze and discuss the business case titled Port Aventura from Theme Park to Resort. Business case is available for download on

The assignment is to analyze and discuss the business case titled "Port Aventura from Theme Park to Resort". Business case is available for download on LMS. Analyze and discuss the business case by answering the following questions to complete your assignment. In your discussions for each question, please explain, support and prove your idea. 'Business Case: Port Aventura from Theme Park to Resort"
1- Explain the current stage of Port Aventura described in the case. Describe Port Aventura's organization structure, business processes, information systems used, and the architecture of its information systems. Describe Port Aventura's coordination and collaboration among internal business units such as departments and business lines, and communications with external entities such as customer. business partners (i.e., travel agencies).
2-Examine the main problems at Port Aventura. What are the main problems at Port Aventura? What are the main reasons for these main problems at Port Aventura?
3-Examine the challenges created by these main problems.
4-Examine Port Aventura's strategic business objectives and its requirements. O What are the strategic business objectives of the Port Aventura? O What are the specific needs of Port Aventura to achieve its business objectives? How do these problems affect Port Aventura's operations? How do these problems affect Port Aventura's coordination and collaboration among internal business units, and communication with external entities? How are Port Aventura's information systems aligned with its business objectives? How do the problems affect the achievement of Port Aventura's business objectives?
5-If you were the Port Aventura's top management team, how to solve the problems? o Explain which Enterprise Systems should be used to solve the problems. O Explain how Enterprise Systems solve the problems in details. O Explain how Enterprise Systems enable Port Aventura to achieve its strategic business objectives?
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Descraption The assignment is to analyze and discuss the business case titled "Port A fenfura from Theme Park 1o Resort". Business case is available for download on LMS. Analyre and discuss the bustness case by answering the following questions to complete your assignment, In your discussions for each question, plase explain, support and prove your idea. - Explain the current stage of Port Aventura described in the case. o. Describe Port Aventura's organization structure, business processes, information systerts used, and the archilecture of its information systems. - Describe Port Aventura's coordination and collaboration among intemat business units such as departments and business liries, and communications with external entities such as customers and business partiers (i.e, travel agencies). - Examine the main problems at Port Aventura. o. What are the main problems at Port Aventura? - What are the main reasons for these maln problems at Port Aventura? - Examine the challenges created by these main problems - How do these problems affect Port Aventura's operations? - How do these problems affect Port Aventura's coordination and collaboration among infernal business units, and communication with external entities? - Examine Port Aventura's strategic business obfectives and its requirements. - What are the strategic basiness objectives of the Port Aventura? - What are the specific needs of Port Aventura to achieve its business objectives? - How are Port Aventura's information systems alfmed with its business objectives? - How do the problems affect the achievenent of Pont Aventura's business objectives? - If you were the Port Aventura's fop maragement team, how to solve the problems? - Explain which Enterprise Systens should be used to solve the problems - Explain how Faterpeise Systems solve the problems in details. o. Foptain how Enterprise Systems enable Pon Aventura to achieve ifs stratede business objectives? information management at Port Aventura Mariano A Hervs, Joan Rodon, Marc Planell, Xavier Sala Correaposiboce. Spain. Tei: +3402 ack 1t: Abstracl Atler Pot Aventural's launch as a theme park in 1985, it continued to invest heaviy in new showh, riok, hotels, golt courses, a comention center, and a shoppirg mal, al with the aim of adiusting to seasonal edjusted demand. This transformation from a theme park to a rescrt posed new chalangos for Port Aventura's exocutive toam, In partioulat, es a theme park, the enalyeis of its commarcial activty focused on aggregated statiatical information about goups of customers. By contrast, as a rescrt, nanagament now nooded to know and targat individual customers. Yet, the company's exesting informeticn managament processess and systims were not raady to support such a one to - cne marketing approach. This case is situeted in mid-2009 when the general manager asked the chiat frenclat officer and the drector of information systems to find a soution to addrenta the marketng needs of the resort. The case discussion encourtapes studen's to identily and assess the business problems and relate them to the pristing information manogment prooesses and systoms. Studints will also hane to preant a proposal that addrasses this cre-to-one marketing stralegy- fournat of Information Technalogy Teaching Coses (2011) 1,71-78. dok:10.1057/pitic. 2011.9. published online S July 2011 felationahip mandgenient; theme park teart Introduction If was Saturday, 23 May 2009 , and the weather forecast predicied a diar, sunny day. With the Spanist ichool year 1 having just ended, it was one of the first days of a large influs of visitors to Peirt. Aventiara, The resort was operating at fall capacity. It was past noon, and Fernando Aldecoe, Director of Finance at Vort Aventura, was on watch duty. walletig through the park. Watch duty had bern implenented as a practice-a frow years prior and affected all managers and directors who rotaled duties - once every 4 wocks - spending an entive day insile the theme park. Watch doty didn't end antil the last car left the parking lot. It was recognized as hard but extremely weful in order to "live the business"? walking through the theme park, atsending shows, eatiog at the retaurants, and visiting the golf courses and hotels. In short. it put managurs in the castomer's thoes. Feroando walked by ane of the areas of the amusement park known as Cbina, one of the five fecus atras is the park. in addition to Mediterrania, Polynesis, the Par-West and Merico. The China area recrealed the landicape and the buildings of the Aulan glast. China is also where the blggest aturiction in the park is located: the Dragon Khan roDercoaster, In the viciaity of latter, Fernando had agreed to-meet Mercedes de Pablo, Managing Director of the resort, whe whs also on watch dety thit dey. "Boy is it hot todoy, Fernandol What a day to have watch duty: commented Mercedes amicably. "With the hot wind coming from the west, we'll have the water and ice cream trolley working at full capacity? joked Fernando. Both had agreed to meet for tunch and they headed is La Hacienda revearant, located in the Mexico area of the park. On the way to the restaurant they consulied their smart phones which indicated the number of visiters wbe were then inside the park ar well as forreasts at dosing and a comparison of these flgures with the daily bedget esilmates made by the Planalag Department. "What a dayl,' commented Fernando. "tf we have 31,000 vialtors now, we7l reach 36,000 with afiernoon ticket alia. 1 think Pianning has hit the target again: Meamwile, Mencedes Jooked around het. The way she was Areased was peculiar, with her smarr ploose in one hand and a walkie-taklie dingling from her belt, as well as \&. 32 the fact that ahe wasn't iweaty. But it waso't as pecullar as the elght goesta who line up before ber, They were wearing Whal- linown insurance company. "I belirre nex year'a badget is anbitious gives the current critis," commented one of then our notional expanios program can fepreseal a great leap forward for the coimpany. We have to be teady? Mercedes wras listening to the convernation when Fernande waid, Ther rented the Chincte theatre for the day and are presenting the companyh strategic plans for the coming yean. They've brooght togedher ail the temitorial delegates and the department hetds, which should be arooind 200 people. The general thintiger comen here every surnmer with his family, He lives near Tarragona. He's a regular custoroet. He wanted to bring bls entire team here to give a different fed to the meetings they bold every year. When we inamgurate the comwntion center,' continuad Fernasdo, 'we'll be able to hold a zreater number of corporate eveats and offer diflerentiating services: 'What makes us different,' replied Mercedes, 'is that chey cen tpend the rest of the dap for the park, cnjor the rides, carry oet group activiles, ipend all day outdoors; in short, they can work and really disconect at the same fime? "Good affemoon. Two for lunch", atked the restaurant hostres. Fernando replied, rodding his head yea, when the girl replied, We'tl have your table ready in a miaute; wail bere, please: "Fernasda' commented Mercedes, Tve been thinking about the differeat types of cuatomen we currendy have. 1 think if, time we for to know them a lirtle better: "Weve been adapting otir commencial strategy to the different customers,' replied Fernanda. 'We bawe park customers, hotel customers, gotf courie customers, and corporate custemen who hold events. The Sales Department is doing * great job of knowing them better: they condoct survirk, they know the cuntomer argments. by nationality, age, length of stey by perk zone. family whita . They even lnow if the customers have liked the rides of not We kaow the custotrer profiles very well and ve are doing a great job of adapting to them, Tam not frferting to the work of the Sales Department." aild Mercedes. What I mean is that we doa' roced averages, mulorities or sasdard deviations. We need to know each castomerl Where do they eat? How entech do they rpends Do they stay at the holele? Do they come to the purle s timasevery seasan? Do thy pliy gale We have to be able to recognize chent whes they arrive at hoded recrinion. And then, send therrs an emsli when they renum hame in order fo fencew if thry enjoyed their atry. And, in addition, wr nood to send thent Bringing ae their chulfi birthdoy, Are you following ane? Mercedes, loak around yoe,. How mamy of theit visiters' "difficuli to know every customer. The techitelogles we have werea't desigacd for that. We're eot a band And you're not only talking about knowing their names, but also replied Fernabdo. We bave to rech a point Mbere we landor all the corporate event partidpants asd be able to offer thear special deals to they come to ploy galr bure. We have to make sure they know about the botels and thra bring their famlites on vacation another erample it curtiomers who hrve seatos potios, I cant believe? that ne don't know waich season pass bolder comer the most during the year, or which one has caten mout often in ouf restarases. We thoeld have some detaile thout some of themi," responded Mercedes. 'We have that type of informanion, feplied. Femando' "Bat the volasel of informintion this generaise is bpge. and we ste teill detieling way to collect it feight now were conoldering different applicatios scenarios that could belp with this type of cross-cut view you've merotionard. Dut on the other hand, we want fomething that will serve for the group: "Come with nee, please. Your table bis ready," internupted the nervous waitres. Serviag 400 meals wobld be enongh to friflytes atyyene," theught Mercedes, 'eipecially if ir's your firat day at wark as appeass to be the cale whth this poor girl' Poor thing. Todry's her baptiom by fire,' comincted Mencedes out loud. Bat Fereando want' listening While paules throegh the different dining areas and tables he' was thinking abouf what Mercentes had requeited. Ferhaps we do netd to kow our customen better, but.. Is it postible? In the information we have reliable? Which castomers do we start to work on! What changes should we apply to our cairreot information systerns? Pof Aventura histary In the onid-1980s the Walt Dianey Compary (Diney) bad ptans to buitd a theme park in Europe aimular to thase they already bad in the US. Many Faropean cousiries, ind wing Spain, had appeouchnd Disney about setting up the park in their own conntriet. In 198 i Ditney declided alrimately that the park would be located on the butalirts cof Parte. The Catalan Covernment did not nelent in its determina. tion to belid Spain's firet theme park in Calalonle. To this end they contacted Anheart Busch, owner of the Busch Gardens theme parks, about baildieg a park in Catalonls together with a cossortiem of Catalan compatais, In 19i2. and with in inreatment of mppotimitely 900 million furos, coostruction befan of be park Construction lanted approwinately two years, and, on 1May t9\%s the purk named Rort A wenturs loceted in the province of Tarragoina is northeas Spain and approximately 100km from filarcelons was officially opened. At the outset, the theme park, was argablaed into five different thematic areas. Mediterranla, Folynesia, Chins, the Far-Weat, and Mexido (Figure n. Each of these areas had at forst cine outitanding rride, thouply the atar was the Dragos Khan rollencoester. whose pectulier chape formed the park akyline. Since in inauguration, the park's masagerment policy was to coetiesue investing in hevr rides and ocher aftractiona aod expasd the park (Table 1). In hid-1998, afef hatring carried out major reoovations on the mojority of part tatiractions, the park accrpted an ofler from the American cotapaby, Ualveral Studies, to become s shercholder in Fiqure 1 thene perk diutuet in 1935 . with 250,000 vilitoen wha get stay. These namben represes At that eime, Port Aventarit had The succesalye park ealarge had changed the isitial park id the types of curtomens. as well type of stay. Port Aventura organization Since taking over as Managing. de Pable foctated os imprieting nesort throughoent the organ devigard is organization (ief diflefent departmeots to prov boeiness lines (park, botels, goll Merconder created the Analy? area as part of the Corminiercia Thls nere area would centralize revenuies. For instance, they and resort commiswione, the po 2009 , the price of each oveming on the banis of the actual an park food prices, contmisploas operators, event prices, etc Managment istegrated and or tion, the vales procesives and th all the businesses at Port Arent Whith this ame global visle restructared the Opetaiona d to the diverne service lines redauranth, Ahops, entertaina fadmisuions, purking, and ch group wai speclatied in the of an arna. from the proci recruitment and traibing, thar asd rotution regardites of the provided lervice. For lattin reasurce weve able to exchan of polf restararset on the besis single manager, Reitaurinis \& The supporr ama yrete Resocurces rebponulile for ca ipedific training for many of the Port Aventure in order to bulld its European holiday destination. After the arrival of Universal Stradios, the park continued its development plan and buat tiro 4-itie hotels and a waler park, the Caribe Aquatic Park. The theme park, together whith the hotels and the rater park, was to be the first major Univernal studios Rewort in Earope and it was renamed Universal Mediterrania. In 2004, Universal stedior wold all its shares of Universal Mediterranis to the the muriemam sharehelder (La Caici coetrolled bot of the stock). But by contract and la erchase for a fee, Port Aventara wa guaranted contianed cominercial exploitation of the Uoiveral heasd and its prodecti and technology. In order to adjust to seasonal adjusted demand, Fort Aventara continued promoting shown. Likewise, it cop- tinued to invest in new rider and consolidated the aupply of -new business lines: three golf catarsi, a comvention center, it shopping mall, and holels (Trable 1). Is 200d Pont Avintura fad 37 million visiters (Mer the Appendix). The viats were divided among Port A ventura theme, park 033 millioo visitors), the Caribe Aquatic Park (260,000 viditars), the Bleach Clab complet (60,000), and the botela Fiegre a Hort Amentures orpenizafional chart. requires more than 3000 employees when the park is operating at full capecity); Tectinical Services, responsible for preventive maintenance and emergency repairs; Legal and Central Services, in charge of general purchases and legal and logistics maragement; Administration and Finance, responsible for providing back-up support to billing and the depioyment strategy, implementation and maintenance of the information systems; and Resort Development, whose goal was to have a holistic view of the projects that were part of the park's capansion process, maintaining this view beyond the park's day-to-day operations. Communications with the customer Port Aventura's media plan had always been characterixed by its targeting of mass medie communications channels (television, newspapers, radio, and outdoor advertising). On a segmented basis, promotional campaigns (basically discounts on prices) were carried out focusing on large collective groups (Carnet Jove,' LaCaixa, Coca-Cola, etc.) Most of the promotional campaigns involved a call-toaction (902 telephone number) and the product Hotel + Ticket. The significant publicity efforts were concentrated on opening and low visifor months such as March and April, and in the rutumn and winter using the appent of Halloween and Christmas. The Halloween and Christmas shows were new proposals intended to adjust to seasonal adjusted demand and extend the season until December. On the other hand, they also attempted to lengthen the visitor' stay daring the same day, introducing fireworks, nightclubs, and discos. In the more recent years. Port Aveatura had put more emphasis on viraf communication campaligns via the Iaternet, but the exploitation of ene-to-ene communicution channels (e-mail and telephone) remained low and was limited to those members who had become fans of Port Aveptura by regiatering on the corporate website. Accordingly, the Marketing department ficed the enormous challenge of having to gather and exploit the maximum amount of customer information possible in order to know the customer better and implement personalized services. Knowledge about the customer This need to know the cuatomer better led the Marketing department to use customer data obtained at the different contact points - that is, hotel reservations and check-in. And, when this was not sufficient, they adopted strategies to obtain new information from entry and exit surveys (some 200 daily) and, recendly, obtaining visitor 'migratory imovements' inside the park and hotels by giving a Global Positioning Syutems (GPS) to specific customers. By exploiting the information that Port Aventura already had and with the sapport of market analysis consulting specialists, they were able to identify different beharriors, profiles and origins, which were structured into 13 resort customer clusters (see Table 2). However, although identifying the vanious clusters was a fint step, the sales and marketing areas had always expressed regret ever the low traceability ef the information since it was impossible to link cach of the clusters to specific individuals. The survoys were anonymous, and the process of obtaining information from pernonal data (botel reservations and check-in) wat incomplete or inaccurate for instances a lack of complete information on all family members and no contact information soch is e-malls - thus limiting their ability to offer specific and personalized promotional campaigan, As the Sales Director adfed, The most reliable information that we have is from the Clients Club customert with ietson paines. However, the new buxinesies that we are launching will change our customes integrated management of hotels, from the feservation procest and goest manopemient (tooat ssienments, alloca: bioe of reoms, check-is process, chargrs manageracat, and kecpiag and rasinternance conitol, ctc.). Maintenunce and updatiog of Protige was outiourced to an IT parther. Another of the liry applications for terott matigement Way Colaxy. Galuy wupported the tales and printing of puik Wakes and yead the bar coden at the park entrances which included 20 harnstiles, With the introdoction of Calaxy in 2005. Robert Mogif was able to develop an agle ticketing intern ting variotis isles channels fticket effice it the pork, ageocies, and Internet) and, at the ane time, exercise greater control over the vistars since Calaty, by reading the bar codas. allowed the cortapany to know the type of entry day, aferinoon, second consecutive day, free pats, seasoo pas, etc and the time of entry, Galery slso provided real-time inforenatios bboat park visitots via imam phopes to all opentiens managers and ares directors, is ivell at providing deily attendance foreciats propared by the by a cuatain- inade application Other renot applichtiens induded Concepe colis, used to mange the three goff coursed the Clints club which was "Website fars." applicatien of the Fort Aventure wrebsits for those who masted eccess to cobtents and etfen that matched their preferaces Fresence. uned ta manage the contict centen and the Survos database which cantained the rivulie froce the survey conducted with cantomern it the receat. In vere of the viriery of applicatoed sireded to cepe whith the different triart edivities, one of Robert Mages main cencrias ma hoes to insegate the spplications in order te that allewed rater iote the pirk throbeh ine acces poyment of goif courie fers and, of coursis, acces to their gotel roedm Fich of the compaor' matema was geared to the eperstive apecialiration of cach of the diferent areas. The folloning are the different applicatians, the drpartments in whikh ther as uard, and the aprocosimate nember of Gathering cutemer data Clent Oub Then wrer three avalable types. Silver. Gold (cuatomern who held a silver Card for 4 y yarn) and Platinuin (indading poln. The pricen raged from fiso (Silvericiold Carding to $10 for a Platioum Card. Buyieg a season par allowed calimind access to park facilicies, fire parking, thep and Figaes 4 Rewort Structum in Mtry 2009 eventa-(movie sneak previews, children's workabopt, Eymithanas, ete). The maricet for this product was cancentrated in the provincer of Tertagoen and furcelona and was geared towards families with chilidren. The flients Clob information was very precise because. in order to acquire a season pass, cuitomers had to go to booths located at the park entrance and, later on, in urban centern of the main cities to which the product wes focosed (Tarragona, Reus, and Vila-teca) at the itart of cach ication (Fobruary-March). At cach booth, registration and paymeat forms were filled in and cliente provided the data needed to link aeason pastes to family growps. The sales process through the registration form illowed Port-Aventurt to obtain high-guality daut personal information, cobtact data, and family, Broup, all of which were very weliconted by the Commercial department. At the ume time, bowerver. at the Commercial deparmeras they were amare of same customers' complaints regarding the slowness of the reneval and payment procedures for their season passes through the webrite. Frery yeat curtomern buying seaion passes hud to follow the same procen as if it wefe theit first, your. In addition to the registration form, Clienta Club members were recorded in the Galaxy application each time they entered the park, in the Prestige application when they made a teservation at a hotel and in Storeflow when they bought something inside the park (they had to mipe their season pass throagh a point of sales terminal in order to obtain the Clients Club discount). Hovever, aone of the applicationa (Galnxy, Storeflow and Prestige) were able to cross-reference information with the Clients Clab databuse. as the only reports generated by these systems were limited to aceregated ales volume by prodoce type (they knew how many Clients Club metabers had eatered the park that day. but not who). Kotel The precess of obtaining customer information at the were generated. - Rescrutions: The hich dependency on travel agents and tour operatory limited the volume and qualify of information received. Oftentimes, the information was adjuted to only what was atrictly necesury in order to reserve a room. Rescriations were done through the 2+ contact center whete operators (approximately 40) tesponded to calls from travel agencies and introduced the information received by fax from tour operators in order to expedite administrative tasks with these fatermediaries (travel agencier and tour operatori), the company decided in early 2007 to implement a commusnications systems that allowed the intermediaries to reserve it room directly in the Port Aventura system through a web interface. The main problems with managing reservations through contact center operatars stemmed from the need for agility in making reservations, agility which often required entering customer data again without previausly loaking up the customer's historical information. This limitind the pousibility of ideatifying tepeating customen and made if more difficult to make queries on the customers' historical records. Additionally, and in order to reduce the dependence on intermediaries, the team that managed the rescrvation website attempted to enhance direct booking through a webpuge from which they could analyze the ideal type of information to request and cvaluate the quality of the information recelved. - Check-ir The check-in process was also influenced by toar operators the unloading of buses, massive checkins, and the neod for agility and flesibility led to the execution of a pre-check-in service which expedited the lisuance of hotel keys asd park entry tickets as quickly as possible. Finally, the knowledge about the hotel catomers" behavjor in the park wat limited to global data provided by Galaxy (park entry but not when the customer left the park aince there are no exit tarnstiles with bar code readers) and some data derived from room charges while staying at the park (a service only wed by 3-5\% of all hotel centomers). Park The theme purk connumery generated the most tevenue and continued to do 10 cren afier the park crpasded and launched its divervification plan. Park consumers generated 3 of every 4 euros inyoiced by Port Aventura. Honerver, the park customer dats, which were generated fram Galexy, were fimited to global data by ticket type sules and to agergated dats on ales generated in thops and fertasfinte. Within this contet, the Marketing departatent became interated in conducting surven inside the park at well at at both the entrance and prits. Through these actions they could identify goographic origins, fimily units. length of stay, and diffcrent levels of satisfaction inside. However, they itill had no personalimed isformation by customer in oxder to implement perionalize services. Golf The thire golf courses mere insogurated in 2007. In the devidopasent of the strategy for the goll courien and the deployment of the Gelf Cancept upplication, Port Awntara muma gement fook the opportumity to implemet fonie data gatbering processes geand towarda incresting customet daty accurity. At the resert level, golf customen hat certain upecific dharacteristics woch as their golf handicap. their preferred tee time, etc. This informanon herded to be known by the rest of businesses is well as the golf customer contact points within Port Aventura so as to provide the desited integral scrvice. Fans The people who wete intereated in staying informed about tpecific content and promotions according to their preferences could register on the Port Aventura website. When registering, fans had to introduce their names. surname, Spanish national identity card or passport number, email address, and physical address. Port Aventura verified these data and stored the information in the fan database. Next steps As Mercedes and Fernando left the restaunat, Fernando thought about the next steps. The request for more knowiedge about the individual customers that Mercedes had juit made and the Marketing departinent"s desite to implement one-10-one forms of communication required raking changes to Port Aventare's information management processes and systems, To ivpport the one-to-one. miarketing approach, the company needed to set some priorities and anuwer several questions: which information management processes should they change? What changes should they introduce into the company's wharking roles? likewise, given the different degrees of completeness and accuracy of cantomer data, ahould the company target all customers at once or thould it atart working an specific ecgmients? Furchermore, any changes to the information nunagement processes would reguire adapting the information systeris. However, thould the compiny replace its existing information intema with a new, integrated ooe or thould it opt for a data watehousing solution that woald enable it to cossolidate the data from the diverse ryitema? Femando took his mart phone and sert an e-mail to Robert Magi 'Robern, let's mect at 9.00 a.m, oa Monday. May 25ch. We have to define an implementation plan for the new obe-10-one mutketing strategy at Part Avrntura." Note Government of Citaloele and alment ot routh. Roout the authors Mariaso A Hervis, ESADE Batiness School MBA Graduate Clas of 2010 , is an external conveltant specialined in corporate suategy and marketing. He has an extensive profesuonal experience manoging projects in the fielus of strateg. proces teengibecring, arganisational desipn and tourism destinations and private corporations. He has corked for Accenture, Deloitte and THK Intetnational Fouriun Conpuluints Joan Roden is an amociate prodesior of Information System: it ESADE, Houinest Schood, Rarnon thull University. His reserch focuses on the proseuss implementation, use and institutionalization of information systems with emphasis on the interactions betwoen informa: tion technologies and organizations over time. His rescirch has appeared in the Communications of the ACM, Decision Support Systems, Electranic Markets, European Journal of Information Systems, Information Systems fournol, foumal of Infomation Technology and Joumal of the Enterprise information Management. Marc Planelt, ESADE Business School MBA Graduate Class of 2010 , is a financial anlyst at RACC: the Spanish largest automobile club with more than 1 million members, based in Barcelona. He is currently responsible for the financial and commercial control of "RACC Movit, the recently launched RACCs, Mobile Virtual Network Operatorn setting. up and implementing the new BU Balanced Scorecard and KPT's for the company's management board and the commercial retait network, leading RACC Movil's budgeting process and developing the investment analysis for the new RACC Mvit projects. Moreover, he has an extensive cxpericnce working in financial departments from different sectors, ahways in maltinational companles and interaationally oriented. Xavier Sala, ESADE Business School MBA Graduate Class of 2010, is an investment analyst in CLLAN HOLDNGG aince 2007 , where be manuges a diversified portfolio of financial, industrial and technology investments. He is responsible for all the analysis and inverting processes in the projects, and collaborates in the set up of the sectorial and geographical investment strategy. Previously he worked in professional services in the big four consultancy KPMG, where be collaborated in several projocts for industrial companies, software solutions, telecoms and utilities. Appendix Poit Aventurals competion Before its inauguration, Port Aventura knew that the theme park should be a mirror of what Disneyland Paris (Eurodisney) would be. The latter, as well as Port Aventura, sought to be more positioned as a holiday destination rather than as a recreational arca or a day trip destination. In 2008 the French resort had 14 hotels, numerous golf courses, movie theatres (even an IMAX theatre), and it had generated 14.5 million visitors with a turnover that exceeded 1.2 billion curos. In the Iberian peninsula there were other theme parks that competed with Port Aventura: Terna Mitica in Henidorm, Wamer in Madrid and Isla Magiea in Seville, all of which had developed a business environment focused on major rides and in-park shows; however, none had entered the botel business or other leisure services businesses (spa, golf, convention centers, etc) e thercby limiting their positioning as fall holiday destinations, and their growth and profirsbility. Port Aventura was the only theme park that generated enough visitors in order to not incur losser

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Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance

Authors: Mark S. Dorfman, David Cather

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