The Balance Sheat of the equal PLO Partnership on August 31, 2020 is as follows Cash - 5330000 (Adjusted Basis), 5330000 (For Market Value Unrood Receivables - 5-0 (Adjusted Basis) 560,000 Far Market Valuel Capital Assets - $210.000 Adjusted Basis) 5450.000 Market Value) Total Asset - 55.40.000 (Adjusted Basis): 5840.000 (Fair Market Valle) Notes Payable $180.000 (Adjusted Basis) 5180.000 (Far Market Value Capital Accounts Parker Capital - 5120,000 (Adjusted Basis) 5220 000 Ft Market Value) Leggett Capital - $120.000 (Adjusted Basis $220.000 (Fair Market value Oakhurst Capital $120.000 (Adjusted Basis), 5220.000 (For Market Value) Total Labs And Partners' Capital 5540,000 (Adjusted Basis $340,000 (Fair Market Value) Parker ses her interest in the Partnership to someone outside of the Partnership for Cash of $220.000 and the assumption of her share of the Partnership Liabilities. How much any of the Gain or loss is Ordinary Income or Ordinary loss that is recognized by Parker $ 30,000 $100,000 $ 20,000 $ The Balance Sheat of the equal PLO Partnership on August 31, 2020 is as follows Cash - 5330000 (Adjusted Basis), 5330000 (For Market Value Unrood Receivables - 5-0 (Adjusted Basis) 560,000 Far Market Valuel Capital Assets - $210.000 Adjusted Basis) 5450.000 Market Value) Total Asset - 55.40.000 (Adjusted Basis): 5840.000 (Fair Market Valle) Notes Payable $180.000 (Adjusted Basis) 5180.000 (Far Market Value Capital Accounts Parker Capital - 5120,000 (Adjusted Basis) 5220 000 Ft Market Value) Leggett Capital - $120.000 (Adjusted Basis $220.000 (Fair Market value Oakhurst Capital $120.000 (Adjusted Basis), 5220.000 (For Market Value) Total Labs And Partners' Capital 5540,000 (Adjusted Basis $340,000 (Fair Market Value) Parker ses her interest in the Partnership to someone outside of the Partnership for Cash of $220.000 and the assumption of her share of the Partnership Liabilities. How much any of the Gain or loss is Ordinary Income or Ordinary loss that is recognized by Parker $ 30,000 $100,000 $ 20,000 $