The Bill of Rights Overview Part 1 CLOSE Read The Bill of Rights introduction page and answer the three questions Part 2CLOSE read the Bill of Rights descriptions Part 3 Identify which amendment connects to which example Due Wednesday June 17 THE BILL OF RIGHTS BULGE RIGTS Personal Freedoms Despite the ratification of the United States Constitution American citizens were concerned there was no formal document outing their persona freedoms. Many politicians, however, beleved a bill of nights was not necessary for a government based on popular consent. Furthermore, ndividual state constitutions already guaranteed many rights. Bill of Rights When the Frst Congress met in New York in 1789 most members voted to include a bill of rights because they promised the people they would Even though James Madison was against it, he hebed guide the amendments through Congress. Ten out of twelve proposed amendments were ratified on December 5,19 The Bill of Rights is still the frst ten amendments of the US Constitution today. There are 27 total amendments to the Constitution Short Answer Answer each question DWhy did people feel the Constitution needed a Bil of Rights? 2) Did al leaders believe a Bill of Rights was necessary? Why or why not? 3) Why do you think the Bill of Rights have stood the test of time and are still used today? . T-Mobile Wi-Fi 1:48 PM 61% The Bill of Rights Overview THE BILL OF RIGHTS Amendment Description Protects the rights of every American defines the Freedoms of relgon, speech and press 2 Guarantees Americans right to bear arms (own guns) 3 Prevents the government from forchg citizens to shelter soldiers in ther homes Protects the privacy of American citizens, 4 prohibits, or prevents, unnecessary or unreasonable searches of a person's property 5 All Americans are guaranteed the right to a far and legal trial, protects someone from testifyng against him or herself under oath 6 Right to a speedy trial Guarantees right to trial by jury in civil, or private, 7 legal cases where damages are more than $20 CM cases solve dsputes between citizens 8 Prohibits unreasonable bal or fnes and cruel and unusual punishment 9 Recognizes that Americans have rights that are not listed in the Constitution Says the powers not given to the United States 10 government by the Constitution belong to the states or to the people BILL OF RIGHTS Tdentif Tronto the manaf ach le Disht l T-Mobile Wi-Fi 1:49 PM 16 61% The Bill of Rights Overview BILL OF RIGHTS L Identify: Identify the number of each Bil of Right I was given a fair trial. We refused to let a solder stay 2 in our home. My case was heard by a jury of citizens 4. My bail was fair based on my crime 5 I can publish an article in a newspaper 3. 6. 7 8 My state has some powers. The Police could not search my car when I was speeding I just bought a new gun last week. My case went to trial fast. I have some rights that are not written in the Constitution 10 Answer Sheet Part 1. 1. . T-Mobile Wi-Fi 1:49 PM 16 61% The Bill of Rights Overview 1 10. I have some rights t written in the Consti Answer Sheet Part 1. 1. 2. 3. Part 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10