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The Body Shop Canada Youre not the kind of franchise applicant we usually get, said Richard Peddie, company lawyer for the Body Shop Canada, as

The Body Shop Canada
Youre not the kind of franchise applicant we usually get, said Richard Peddie, company lawyer for the Body Shop Canada, as he opened his meeting with potential franchisee Paul Kingston. I suppose well find out whether thats an advantage or disadvantage, replied Mr. Kingston. Mr. Peddies comment had taken Mr. Kingston by surprise, and though he was pleased with his response, the comment had produced a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.
Paul Kingston
Mr. Kinston, age 36, was in his final semester of the M.B.A. program at the Ivey School of Business, Western University in London, Ontario. Prior to starting the MBA, his employment background included a stint as a high-school business education teacher and seven years of retail management. He had managed independent stores and also had managed for one of Canadas national department store chains.
He had investigated a number of job possibilities, but had received no offers and was still unclear about the direction he wished to follow. His strengths appeared to lie in the marketing and human resources area. He had little interest in joining a major retail company: Ive been on that treadmill before, he said. He felt that whatever his eventual career choice would be, he wanted to do something that will make some differences to me and to others. The idea of working for himself was appealing: At least Id be sweating to put money in my own pocket.
While perusing the job advertisements on, he came across one placed by the Body Shop Canada. The notice stated that the company had a number of operating stores available for franchise, including locations in London, Ontario and Sarnia, a smaller city about 100km away. Mr. Kingston was aware of the companys enormous international success and was surprised to discover that franchises might be available. Furthermore, he had never known the Body Shop Canada to advertise for franchisees.
The Body Shop1
The Body Shop was the brainchild of Anita Roddick, a forward thinking Briton with a strong commitment to an ideal. The company offered conventional consumer products with a twist: it sold only naturally based products and disdained its competitors exaggerated product claims. In fact, it did no advertising at all. The company positioned itself as a champion of social responsibility and activism. It promoted holistic health, environmental responsibility, charitable acts, Third World development, womens issues and other causes. It generated considerable publicity for itself by these means.
In the 34 years since its founding, one little store had grown into a chain of over 950 stores located in 37 countries worldwide. In Canada there were 72 shops 56 franchised and 16 corporate owned.
The Body Shop Canada stores, averaging about 100 square meters (1100 square feet), were in prime retail locations, either on main shopping arteries or in mall. Stores sold only proprietary products, always at list prices. There were no sales and there was no discounting. The line consisted of nearly 400 items that could be purchased at every store or ordered at stores and delivered through the mail. All stores were of similar appearance; they were decorated in identical colour schemes, with displays, fixtures, and even window displays standardized from store to store across the country. Customers tended to be loyal, even fanatical, in their support of the company. Once someone became a customer, he or she would probably not purchase a competitors product again.
The Initial Contact
Mr. Kingston was well aware of the success record of franchise operations, and of this one in particular. In fact, he had just attended a conference where a major national retailer had spoken of the Body Shop Canada in glowing terms. However, he had never given any serious consideration to purchasing a franchise. He thought that for someone with imagination and good business sense, a franchise would be far too restrictive. However, with a what have I got to lose? mentality, he emailed the address listed in the advertisement and asked for more information. Within a week he received a reply, on recycled paper.
Franchise Information
The package that arrived contained 35 pages of information about the company and its operations. The presentation seemed almost amateur, with much of the material poorly scanned. Nonetheless, Mr. Paul took a night off from analyzing cases to study the documents. The material consisted of:
Company background
Environmental issues
Information on the franchise agreement
Financial data
List of current franchises
8 pages 15 pages 3 pages 6 pages 3 pages
The synopsis of the franchise agreement outlined the standard elements of a franchise agreement and included the following, additional facts:
The Body Shop Canada would lease the premises and sublet it to the franchisee;
The franchisee must operate the business and be in the store at least 40 hours per week;
The franchisee must purchase the complete product line from the franchisor (The Body Shop);
The franchisee must retain effective ownership and control;
Any sale of the franchise to a new franchisee must be approved by the franchisor;
The franchisor may terminate the franchise if the franchisee fails to operate within the law or fails to carry on business as prescribed by the franchise agreement; and
No royalty fees would be paid except a monthly administration fee of $200, and a promotion and publicity fee of 2 percent of gross sales.
Cost to start a new franchise were estimated as:
Franchise fee Fixtures
Design Fee Opening inventory Legal Fees
First and last months rent Training accommodation costs* Site selection
Public relations**
Management aptitude test*** Total
$15,000 100,000 120,000 5,000 90,000-110,000 5,000 5,000-6,000 0-5,000 6,000 0-3,000 900 $ 226,900-$257,900
* Potential franchisees must attend a training program in Toronto at their own expense. At the end of the course they must pass an exam before being awarded a franchise.
** This fee would depend on whether the Body Shop had an existing store in the market.
*** The Body Shop Canada was phasing out its management aptitude test. At the time of this case the
test was used only to choose between two applicants who were otherwise tied.
Mr. Kingston estimated that he could come up with a maximum of $125,000 himself through a combination of savings and a personal line of credit from his bank. He would
have to finance the inventory and part of the fixtures through a bank loan. Given the excellent track record of the Body Shop Canada and his experience and qualification, Mr. Kingston believed he would have no trouble borrowing the necessary capital from a bank. Using the companys sales and operating projections, he created pro forma financial statements for the first two years of a single new franchise. Exhibit 1 shows the statements. 2 Mr. Kingston thought that the numbers looked promising and that it was worth devoting time, even at the expense of preparing cases, to find out more about the Body Shop Canada.
Mr. Kingstons Plan
If buying a franchise for the Body Shop made sense, then why not try to buy two? Mr. Kingstons education and personality combined to make him ambitious. He had examined the list of franchisees and realized that 13 of them had multiple stores. One couple owned five.
Mr. Kingston reasoned that there would be economies of scale for a multi-store operation because some of the start-up costs and operating expenses would be higher than for a single store operation. Would he have enough capital? Would he be able to secure competent management to operate on a broader scale? Both problems seemed resolved after discussions with two close friends.
He had two friends, both women, who were tremendously enthusiastic about the possibility of becoming involved with the Body Shop. Both said they would quit their current jobs at a moments notice and would want to purchase a minority equity position, probably 10 to 15 percent of the store they managed (around $20,000). Mr. Kingston was certain the two women would be ideal managers and business partners. Their equity holdings would provide him with additional capital and them with a strong incentive to work hard. If worse came to worst, he would be in a strong position to buy them out in the future.
Mr. Kingston thought that the best organizational structure would be to create a holding company with him as a sole owner, and for the company to enter into separate partnership agreements with each of the women. Each partnership would hold one store. He revised his pro forma statements to account for two new franchises (see Exhibit 2).
Mr. Kingston was thrilled with the projected results. He believed that he had used a conservative set of assumptions and that even under these conditions he could expect to eliminate all debt within three years. Even if there were zero sales growth after the second year he could expect after-tax earnings in the area of $150,000. That night he completed the formal application for a franchise and began to dream....
The Company made no provision for profit sharing among non-management level employees. Mr. Pauls decision to allocate 10 percent of store gross profit for this purpose was consistent with his business philosophy.
The Option of Buying Existing Franchises
In the course of his investigations, Mr. Kingston had been able to discover more about the two existing locations available for franchise. The store located in Sarnia, Ontario was already a franchise operation. The current owner had been experiencing personal problems and was keen to sell the business. The store was small, only 40 square meters (approx. 450 square feet), but was favorably located in the best mall in the Sarnia. Many people described the location as the only good retail location in the city. A friend who lived in Sarnia expressed some concern that the store had not always been well managed, sometimes appearing to be poorly staffed and inadequately stocked.
The London store was corporately owned and was being offered as part of a plan by the parent company to divest itself of all corporate stores (except for some in Vancouver and Toronto). It was one of three outlets in London and was located in one of the newest malls in an area surrounded by up-scale housing and extensive development. A major university (Western) was less than five km away and plans were under way to expand the mall by some 70 stores within two years. The Body Shop had recently been moved to a better location within the mall and almost doubled in size to about 80 square meters.
Mr. Kingston felt certain that sales in these stores would be well above the levels projected for start-up operations, but had no way to determine by how much. The locations really interested him. He owned a house in London and he would be happy to stay. One of his two potential partners also lived there, and the other had recently moved to Sarnia, near the United States border. The Body Shops Canadian operation had the right to expand into the virgin territory of several United States Border States, including the one nearest to Sarnia. Growth prospects seemed unlimited! It appeared to be a perfect fit. The only question was how much of a premium the on-going operations would command.
About 10 days after completing the franchise application, Mr. Kingston received a phone call from the Body Shop inviting him to go to Toronto for a meeting with Richard Peddie. Mr. Kingston felt he had already passed a major hurdle because the franchise application had required extensive personal and financial information. If the company wanted to meet him, he must be an acceptable candidate. On a beautiful spring day he pulled into the parking lot of the Body Shop Canada head office, full of excitement at the prospect of what was about to unfold.
The Meeting
Mr. Peddie described the typical Body Shop Canada franchisee: female 35 to 45, married with school age/adolescent children, limited formal education, and crazy about the Body Shop. Anyway, none of our franchisees have MBAs Mr. Kingston realized he had a fight on his hands. It seems to me you have a view of what MBAs are like, that theyre all fanatical, hard-nosed, money-hungry tyrants, said Mr. Kingston. I dont think thats fair, any more than it would be fair to say that all lawyers are alike.
This comment seemed to break some of the ice. But if the relationship between the two men had begun to thaw, the discussion that ensued and the information that surfaced over the next hour did nothing to cheer Mr. Kingston. His plan had obviously been a pipe dream.
Mr. Peddie was adamant on a number of points. The Body Shop Canada would not grant multiple franchises to a new franchisee; the company first wanted franchisees to demonstrate their potential to handle more than one outlet. The franchisee must personally work in the store full-time. Although many Body Shop franchises were held in partnerships, the company was cautious; it was particularly wary of non-operating financial partners. If the company did acquiesce, it would want absolute discretion over the content of the agreement. We want operators, not investors.
Mr. Kingston pressed for information about the Sarnia and London stores. The news on these fronts was no better. Goodwill charges would be about $125,000 for Sarnia and $250,000 for London! Expected sales for the two stores for 2015 were $600,000 and $750,000, respectively. Apparently, volume at the London had increased 66 percent since its relocation. Sarnia sales were up 33 percent over the previous year.
The meeting ended on an amicable note with Mr. Kingston promising to let Mr. Peddie know within two weeks whether he was interested in proceeding. If the answer were yes, Mr. Peddie would consider whether to place Mr. Kingston on a short-list of candidates. The short-list would be subjected to a 12-hour battery of interviews and then placed in a store for a week. After the trial, both parties would decide whether to commence training. The Body Shop Canada would not award the franchise until after training had been completed. However, even at this stage, the franchisor could still reject the potential franchisee and leave him or her without recourse.
The Decision
When Mr. Kingston returned home from Toronto his immediate instinct was to rush to his computer to create new pro forma statements, but before doing so he thought it would be helpful to note down his options and his concerns.
Mr. Kingson knew he had a tough problem on his hands. He decided to produce pro forma statements along the lines of his first projections. He had fairly accurate percentage cost data that Mr. Peddie had provided for the existing stores. He wanted to compare performance for each of the existing operations to a start-up, assuming each was operated as a single entity by a sole proprietor. Exhibit 3 contains the statements.
Mr. Kingston had some important questions to consider beyond the financial analysis. Could he see himself inside an 80-square-metre store for the next 10 years? Could Mr. Peddie be persuaded to compromise? After all, how many people could fit his ideal profile of someone with the right balance of spiritual devotion to the Body Shops philosophy, business acumen, and access to the required capital of around $250,000?
Also, what was he able to afford? Was there anything Mr. Kingston had missed in his analysis? Somehow this was going to be a lot more difficult than doing a case study. This was his life!
1. For a history of the Body Shop, see Ms. Roddicks book Body and Soul (London: Ebury Press, 1991).
Exhibit 1 Capital Costs
Pro Forma Statements for a Single NEW Franchise
Maximum Year 1
Year 2
Franchise Fee $ 15,000 Fixtures 100,000
$ 15,000 120,000 5,000 5,000 6,000 900 $ 151,900
3,000 3,500 5,000
60,000 2,000 $ 73,500
$ 225,400 $ 125,000 $ 100,400
Design Fee
Legal Documentation Site Selection Management Test1 TOTAL
ONE TIME COSTS Public Relations Fee Last Months Rent Training Costs Opening Inventory2 Legal & Incorporation TOTAL
5,000 5,000 6,000
900 $ 131,900
0 2,500 2,500 60,000 2,000 $ 67,000
$ 198,900 $ 125,000 $ 73,900
Cost of Goods Sold GROSS PROFIT
Common Area Publicity & Advertising Insurance
Business Taxes Telephone
Service Charge
Profit Share Interest Expense Depreciation
INCOME BEFORE TAX One-time costs
Income Tax
$ 475,000 247,000 $ 228,000
42,000 81,000 9,600 9,500 1,200 1,200 900 1,500 2,400
7870 6,975 22,000
41,855 10,250 7,901 23,704
$ $
617,500 321,100 296,400
49,400 84,250 10,080
9,975 1,260 1,260
945 1,575 2,520
13,514 6,975 17,600
$ $
$97,047 0 24,262 $ 72,785
$ 90,385
Loan @ 8%
Income tax @ 25%
Inflation @ 5%
Sales growth @ 30%
Operator/Managers base salary $40,000
No debt principal re-payment. Interest is calculated on the mid-point of range of the loan required.
1. The Body Shop Canada was phasing out its management aptitude test. At the time of this case the test was used only to choose between two applicants who where otherwise tied.
2. $60,000 of the opening inventory had to be paid for C.O.D. The balance and future shipments were Net 30.
Exhibit 2 Capital Costs
Pro Forma Statements for Two NEW Franchises
Year 1
Year 2
Franchise Fee Fixtures
Design Fee
Legal Documentation Site Selection Management Test1 TOTAL
ONE TIME COSTS Public Relations Fee Last Months Rent Training Costs Opening Inventory2 Legal & Incorporation TOTAL
$ $ $ $ $
30,000 200,000 10,000 5,000 12,000 900 257,900
3,000 5,000 5,000
120,000 2,000 135,000
392,900 125,000 40,000 227,900
$ $ $ $ $
30,000 240,000 10,000 5,000 12,000 900 297,900
7,500 10,000 120,000 2,000 145,500
442,900 125,000 40,000 277,900
Cost of Goods Sold GROSS PROFIT
Common Area Publicity & Advertising Insurance
Business Taxes Telephone
Service Charge
Profit Share Interest Expense Depreciation
INCOME BEFORE TAX One-time costs
Income Tax
$ $
950,000 494,000 456,000
84,000 146,000 19,200 19,000 2,400 2,400 1,800 1,500 4,800
17,490 20,232 44,000
93,178 20,000 18,295 54,884
$ 1,235,000
642,200 592,800
98,800 152,500 20,160 19,950 2,520 2,520 1,890 1,575 5,040
28,785 20,232 35,200
203,628 0 50,907 152,721
$ $
$ $
Loan @ 8%
Income tax @ 25%
Inflation @ 5%
Sales growth @ 30%
Operator/Managers base salary $40,000
No debt principal re-payment. Interest is calculated on the mid-point of range of the loan required.
1. The Body Shop Canada was phasing out its management aptitude test. At the time of this case the test was used only to choose between two applicants who where otherwise tied.
2. $60,000 of the opening inventory had to be paid for C.O.D. the balance and future shipments were Net 30.
Exhibit 3 Capital Costs
Pro Forma Statements for Existing Operations
Sarnia Year 11
London Year 11
Franchise Fee Fixtures
Legal Documentation Management Test1 TOTAL
Inventory 3
Last Months Rent Training Costs
Legal & Incorporation TOTAL
$ 99,817 $ 303,717 $ 125,000 $ 178,717
60,000 125,000 3,000 900 203,900
90,000 4,067 3,750 2,000
$ $ $ $
15,000 120,000 250,000
3,000 900 388,900
90,000 5,083 3,750 2,000
100,833 489,733 125,000 364,733
Cost of Goods Sold GROSS PROFIT
Publicity & Advertising Insurance
Business Taxes Telephone
Service Charge
Profit Share Interest Expense Depreciation
INCOME BEFORE TAX One-time costs
Income Tax
$ $
$ $
600,000 312,000 288,000
48,000 106,000 12,000 1,200 1,200 2,000 1,800 2,400
11,340 14,297 12,000
75,763 9,817 16,737 50,210
$ $
$ $
750,000 390,000 360,000
60,000 128,500 15,000 1,200 1,200 1,800 1,500 2,400
14,840 29,179 24,000
79,841 10,833 17,252 51,756
Loan @ 8%
Income tax @ 25%
Inflation @ 5%
Sales growth @ 30%
Operator/Managers base salary $40,000
No debt principal re-payment. Interest is calculated on the loan required for each location.
1. Base on current sales.
2. The Body Shop Canada was phasing out its management aptitude test. At the time of this case the test was used only to choose between two applicants who where otherwise tied.
3. The entire store inventory must be paid for up front.
Exhibit 3 Continued Sarnia
London Year 2 Pessimistic
Year 2
London Year 2 Expected
Year 2
London Year 2 Optimistic
Gross profit Rent
Pub. & Adv. Insurance Business Taxes Telephone Travel
Service Charge OP. PROFIT Profit share Interest Expense Depreciation Inc. Before Tax One-time costs Income tax NET PROFIT CASH FLOW
Year 2
600,000 312,000 288,000
48,000 106,000 12,000 1,200 1,200 2,000 1,800 2,400 113,400
750,000 390,000 360,000
60,000 128,500 15,000 1,200 1,200 1,800 1,500 2,400 148,400
690,000 358,800 331,200
55,200 106,000 13,800 1,200 1,200 2,000 1,800 2,400 147,600
862,500 448,500 414,000
69,000 128,500 17,250 1,200 1,200 1,800 1,500 2,400 191,150
798,000 414,960 383,040
63,840 106,000 15,960 1,200 1,200 2,000 1,800 2,400 188,640
997,500 518,700 478,800
79,800 128,500 19,950 1,200 1,200 1,800 1,500 2,400 242,450
11,340 14,297 8,160 79,603 0 19,901 59,702
14,840 29,174 19,200 85,186
0 21,297 63,890
14,760 14,297 8,160 110,383 0 27,596 82,787
19,115 29,174 19,200
123,661 0 30,915 92,746
18,864 14,297 8,160 147,319 0 36,830 110,489
24,245 29,174 19,200
179,831 0 42,458 127,373
Situation Analysis
Student guidelines
Do the strengths-weaknesses analysis of Paul Kingston as a prospective Body Shop franchisee. Secondly do a full SWOT Body Shop as a business. The 5 Forces analysis should consider the Body Shops industry from the perspective of a franchisee. There is no historical financial analysis.
You are to develop five (5) alternative courses of action for Mr. Kingston, and recommend one of these. Four of the alternatives are listed in the case study (one new franchise, two new franchises, existing London franchise, existing Sarnia franchise).
The maximum amount that Mr. Kingston may borrow regarding any of the franchise is as follows:
80% of the value of the fixtures plus
50% of the value of the inventory. Use this information in your analysis.
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The Body Shop Canada "You're not the kind of franchise applicant we usually get," said Richard Peddie, company lawyer for the Body Shop Canada, as he opened his meeting with potential franchisee Paul Kingston. "I suppose we'll find out whether that's an advantage or disadvantage." replied Mr. Kingston. Mr. Peddie's comment had taken Mr. Kingston by surprise, and though he was pleased with his response, the comment had produced a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. Paul Kingston Mr. Kinston, age 36, was in his final semester of the M.B.A. program at the Ivey School of Business, Western University in London, Ontario. Prior to starting the MBA, his employment background included a stint as a high-school business education teacher and seven years of retail management. He had managed independent stores and also had managed for one of Canada's national department store chains He had investigated a number of job possibilities, but had received no offers and was still unclear about the direction he wished to follow. His strengths appeared to lie in the marketing and human resources area. He had little interest in joining a major retail company: "T've been on that treadmill before," he said. He felt that whatever his eventual career choice would be, he wanted to do something that will make some differences to me and to others. The idea of working for himself was appealing: "At least I'd be sweating to put money in my own pocket." While perusing the job advertisements on, he came across one placed by the Body Shop Canada. The notice stated that the company had a number of operating stores available for franchise, including locations in London, Ontario and Sarnia, a smaller city about 100km away. Mr. Kingston was aware of the company's enormous international success and was surprised to discover that franchises might be available. Furthermore, he had never known the Body Shop Canada to advertise for franchisees. The Body Shop The Body Shop was the brainchild of Anita Roddick, a forward thinking Briton with a strong commitment to an ideal. The company offered conventional consumer products with a twist: it sold only naturally based products and disdained its competitors exaggerated product claims. In fact, it did no advertising at all. The company positioned itself as a champion of social responsibility and activism. It promoted holistic health, environmental responsibility, charitable acts, Third World development, women's issues and other causes. It generated considerable publicity for itself by these means. In the 34 years since its founding, one little store had grown into a chain of over 950 stores located in 37 countries worldwide. In Canada there were 72 shops - 56 franchised and 16 corporate owned. The Body Shop Canada stores, averaging about 100 square meters (1100 square feet), were in prime retail locations, either on main shopping arteries or in mall. Stores sold only proprietary products, always at "list prices." There were no sales and there was no discounting. The line consisted of nearly 400 items that could be purchased at every store or ordered at stores and delivered through the mail. All stores were of similar appearance; they were decorated in identical colour schemes, with displays, fixtures, and even window displays standardized from store to store across the country. Customers tended to be loyal, even fanatical, in their support of the company. Once someone became a customer, he or she would probably not purchase a competitor's product again. The Initial Contact Mr. Kingston was well aware of the success record of franchise operations, and of this one in particular. In fact, he had just attended a conference where a major national retailer had spoken of the Body Shop Canada in glowing terms. However, he had never given any serious consideration to purchasing a franchise. He thought that for someone with imagination and good business sense, a franchise would be far too restrictive. However, with a "what have I got to lose?" mentality, he emailed the address listed in the advertisement and asked for more information. Within a week he received a reply, on recycled paper. Franchise Information The package that arrived contained 35 pages of information about the company and its operations. The presentation seemed almost amateur, with much of the material poorly scanned. Nonetheless, Mr. Paul took a night off from analyzing cases to study the documents. The material consisted of: Company background 8 pages Environmental issues 15 pages Information on the franchise agreement 3 pages Financial data 6 pages List of current franchises 3 pages The synopsis of the franchise agreement outlined the standard elements of a franchise agreement and included the following additional facts: The Body Shop Canada would lease the premises and sublet it to the franchisee; The franchisee must operate the business and be in the store at least 40 hours per week: The franchisee must purchase the complete product line from the franchisor (The Body Shop); The franchisee must retain effective ownership and control; Any sale of the franchise to a new franchisee must be approved by the franchisor, The franchisor may terminate the franchise if the franchisee fails to operate within the law or fails to carry on business as prescribed by the franchise agreement, and No royalty fees would be paid except a monthly administration fee of $200, and a promotion and publicity fee of 2 percent of gross sales, Cost to start a new franchise were estimated as: Franchise fee 515,000 Fixtures 100,000 - 120,000 Design Fee 5.000 Opening inventory 90,000-110,000 Legal Fees 5,000 First and last month's rent 5,000-6,000 Training accommodation costs 0-5.000 Site selection 6,000 Public relations 0-3,000 Management aptitude test*** 900 Total $ 226,900-$257,900 Potential franchisees must attend a training program in Toronto at their own expense. At the end of the course they must pass an exam before being awarded a franchise This fee would depend on whether the Body Shop had an existing store in the market The Body Shop Canada was phasing out its management aptitude test. At the time of this case the test was used only to choose between two applicants who were otherwise tid. Mr. Kingston estimated that he could come up with a maximum of $125,000 himself through a combination of savings and a personal line of credit from his bank. He would 3 have to finance the inventory and part of the fixtures through a bank loan. Given the excellent track record of the Body Shop Canada and his experience and qualification, Mr. Kingston believed he would have no trouble borrowing the necessary capital from a bank. Using the company's sales and operating projections, he created pro forma financial statements for the first two years of a single new franchise. Exhibit I shows the statements. Mr. Kingston thought that the numbers looked promising and that it was worth devoting time, even at the expense of preparing cases, to find out more about the Body Shop Canada. Mr. Kingston's Plan If buying a franchise for the Body Shop made sense, then why not try to buy two? Mr. Kingston's education and personality combined to make him ambitious. He had examined the list of franchisees and realized that 13 of them had multiple stores. One couple owned five. Mr. Kingston reasoned that there would be economies of scale for a multi-store operation because some of the start-up costs and operating expenses would be higher than for a single store operation. Would he have enough capital? Would he be able to secure competent management to operate on a broader scale? Both problems seemed resolved after discussions with two close friends. He had two friends, both women who were tremendously enthusiastic about the possibility of becoming involved with the Body Shop. Both said they would quit their current jobs at a moment's notice and would want to purchase a minority equity position, probably 10 to 15 percent of the store they managed around $20,000). Mr. Kingston was certain the two women would be ideal managers and business partners. Their equity holdings would provide him with additional capital and them with a strong incentive to work hard. If worse came to worst, he would be in a strong position to buy them out in the future. Mr. Kingston thought that the best organizational structure would be to create a holding company with him as a sole owner, and for the company to enter into separate partnership agreements with each of the women. Each partnership would hold one store. He revised his pro forma statements to account for two new franchises (see Exhibit 2). Mr. Kingston was thrilled with the projected results. He believed that he had used a conservative set of assumptions and that even under these conditions he could expect to eliminate all debt within three years. Even if there were zero sales growth after the second year he could expect after-tax earnings in the area of $150,000. That night he completed the formal application for a franchise and began to dream... The Company made no provision for profit sharing among non-management level employees. Mr. Paul's decision to allocate 10 percent of store gross profit for this purpose was consistent with his business philosophy The Option of Buying Existing Franchises In the course of his investigations, Mr. Kingston had been able to discover more about the two existing locations available for franchise. The store located in Sarnia, Ontario was already a franchise operation. The current owner had been experiencing personal problems and was keen to sell the business. The store was small, only 40 square meters (approx. 450 square feet), but was favorably located in the best mall in the Sarnia. Many people described the location as the only good retail location in the city. A friend who lived in Samia expressed some concern that the store had not always been well managed, sometimes appearing to be poorly staffed and inadequately stocked. The London store was corporately owned and was being offered as part of a plan by the parent company to divest itself of all corporate stores (except for some in Vancouver and Toronto). It was one of three outlets in London and was located in one of the newest malls in an area surrounded by up-scale housing and extensive development. A major university (Western) was less than five km away and plans were under way to expand the mall by some 70 stores within two years. The Body Shop had recently been moved to a better location within the mall and almost doubled in size to about 80 square meters. Mr. Kingston felt certain that sales in these stores would be well above the levels projected for start-up operations, but had no way to determine by how much. The locations really interested him. He owned a house in London and he would be happy to stay. One of his two potential partners also lived there, and the other had recently moved to Samia, near the United States border. The Body Shop's Canadian operation had the right to expand into the virgin territory of several United States Border States, including the one nearest to Saria. Growth prospects seemed unlimited! It appeared to be a perfect fit. The only question was how much of a premium the on-going operations would command About 10 days after completing the franchise application, Mr. Kingston received a phone call from the Body Shop inviting him to go to Toronto for a meeting with Richard Peddie. Mr. Kingston felt he had already passed a major hurdle because the franchise application had required extensive personal and financial information. If the company wanted to meet him, he must be an acceptable candidate. On a beautiful spring day he pulled into the parking lot of the Body Shop Canada head office, full of excitement at the prospect of what was about to unfold. The Meeting Mr. Peddie described the typical Body Shop Canada franchisee: "female 35 to 45, married with school age adolescent children, limited formal education, and crazy about the Body Shop. Anyway, none of our franchisees have MBA's" Mr. Kingston realized he had a fight on his hands. "It seems to me you have a view of what MBA's are like, that they're all fanatical, hard-nosed, money-hungry tyrants," said Mr. Kingston. "I don't think that's fair, any more than it would be fair to say that all lawyers are alike." 5 This comment seemed to break some of the ice. But if the relationship between the two men had begun to thaw, the discussion that ensued and the information that surfaced over the next hour did nothing to cheer Mr. Kingston. His plan had obviously been a pipe dream Mr. Peddie was adamant on a number of points. The Body Shop Canada would not grant multiple franchises to a new franchisee, the company first wanted franchisees to demonstrate their potential to handle more than one outlet. The franchisee must personally work in the store full-time. Although many Body Shop franchises were held in partnerships, the company was cautious; it was particularly wary of non-operating financial partners. If the company did acquiesce, it would want absolute discretion over the content of the agreement. We want operators, not investors." Mr. Kingston pressed for information about the Sarnia and London stores. The news on these fronts was no better. Goodwill charges would be about $125,000 for Samia and $250,000 for London! Expected sales for the two stores for 2015 were $600,000 and $750,000, respectively. Apparently, volume at the London had increased 66 percent since its relocation. Sarnia sales were up 33 percent over the previous year. The meeting ended on an amicable note with Mr. Kingston promising to let Mr. Peddie know within two weeks whether he was interested in proceeding. If the answer were "yes," Mr. Peddie would consider whether to place Mr. Kingston on a short-list of candidates. The short-list would be subjected to a 12-hour battery of interviews and then placed in a store for a week. After the trial, both parties would decide whether to commence training. The Body Shop Canada would not award the franchise until after training had been completed. However, even at this stage, the franchisor could still reject the potential franchisee and leave him or her without recourse. The Decision When Mr. Kingston returned home from Toronto his immediate instinct was to rush to his computer to create new pro forma statements, but before doing so he thought it would be helpful to note down his options and his concerns. Mr. Kingson knew he had a tough problem on his hands. He decided to produce pro forma statements along the lines of his first projections. He had fairly accurate percentage cost data that Mr. Peddie had provided for the existing stores. He wanted to compare performance for each of the existing operations to a start-up, assuming each was operated as a single entity by a sole proprietor. Exhibit 3 contains the statements. Mr. Kingston had some important questions to consider beyond the financial analysis. Could he see himself inside an 80-square-metre store for the next 10 years? Could Mr. Peddie be persuaded to compromise? After all, how many people could fit his ideal profile of someone with the right balance of spiritual devotion to the Body Shop's philosophy, business acumen, and access to the required capital of around $250,000? 6 Also, what was he able to afford? Was there anything Mr. Kingston had missed in his analysis? Somehow this was going to be a lot more difficult than doing a case study. This was his life! Notes: For a history of the Body Shop, see Ms. Roddick's book Body and Soul (London: Ebury Press, 1. 1991). 7 Exhibit 1 5,000 9,975 Pro Forma Statements for a Single NEW Franchise Capital Costs Minimum Maximum Year 1 Year 2 Franchise Fee $ 15,000 $ 15,000 Sales $ 475,000 $ 617,500 Fixtures 100,000 120,000 Cost of Goods Sold 247.000 32.100 Design Fee 5,000 5.000 GROSS PROFIT $ 228,000 $296,400 Legal Documentation 5,000 Site Selection 6,000 6,000 Rent 42,000 49.400 Management Test! 900 900 Salaries 81,000 84.250 TOTAL S 131.900 $ 151.900 Common Area 9.600 10,080 Publicity & Advertising 9.500 ONE TIME COSTS Insurance 1.200 1.260 Public Relations Fee 0 3,000 Business Taxes 1.200 1.260 Last Month's Rent 2.500 3.500 Telephone 900 945 Training Costs 2.500 5,000 Travel 1,500 1.575 Opening Inventory 60,000 60,000 Service Charge 2.400 2.520 Legal & Incorporation 2.000 2.000 TOTAL $ 67,000 $ 73,500 OPERATING PROFIT $ 78.700 $ 135,135 CAPITAL REQUIRED S 198.900 $ 225.400 Profit Share 7870 13.514 Interest Expense 6.975 6,975 EQUITY (Mr. Paul) S 125,000 $ 125,000 Depreciation 22.000 17.600 LOAN REQUIRED $ 73,900 $ 100,400 INCOME BEFORE TAX $ 41,855 $97,047 One-time costs 10.250 0 Income Tax 7.901 24.262 NET PROFIT $ 23,704 $ 72,785 CASH FLOW 45,704 $ 90,385 Assumptions: Loan @ 8% Income tax @ 25% Inflation @ 5% Sales growth @ 30% Operator/Manager's base salary $40,000 No debt principal re-payment. Interest is calculated on the mid-point of range of the loan required. 1 The Body Shop Canada was phasing out its management aptitude test. At the time of this case the test was used only to choose between two applicants who where otherwise tied. 560,000 of the opening inventory had to be paid for COD. The balance and future shipments were Net 30, 2 8 Exhibit 2 Year 2 $ 1,235,000 642.200 $ 592.800 Capital Costs Franchise Fee Fixtures Design Fee Legal Documentation Site Selection Management Test TOTAL ONE TIME COSTS Public Relations For Last Months Rent Training Costs Opening Inventory Legal & Incorporation TOTAL CAPITAL REQUIRED EQUITY (Mr. Paul) EQUITY (Partners) LOAN REQUIRED Pro Forma Statements for Two NEW Franchises Minimum Maximum Year 1 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 Sales $ 950,000 200.000 240,000 Cost of Goods Sold 494,000 10,000 10,000 GROSS PROFIT $ 456,000 5,000 5.000 12.000 12,000 Rent 84.000 900 900 Salaries 146,000 $ 257.900 $ 297.900 Common Area 19.200 Publicity & Advertising 19.000 Insurance 2.400 3,000 6,000 Business Taxes 2.400 5.000 7.500 Telephone 1.800 5.000 10.000 Travel 1,500 120,000 120,000 Service Charge 4.800 2.000 2.000 $ 135,000 $ 145.500 OPERATING PROFIT $ 174.900 $ 392,900 5442.900 Profit Share 17.490 Interest Expense 20.232 $ 125,000 $ 125,000 Depreciation 44.000 $ 40,000 $40,000 INCOME BEFORE TAX $ 93,178 One-time costs 20,000 $ 227,900 $ 277.900 Income Tax 18.295 NET PROFIT $ 54,884 CASH FLOW S 98.884 98,800 152.500 20,160 19.950 2.520 2.520 1.890 1.575 5,040 $ 287.845 28,785 20.232 35.200 $ 203,628 0 50.007 S 152,721 S 187,921 Assumptions: Loan 8% Income tax @ 25% Inflation @ 5% Sales growth @ 30% Operator/Manager's base salary 40,000 No debt principal re-payment. Interest is calculated on the mid-point of range of the loan required. 1. The Body Shop Canada was phasing out its management aptitude to At the time of this case the test was used only to choose between two applicants who where otherwise tied 2. $60,000 of the opening inventory had to be paid for COD. the balance and future shipments were Net 30 9 Exhibit 3 Pro Forma Statements for Existing Operations Capital Costs Sarnia London London Year 1 Sarnia Year 1 $ 600,000 312.000 $288.000 Franchise Fee Fixtures Goodwill Legal Documentation Management Test TOTAL $750,000 390.000 $360,000 $ 15,000 60.000 125,000 3.000 900 S 203.900 48.000 106,000 12.000 1.200 1.200 2.000 1,800 2.400 60,000 128.500 15.000 1.200 1.200 1.800 1.500 2.400 90.000 4,067 $ 15,000 Sales 120,000 Cost of Goods Sold 250,000 GROSS PROFIT 3.000 900 Rent $ 388.900 Salaries Publicity & Advertising Insurance Business Taxes 90,000 Telephone 5,083 Travel 3.750 Service Charge 2.000 S 100,833 OPERATING PROFIT $ 489,733 Profit Share Interest Expense $ 125.000 Depreciation S 364.733 INCOME BEFORE TAX One-time costs Income Tax NET PROFIT 3.750 ONE TIME COSTS Inventory Last Month's Rent Training Costs Legal & Incorporation TOTAL CAPITAL REQUIRED AVAILABLE LOAN REQUIRED 2.000 $ 99,817 $ 113,400 $ 148,400 $ 303,717 11.340 14,297 12.000 14,840 29,179 24.000 $ 125,000 $ 178,717 $ 75,763 9,817 16.737 $ 50,210 $ 79,841 10,833 17.252 S 51,756 CASH FLOW $ 62,210 $ 75,756 Assumptions: Loan 8% Income tax @ 25% Inflation @ 5% Sales growth @ 30% Operator/Manager's base salary S40,000 No debt principal re-payment. Interest is calculated on the loan required for each location. 1. Base on current sales 2. The Body Shop Canada was phasing out its management aptitude te. At the time of this case the test was used only to choose between two applicants who where otherwise tied 3. The entire store inventory must be paid for up front. 10 Exhibit 3 - Continued Sarnia Year 2 Pessimistic 600,000 312,000 288,000 48,000 106,000 12.000 1.200 1.200 2.000 1.800 Sarnia Year 2 Optimistic 798,000 414.960 383.040 63,840 106,000 15.960 1.200 London Year 2 Pessimistic 750,000 390,000 360,000 60,000 128,500 15,000 1.200 1.200 1.800 1.500 2.400 148.400 14.840 29.174 19.200 85.186 Sarnia Year 2 Expected 690,000 358.800 331,200 55.200 106,000 13.800 1.200 1.200 2,000 1.800 2.400 London Year 2 Optimistic 997.500 518,700 478,800 79,800 128,500 19,950 1.200 1.200 Sales C.O.G.S Gross profit Rent Salaries Pub. & Ady. Insurance Business Taxes Telephone Travel Service Charge OP PROFIT Profit share Interest Expense Depreciation Ine. Before Tax One-time costs Income tax NET PROFIT CASH FLOW 1.200 London Year 2 Expected 862,500 448,500 414,000 69,000 128,500 17.250 1,200 1,200 1.800 1.500 2.400 191,150 19,115 29,174 19.200 123,661 0 30,915 1.800 1,500 2,400 2.400 113.400 11.340 2.000 1.800 2.400 188.640 18.864 14.297 8.160 147,600 14.760 14,297 8.160 110,383 14.297 242.450 24.245 29.174 19.200 179,831 8,160 79,603 147,319 0 0 0 0 0 21.297 19,901 59,702 67.862 63.890 83,090 27,596 82.787 90,947 92.746 111.946 36,830 110,489 118.649 42.458 127.373 146,573 11 Student guidelines Situation Analysis Do the strengths-weaknesses analysis of Paul Kingston as a prospective Body Shop franchisee. Secondly do a full SWOT Body Shop as a business. The 5 Forces analysis should consider the Body Shop's industry from the perspective of a franchisee. There is no historical financial analysis. ALTERNATIVES You are to develop five (5) alternative courses of action for Mr. Kingston, and recommend one of these. Four of the alternatives are listed in the case study (one new franchise, two new franchises, existing London franchise, existing Samia franchise). Note: The maximum amount that Mr. Kingston may borrow regarding any of the franchise is as follows: 80% of the value of the fixtures plus 50% of the value of the inventory. Use this information in your analysis. 12 The Body Shop Canada "You're not the kind of franchise applicant we usually get," said Richard Peddie, company lawyer for the Body Shop Canada, as he opened his meeting with potential franchisee Paul Kingston. "I suppose we'll find out whether that's an advantage or disadvantage." replied Mr. Kingston. Mr. Peddie's comment had taken Mr. Kingston by surprise, and though he was pleased with his response, the comment had produced a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. Paul Kingston Mr. Kinston, age 36, was in his final semester of the M.B.A. program at the Ivey School of Business, Western University in London, Ontario. Prior to starting the MBA, his employment background included a stint as a high-school business education teacher and seven years of retail management. He had managed independent stores and also had managed for one of Canada's national department store chains He had investigated a number of job possibilities, but had received no offers and was still unclear about the direction he wished to follow. His strengths appeared to lie in the marketing and human resources area. He had little interest in joining a major retail company: "T've been on that treadmill before," he said. He felt that whatever his eventual career choice would be, he wanted to do something that will make some differences to me and to others. The idea of working for himself was appealing: "At least I'd be sweating to put money in my own pocket." While perusing the job advertisements on, he came across one placed by the Body Shop Canada. The notice stated that the company had a number of operating stores available for franchise, including locations in London, Ontario and Sarnia, a smaller city about 100km away. Mr. Kingston was aware of the company's enormous international success and was surprised to discover that franchises might be available. Furthermore, he had never known the Body Shop Canada to advertise for franchisees. The Body Shop The Body Shop was the brainchild of Anita Roddick, a forward thinking Briton with a strong commitment to an ideal. The company offered conventional consumer products with a twist: it sold only naturally based products and disdained its competitors exaggerated product claims. In fact, it did no advertising at all. The company positioned itself as a champion of social responsibility and activism. It promoted holistic health, environmental responsibility, charitable acts, Third World development, women's issues and other causes. It generated considerable publicity for itself by these means. In the 34 years since its founding, one little store had grown into a chain of over 950 stores located in 37 countries worldwide. In Canada there were 72 shops - 56 franchised and 16 corporate owned. The Body Shop Canada stores, averaging about 100 square meters (1100 square feet), were in prime retail locations, either on main shopping arteries or in mall. Stores sold only proprietary products, always at "list prices." There were no sales and there was no discounting. The line consisted of nearly 400 items that could be purchased at every store or ordered at stores and delivered through the mail. All stores were of similar appearance; they were decorated in identical colour schemes, with displays, fixtures, and even window displays standardized from store to store across the country. Customers tended to be loyal, even fanatical, in their support of the company. Once someone became a customer, he or she would probably not purchase a competitor's product again. The Initial Contact Mr. Kingston was well aware of the success record of franchise operations, and of this one in particular. In fact, he had just attended a conference where a major national retailer had spoken of the Body Shop Canada in glowing terms. However, he had never given any serious consideration to purchasing a franchise. He thought that for someone with imagination and good business sense, a franchise would be far too restrictive. However, with a "what have I got to lose?" mentality, he emailed the address listed in the advertisement and asked for more information. Within a week he received a reply, on recycled paper. Franchise Information The package that arrived contained 35 pages of information about the company and its operations. The presentation seemed almost amateur, with much of the material poorly scanned. Nonetheless, Mr. Paul took a night off from analyzing cases to study the documents. The material consisted of: Company background 8 pages Environmental issues 15 pages Information on the franchise agreement 3 pages Financial data 6 pages List of current franchises 3 pages The synopsis of the franchise agreement outlined the standard elements of a franchise agreement and included the following additional facts: The Body Shop Canada would lease the premises and sublet it to the franchisee; The franchisee must operate the business and be in the store at least 40 hours per week: The franchisee must purchase the complete product line from the franchisor (The Body Shop); The franchisee must retain effective ownership and control; Any sale of the franchise to a new franchisee must be approved by the franchisor, The franchisor may terminate the franchise if the franchisee fails to operate within the law or fails to carry on business as prescribed by the franchise agreement, and No royalty fees would be paid except a monthly administration fee of $200, and a promotion and publicity fee of 2 percent of gross sales, Cost to start a new franchise were estimated as: Franchise fee 515,000 Fixtures 100,000 - 120,000 Design Fee 5.000 Opening inventory 90,000-110,000 Legal Fees 5,000 First and last month's rent 5,000-6,000 Training accommodation costs 0-5.000 Site selection 6,000 Public relations 0-3,000 Management aptitude test*** 900 Total $ 226,900-$257,900 Potential franchisees must attend a training program in Toronto at their own expense. At the end of the course they must pass an exam before being awarded a franchise This fee would depend on whether the Body Shop had an existing store in the market The Body Shop Canada was phasing out its management aptitude test. At the time of this case the test was used only to choose between two applicants who were otherwise tid. Mr. Kingston estimated that he could come up with a maximum of $125,000 himself through a combination of savings and a personal line of credit from his bank. He would 3 have to finance the inventory and part of the fixtures through a bank loan. Given the excellent track record of the Body Shop Canada and his experience and qualification, Mr. Kingston believed he would have no trouble borrowing the necessary capital from a bank. Using the company's sales and operating projections, he created pro forma financial statements for the first two years of a single new franchise. Exhibit I shows the statements. Mr. Kingston thought that the numbers looked promising and that it was worth devoting time, even at the expense of preparing cases, to find out more about the Body Shop Canada. Mr. Kingston's Plan If buying a franchise for the Body Shop made sense, then why not try to buy two? Mr. Kingston's education and personality combined to make him ambitious. He had examined the list of franchisees and realized that 13 of them had multiple stores. One couple owned five. Mr. Kingston reasoned that there would be economies of scale for a multi-store operation because some of the start-up costs and operating expenses would be higher than for a single store operation. Would he have enough capital? Would he be able to secure competent management to operate on a broader scale? Both problems seemed resolved after discussions with two close friends. He had two friends, both women who were tremendously enthusiastic about the possibility of becoming involved with the Body Shop. Both said they would quit their current jobs at a moment's notice and would want to purchase a minority equity position, probably 10 to 15 percent of the store they managed around $20,000). Mr. Kingston was certain the two women would be ideal managers and business partners. Their equity holdings would provide him with additional capital and them with a strong incentive to work hard. If worse came to worst, he would be in a strong position to buy them out in the future. Mr. Kingston thought that the best organizational structure would be to create a holding company with him as a sole owner, and for the company to enter into separate partnership agreements with each of the women. Each partnership would hold one store. He revised his pro forma statements to account for two new franchises (see Exhibit 2). Mr. Kingston was thrilled with the projected results. He believed that he had used a conservative set of assumptions and that even under these conditions he could expect to eliminate all debt within three years. Even if there were zero sales growth after the second year he could expect after-tax earnings in the area of $150,000. That night he completed the formal application for a franchise and began to dream... The Company made no provision for profit sharing among non-management level employees. Mr. Paul's decision to allocate 10 percent of store gross profit for this purpose was consistent with his business philosophy The Option of Buying Existing Franchises In the course of his investigations, Mr. Kingston had been able to discover more about the two existing locations available for franchise. The store located in Sarnia, Ontario was already a franchise operation. The current owner had been experiencing personal problems and was keen to sell the business. The store was small, only 40 square meters (approx. 450 square feet), but was favorably located in the best mall in the Sarnia. Many people described the location as the only good retail location in the city. A friend who lived in Samia expressed some concern that the store had not always been well managed, sometimes appearing to be poorly staffed and inadequately stocked. The London store was corporately owned and was being offered as part of a plan by the parent company to divest itself of all corporate stores (except for some in Vancouver and Toronto). It was one of three outlets in London and was located in one of the newest malls in an area surrounded by up-scale housing and extensive development. A major university (Western) was less than five km away and plans were under way to expand the mall by some 70 stores within two years. The Body Shop had recently been moved to a better location within the mall and almost doubled in size to about 80 square meters. Mr. Kingston felt certain that sales in these stores would be well above the levels projected for start-up operations, but had no way to determine by how much. The locations really interested him. He owned a house in London and he would be happy to stay. One of his two potential partners also lived there, and the other had recently moved to Samia, near the United States border. The Body Shop's Canadian operation had the right to expand into the virgin territory of several United States Border States, including the one nearest to Saria. Growth prospects seemed unlimited! It appeared to be a perfect fit. The only question was how much of a premium the on-going operations would command About 10 days after completing the franchise application, Mr. Kingston received a phone call from the Body Shop inviting him to go to Toronto for a meeting with Richard Peddie. Mr. Kingston felt he had already passed a major hurdle because the franchise application had required extensive personal and financial information. If the company wanted to meet him, he must be an acceptable candidate. On a beautiful spring day he pulled into the parking lot of the Body Shop Canada head office, full of excitement at the prospect of what was about to unfold. The Meeting Mr. Peddie described the typical Body Shop Canada franchisee: "female 35 to 45, married with school age adolescent children, limited formal education, and crazy about the Body Shop. Anyway, none of our franchisees have MBA's" Mr. Kingston realized he had a fight on his hands. "It seems to me you have a view of what MBA's are like, that they're all fanatical, hard-nosed, money-hungry tyrants," said Mr. Kingston. "I don't think that's fair, any more than it would be fair to say that all lawyers are alike." 5 This comment seemed to break some of the ice. But if the relationship between the two men had begun to thaw, the discussion that ensued and the information that surfaced over the next hour did nothing to cheer Mr. Kingston. His plan had obviously been a pipe dream Mr. Peddie was adamant on a number of points. The Body Shop Canada would not grant multiple franchises to a new franchisee, the company first wanted franchisees to demonstrate their potential to handle more than one outlet. The franchisee must personally work in the store full-time. Although many Body Shop franchises were held in partnerships, the company was cautious; it was particularly wary of non-operating financial partners. If the company did acquiesce, it would want absolute discretion over the content of the agreement. We want operators, not investors." Mr. Kingston pressed for information about the Sarnia and London stores. The news on these fronts was no better. Goodwill charges would be about $125,000 for Samia and $250,000 for London! Expected sales for the two stores for 2015 were $600,000 and $750,000, respectively. Apparently, volume at the London had increased 66 percent since its relocation. Sarnia sales were up 33 percent over the previous year. The meeting ended on an amicable note with Mr. Kingston promising to let Mr. Peddie know within two weeks whether he was interested in proceeding. If the answer were "yes," Mr. Peddie would consider whether to place Mr. Kingston on a short-list of candidates. The short-list would be subjected to a 12-hour battery of interviews and then placed in a store for a week. After the trial, both parties would decide whether to commence training. The Body Shop Canada would not award the franchise until after training had been completed. However, even at this stage, the franchisor could still reject the potential franchisee and leave him or her without recourse. T

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