The Cheyenne Hotef in Big Sky, Montana, has accumulated records of the total electrical costs of the hotel and the number of occupancyedtys over the last year An occupancy-day represents atoom rented for one day The hotels business is highly seasonal. weh peaks occurring daring the ski season and in the summet. Pequired: 1 Using the high low method. eltimale the faced cost of electncity per month and the varable coct of electricity per occupency day (Do not round yout intermediate colculotions. Aound your Vorinble cost answer to 2 decimol plnces and Fixed cost element antwer to nearent whole doliar amount.) 2. What other Gaclon it adidionso occuparcy days are akely lo aflect the variabon in electical coste fom month lo month? (You may welect more then one anawer, Single click the bor with the question mark to produce a check mark for a correct answer and douthie cick the box with the question merk to empty the box for a wrong answec. Any boxes left with a question mark will be nutomaticelly greded as incoriect? The Cheyenne Hotef in Big Sky, Montana, has accumulated records of the total electrical costs of the hotel and the number of occupancyedtys over the last year An occupancy-day represents atoom rented for one day The hotels business is highly seasonal. weh peaks occurring daring the ski season and in the summet. Pequired: 1 Using the high low method. eltimale the faced cost of electncity per month and the varable coct of electricity per occupency day (Do not round yout intermediate colculotions. Aound your Vorinble cost answer to 2 decimol plnces and Fixed cost element antwer to nearent whole doliar amount.) 2. What other Gaclon it adidionso occuparcy days are akely lo aflect the variabon in electical coste fom month lo month? (You may welect more then one anawer, Single click the bor with the question mark to produce a check mark for a correct answer and douthie cick the box with the question merk to empty the box for a wrong answec. Any boxes left with a question mark will be nutomaticelly greded as incoriect