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The dataset contains information about 30 randomly selected houses for sale in Silver Spring, Maryland. The dataset consists of 11 variables: the house address, the

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The dataset contains information about 30 randomly selected houses for sale in Silver Spring, Maryland. The dataset consists of 11 variables: the house address, the asking price (in $000), the assessed value in 2020 (in $000), assessed value 2019 (in $000), property taxes, the size of the house (000 sq. ft.), fireplace (1=Yes), pool (1=Yes), number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, and the age of the house.

Q.) The average taxes paid by homeowners in Maryland is $4,089 with a standard deviation of $198. Is there any evidence that the homeowners in Silver Springs pay less than the average Maryland homeowner? State your p-value and interpret your results.

Address Asking Price Assessed Value 2020 Assessed Value 2019 Taxes Size (000 sq. ft.) Fireplace Bedrooms Pool Bathrooms Age
10014 Lorain Avenue 475.0 307.0 319.4 3039 1.176 Yes 3 No 2 66
10209 Grant Avenue 479.0 275.9 276.3 3426 1.462 Yes 3 Yes 2 56
10315 Royal Road 452.5 310.8 319.0 3694 1.860 Yes 4 No 3 54
10906 Fiesta Road 389.0 312.7 292.5 3100 2.247 No 4 No 3 54
111 Heil Road 324.0 337.4 329.4 4308 1.897 Yes 5 No 3 67
1118 Chickasaw Drive 299.0 231.8 231.8 4011 1.252 No 4 No 3 63
112 Southwood Avenue 379.0 328.5 342.1 3269 1.312 No 4 Yes 2 62
11529 Daffodil Drive 559.0 449.6 443.1 4566 3.861 Yes 5 Yes 3 29
1167 Kersey Road 529.0 398.1 410.0 4015 1.968 Yes 4 No 3.5 27
12401 VintonTerrace 379.0 276.0 278.4 2707 1.155 No 3 Yes 2 53
12906 Hawkshead Terrace 390.0 343.4 325.0 3930 1.848 No 3 No 4 27
1314 Gresham Road 339.9 305.5 300.0 3536 1.902 Yes 3 No 4 58
13409 Rippling Brook Drive 649.9 507.4 507.6 5185 2.990 No 5 No 3.5 26
13512 Sherwood Forest Drive 449.0 507.9 491.5 5944 3.976 Yes 5 Yes 4 55
1412 Flora Terrace 530.0 349.9 352.4 3499 1.188 Yes 3 Yes 3 57
1514 Gridley Lane 379.0 291.8 291.8 2876 1.248 Yes 4 No 2 62
15810 Bradford Road 489.9 390.8 372.6 4725 3.276 No 5 No 3 73
1706 Hutchison Lane 525.0 446.4 438.1 4462 2.720 Yes 4 Yes 3 26
1957 Seminary Road 619.9 479.5 478.3 4887 2.543 Yes 4 Yes 3 73
22 Eastmoor Drive 519.0 456.6 437.0 4641 2.104 Yes 4 No 2 65
2200 Nees Lane 319.9 342.1 357.6 3635 2.067 Yes 3 No 2.5 42
2308 Peggy Lane 525.0 433.4 411.4 4397 2.143 No 4 No 2.5 57
2419 Briggs Chaney Road 490.0 375.5 370.3 5199 1.248 No 5 No 3 77
2915 Wiulton Avenue 499.0 426.7 421.9 5013 1.600 No 3 No 3 66
500 Rockford Drive 535.0 371.6 354.7 3731 1.202 Yes 3 Yes 3 58
521 Ridgeway Drive 550.0 480.0 475.3 4892 3.124 No 5 No 3.5 27
728 Richmond Avenue 335.0 411.9 409.2 3377 0.928 Yes 2 No 1 88
8917 Whitney Street 450.0 341.8 355.1 3412 1.272 Yes 4 Yes 2.5 62
9520 Colesville Road 599.0 389.3 370.0 3921 1.950 Yes 4 No 3 73
9621 Sutherland 515.0 368.3 359.7 3696 2.768 Yes 3 Yes 2.5 64
A B D E F. G H 1 J K Assessed Value 2020 Taxes Bedrooms Pool Bathrooms Age 2 66 3039 3 No 3426 3694 3100 307.0 275.9 310.8 312.7 337.4 231.8 328.5 449.6 3 Yes 4 No 4 No 5 No 4 No 4 Yes 5 Yes 56 54 54 67 4308 4011 3269 63 62 4566 29 398.1 4 No Asking Price 475.0 479.0 452.5 389.0 324.0 299.0 379.0 559.0 529.0 379.0 390.0 339.9 649.9 449.0 530.0 379.0 489.9 525.0 619.9 519.0 319.9 525.0 490.0 3 Yes 3 No 3 No 5 No 1 Address 2 10014 Lorain Avenue 3 10209 Grant Avenue 4 10315 Royal Road 5 10906 Fiesta Road 6 111 Heil Road 7 1118 Chickasaw Drive 8 112 Southwood Avenue 9 11529 Daffodil Drive 10 1167 Kersey Road 11 12401 Vinton Terrace 12 12906 Hawkshead Terrace 13 1314 Gresham Road 14 13409 Rippling Brook Drive 15 13512 Sherwood Forest Drive 16 1412 Flora Terrace 17 1514 Gridley Lane 18 15810 Bradford Road 19 1706 Hutchison Lane 20 1957 Seminary Road 21 22 Eastmoor Drive 22 2200 Nees Lane 23 2308 Peggy Lane 24 2419 Briggs Chaney Road 25 2915 Wiulton Avenue 26 500 Rockford Drive 27 521 Ridgeway Drive 28 728 Richmond Avenue 29 8917 Whitney Street 30 9520 Colesville Road 31 9621 Sutherland 32 3.5 Assessed Value 2019 319.4 276.3 319.0 292.5 329.4 231.8 342.1 443.1 410.0 278.4 325.0 300.0 507.6 491.5 352.4 291.8 372.6 438.1 478.3 437.0 357.6 411.4 370.3 421.9 354.7 475.3 409.2 355.1 370.0 359.7 4015 2707 3930 3536 5185 5944 3499 2876 4725 4462 4887 4641 3635 27 53 27 58 26 55 57 Size (000 sq. ft.) Fireplace 1.176 Yes 1.462 Yes 1.860 Yes 2.247 No 1.897 Yes 1.252 No 1.312 No 3.861 Yes 1.968 Yes 1.155 No 1.848 No 1.902 Yes 2.990 No 3.976 Yes 1.188 Yes 1.248 Yes 3.276 No 2.720 Yes 2.543 Yes 2.104 Yes 2.067 Yes 2.143 No 1.248 No 1.600 No 1.202 Yes 3.124 No 0.928 Yes 1.272 Yes 1.950 Yes 2.768 Yes 276.0 343.4 305.5 507.4 507.9 349.9 291.8 390.8 446.4 479.5 456.6 342.1 433.4 375.5 426.7 371.6 480.0 411.9 341.8 nm m m m nmn n + + + mnm mm 5 Yes 3 Yes 4 No 5 No 62 73 26 73 4 Yes 4 Yes 4 No 2 65 2.5 3 No 4 No 5 No 2.5 3 42 57 77 66 58 499.0 3 4397 5199 5013 3731 4892 3377 3412 3921 3696 3 No 3 Yes 5 No 2 No 3 3.5 535.0 550.0 335.0 450.0 599.0 515.0 27 1 2.5 88 62 4 Yes 389.3 4 No 3 73 368.3 3 Yes 2.5 64 A B D E F. G H 1 J K Assessed Value 2020 Taxes Bedrooms Pool Bathrooms Age 2 66 3039 3 No 3426 3694 3100 307.0 275.9 310.8 312.7 337.4 231.8 328.5 449.6 3 Yes 4 No 4 No 5 No 4 No 4 Yes 5 Yes 56 54 54 67 4308 4011 3269 63 62 4566 29 398.1 4 No Asking Price 475.0 479.0 452.5 389.0 324.0 299.0 379.0 559.0 529.0 379.0 390.0 339.9 649.9 449.0 530.0 379.0 489.9 525.0 619.9 519.0 319.9 525.0 490.0 3 Yes 3 No 3 No 5 No 1 Address 2 10014 Lorain Avenue 3 10209 Grant Avenue 4 10315 Royal Road 5 10906 Fiesta Road 6 111 Heil Road 7 1118 Chickasaw Drive 8 112 Southwood Avenue 9 11529 Daffodil Drive 10 1167 Kersey Road 11 12401 Vinton Terrace 12 12906 Hawkshead Terrace 13 1314 Gresham Road 14 13409 Rippling Brook Drive 15 13512 Sherwood Forest Drive 16 1412 Flora Terrace 17 1514 Gridley Lane 18 15810 Bradford Road 19 1706 Hutchison Lane 20 1957 Seminary Road 21 22 Eastmoor Drive 22 2200 Nees Lane 23 2308 Peggy Lane 24 2419 Briggs Chaney Road 25 2915 Wiulton Avenue 26 500 Rockford Drive 27 521 Ridgeway Drive 28 728 Richmond Avenue 29 8917 Whitney Street 30 9520 Colesville Road 31 9621 Sutherland 32 3.5 Assessed Value 2019 319.4 276.3 319.0 292.5 329.4 231.8 342.1 443.1 410.0 278.4 325.0 300.0 507.6 491.5 352.4 291.8 372.6 438.1 478.3 437.0 357.6 411.4 370.3 421.9 354.7 475.3 409.2 355.1 370.0 359.7 4015 2707 3930 3536 5185 5944 3499 2876 4725 4462 4887 4641 3635 27 53 27 58 26 55 57 Size (000 sq. ft.) Fireplace 1.176 Yes 1.462 Yes 1.860 Yes 2.247 No 1.897 Yes 1.252 No 1.312 No 3.861 Yes 1.968 Yes 1.155 No 1.848 No 1.902 Yes 2.990 No 3.976 Yes 1.188 Yes 1.248 Yes 3.276 No 2.720 Yes 2.543 Yes 2.104 Yes 2.067 Yes 2.143 No 1.248 No 1.600 No 1.202 Yes 3.124 No 0.928 Yes 1.272 Yes 1.950 Yes 2.768 Yes 276.0 343.4 305.5 507.4 507.9 349.9 291.8 390.8 446.4 479.5 456.6 342.1 433.4 375.5 426.7 371.6 480.0 411.9 341.8 nm m m m nmn n + + + mnm mm 5 Yes 3 Yes 4 No 5 No 62 73 26 73 4 Yes 4 Yes 4 No 2 65 2.5 3 No 4 No 5 No 2.5 3 42 57 77 66 58 499.0 3 4397 5199 5013 3731 4892 3377 3412 3921 3696 3 No 3 Yes 5 No 2 No 3 3.5 535.0 550.0 335.0 450.0 599.0 515.0 27 1 2.5 88 62 4 Yes 389.3 4 No 3 73 368.3 3 Yes 2.5 64

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