The developing eoonomies' share of the global gross domestic product (GDP) from 2003 and projected to 2017 is shown in the following table. Shara Shara Year (\"h of GDP) Year (\"h of GDP) 2003 20 2011 35 2004 22 2012 35 2005 23 2013 39 2006 27 2014 40 200? 25 2015 41 2008 31 2016 42 2009 31 201? 43 2010 33 (a) Find the quadratic Function that best models the developing economies' share ofthe global GDP as a Function of the number of years aer 2000. (Round all numerical values to Four decimal places.) Y0!) = (b) Use technology to nd the maximum share of GDP that the developing eoonomles can achieve, according to this model. (Round your answer to one decimal place.) The model predicts that In the year J , developing economies reach their maximum share, Wu, of the GDP. Need Help? SubrnitAnswar Suva Progress An investment olub has set a goal of earnan 15% on the money they invest in stocls. The members are considering purchasing three possible steels, with their post per share (in dollars) and their projected growth per share (in dollars) summarized in the table. (Letx = computer shares, y = utility shares, and z = retail shares.) Stocks Computer (x) utlllly (y) Retail (2) Costlshare 30 44 26 Growthfshare 6.00 6.00 2.40 (a) If they have $392,000 to Invest, how many shares of each smck should they buy to meet their goal? (If there are innitely many solutionsf express your answers in terms ofz as in Example 3.) (x. y. z) :( ) (b) If they buy 1400 shares of retail stock, how many shares Mthe other stocks do they buy? computer utility shares shares What if they buy 280[) shares of retail stock? computer utility shares shares (c) What is the minimum number of shares of computer stock they will buy? shares What is the number of shares ofthe other stocks in this case? utility retail shares shares (d) What Is the maximum number afshares ofcomputer stock purchased? shares What is the number of shares ofthe other stocks in this case? utility retail shares shares Need Help? _ 5.1mm mom | PranoeAnolarWsion