The fallewing firareid ztetementa were vrepared at the ard of the marth ef Mlay. TOPS IN TOPIARY . INCOME STATEMENT FOR the manth ef Moy TOPS IN TOPIARY. STATEMENT OF OWNEQS EQUITY FOR the remh a MAY TODS IN TOPIARY. BALANCE SHEET AS OFMAY ST During June the follewing tranasetiena eceurget. A Cemeleted a jeb fer which the esatemer veid $900 in Une. The imvase in fer $1,000. 2) Hire a heber and gaid $1,000 for watka dene. 3) Paid 3900 fer the remit ef Jud. 4) Purehsasd ausoline for $500. Ae the end ef Jure natien that there arz $500 ef ausolex left. S) Ordera new flyer fer atuation. They wil be reasy in July but the winter azked to be paid in asvanes $100 E) In June esl letted in eanh $1,000 fer 3 jeba are dens fer a tatal ef $4500, the rezt i ewed in asesumt ky the euatemera Q) Aaked fer a 5 yearalean in the leeal bark fer $4000 and get it in June th. Prepere 'T" Aeseunta in CLBH Eeris for the parizd ended on June 90th ard then anane the Ouertiena. At the end si the ases-nting seried (June 3Dth, T acseu-t after AJB, what i the tetal of Caxh Mutpi Crese Entwan \$, 200 ard 51,6an Last tean s,got Entwan 31,200 and 51,2 Ma - 53000 Dutwan 32,000 and 52,000 The fallewing firareid ztetementa were vrepared at the ard of the marth ef Mlay. TOPS IN TOPIARY . INCOME STATEMENT FOR the manth ef Moy TOPS IN TOPIARY. STATEMENT OF OWNEQS EQUITY FOR the remh a MAY TODS IN TOPIARY. BALANCE SHEET AS OFMAY ST During June the follewing tranasetiena eceurget. A Cemeleted a jeb fer which the esatemer veid $900 in Une. The imvase in fer $1,000. 2) Hire a heber and gaid $1,000 for watka dene. 3) Paid 3900 fer the remit ef Jud. 4) Purehsasd ausoline for $500. Ae the end ef Jure natien that there arz $500 ef ausolex left. S) Ordera new flyer fer atuation. They wil be reasy in July but the winter azked to be paid in asvanes $100 E) In June esl letted in eanh $1,000 fer 3 jeba are dens fer a tatal ef $4500, the rezt i ewed in asesumt ky the euatemera Q) Aaked fer a 5 yearalean in the leeal bark fer $4000 and get it in June th. Prepere 'T" Aeseunta in CLBH Eeris for the parizd ended on June 90th ard then anane the Ouertiena. At the end si the ases-nting seried (June 3Dth, T acseu-t after AJB, what i the tetal of Caxh Mutpi Crese Entwan \$, 200 ard 51,6an Last tean s,got Entwan 31,200 and 51,2 Ma - 53000 Dutwan 32,000 and 52,000