The Figure 1 presents a mass balance model for indoor indoor air quality when a smokke source is present In this model, the smoke source is a fireplace. We are interested in finding the smoke concentration in the room over time when the fireplace is present. Smoke concentration is measured in micrograms per cubic meter (g/. Equation 1 will be used to caleulate the time-dependent room smoke concentration. Table 1 gives the parameter values to be used for this problem Figure 1: Mass balance model for smoke concentration in a room rom(+1)-()-(++ C,-(t)s Room coreratration law/m3] S-Smoke Emission Rate pg/s V-Efective mixing wolume (room volume) m -Air change rate [1/s k- Smoke particle deposition rate [1/s Table 1: Parameter Values 500 0.65 1/h 8 1/h a) Create a fr loop to find the timedependent smokr concentration (in 9) in the room every second for a 1 hour period. Assume the smoke concentration in the room is initially at zero and the fire place starts emitting smoke immediately. Name the resulting array of concentrations Hint 1: Make sure all the eeriables have the correct units. All eariables need to be in terms of seconds microgramslug), and meters for this enleulation Hint 2: You will need to initialize Assume Croom 1)0 since the initial smoke concentration in the room is zero. In the for loop, you ill be caleulating the room smoke concentration for t-is to 1-3600s for every second b) Plot Croom. Label the x-axis Time (seconds)' and the y-axis Smoke Concentration (pg/m). Title your plot Smoke Concentration vs. Time. c) Does the smoke concentration in the room appear to reach steady-state (not changing with tm)? If so, around what time does the concentration reach steady-state? Display your answer to the command window using fprintf