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The following describes production activities of Mercer Manufacturing for the year. Actual direct materials used 22,000 lbs. at $4.35 per lb. Actual direct labor used

The following describes production activities of Mercer Manufacturing for the year.

Actual direct materials used 22,000 lbs. at $4.35 per lb.
Actual direct labor used 6,575 hours for a total of $128,870
Actual units produced 36,000

Budgeted standards for each unit produced are 0.50 pound of direct material at $4.30 per pound and 10 minutes of direct labor at $20.60 per hour. AH = Actual Hours SH = Standard Hours AR = Actual Rate SR = Standard Rate AQ = Actual Quantity SQ = Standard Quantity AP = Actual Price SP = Standard Price

(1) Compute the direct materials price and quantity variances and classify each as favorable or unfavorable. (Indicate the effect of each variance by selecting for favorable, unfavorable, and no variance. Round "Cost per unit" answers to 2 decimal places.) (2) Compute the direct labor rate and efficiency variances and classify each as favorable or unfavorable. (Indicate the effect of each variance by selecting for favorable, unfavorable, and no variance.)


Compute the direct materials price and quantity variances and classify each as favorable or unfavorable. (Do not round intermediate calculations.)

Actual Cost Standard Cost


Compute the direct labor rate and efficiency variances and classify each as favorable or unfavorable. (Do not round intermediate calculations.)

Actual Cost Standard Cost

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