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The Following exercise needs to be done in R The data sample contains 2 columns of variables: predictor df$x and response df$y. Calculate standard deviations

The Following exercise needs to be done in R

The data sample contains 2 columns of variables: predictor df$x and response df$y.

Calculate standard deviations of df$x and df$y and their correlation coefficient. Round all values to the second decimal and use them to calculate the slope aa without fitting linear model to the data.

Leave aa not rounded. Its value will be checked up to the 3 decimal places.

Create variables:

  • sdX - Standard deviation of df$x
  • sdY - Standard deviation of df$y
  • cXY - Correlation coefficient of df$x and df$y
  • a - slope of the model y~x

Create variable result as data.frame:

result <- data.frame(sdX=sdX, sdY=sdY, cXY=cXY, a=a) 
x "y"
-4.580105975 1.862009
1.169849306 0.301558
1.463822898 0.295791
1.894999461 -0.61629
2.732642132 -0.28708
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-2.704495599 0.364069
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-4.497799452 2.074263
-2.020835898 0.558425
-3.403759055 1.54979
-3.118743762 2.748683
-1.456847982 1.33325
-0.806095239 0.539533
0.161994946 -0.97108
3.109739266 -1.33671
-3.844280527 3.232972
-7.11052216 -3.90299
-0.553090038 -0.63543
0.188900926 0.281356
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-1.68326105 0.803238
-2.691218793 0.665435
-0.008433014 0.011814
-0.705604374 -0.22441
3.24577258 -1.38982
0.27949668 -1.56695
1.328159882 -0.74496
5.799827468 -3.12493
-3.443393198 -2.23951
-6.039236459 3.9548
7.124116378 -4.64305
0.285803925 -0.15075
1.568966045 0.151737
0.348004994 -0.00679
6.367526157 -4.42834
-0.702090076 0.09491
-0.042713447 -1.37547
-3.213970883 1.102417
2.113767814 -2.29003
1.068643629 -1.35632
1.525509426 -2.19705
0.900789267 -0.42763
0.456083514 1.584151
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-3.794743101 2.485933
0.39018939 0.133258
-0.867969431 -0.64891
2.141022867 -1.0246
-0.878789204 -0.04956
-5.569106763 2.850055
-1.489810364 0.029564
-0.669135453 -0.4799
-2.168573092 1.650914
-1.321723889 3.208077
1.595524113 -0.36623
0.88126988 -0.62528
0.94744536 -0.0229
0.506630875 -0.72948
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4.682333786 -4.81078
1.977087994 -0.89115
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1.309564916 -1.97297
-1.548645719 -0.05387
-5.503047887 3.644895
1.108402691 -1.20755
-2.73335436 1.859938
4.00111963 -2.70403
2.999257885 -0.64235
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0.326136106 -0.66621
3.632683929 -0.2745
3.316094155 -1.30789
-0.93641228 0.572423
2.219535622 -3.12962
-2.626584348 3.162738
-2.621841495 1.810285
4.856896468 -3.05679
2.35288131 0.822928
0.668437767 -0.69243
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5.43326111 -3.62513
4.329930303 -2.91502
3.61873633 -0.15337
4.266315595 -2.02871
1.631926133 -1.96691
1.06287601 -1.97318
1.172295381 -1.9808
5.179054744 -3.01887
-1.144067088 0.511426
-5.065309181 2.533268
-1.026087757 0.671528
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3.909518139 -3.20679
-0.402090731 0.774027
4.106268141 -1.58847
3.474334076 -1.16034
2.797066883 -1.43612
3.191460491 -3.94888
0.373167012 -0.32765
1.102190704 -1.25481
1.004148639 0.173268
2.163279394 1.780105
1.937548083 -1.1923
-3.074563413 3.551033
3.862253853 -2.19233
-1.602889919 0.959459
-1.881828573 1.524636
2.411316722 -2.05854
3.232345281 -1.52512
4.171295082 -1.27829
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-1.910727955 -0.3279
3.365995704 -1.02714
0.419977473 -1.21464
1.847943513 1.029426
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0.411430731 -1.31129
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1.355176388 0.782524
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2.555750817 -3.8919
1.980332762 -1.59787
0.030318204 1.350853
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1.549363409 -0.26091
0.510656985 -0.40595
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1.568126808 -0.63291
1.985980388 -0.93488
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3.218471792 -1.1605
-1.088324629 -0.67021
2.30928361 -0.08711
-2.635104084 -0.64153
1.269368288 -1.72318
-0.208372997 0.381553
0.50858735 -1.01073
1.464870521 -0.48009
2.196477035 -3.09304
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0.446718675 0.228683
3.07142731 0.574517
-2.659242414 3.667996
4.120728734 -3.52969
1.384685079 -1.13121
0.441913635 -3.10573
7.004153125 -4.64344
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1.170481655 -1.80248
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2.678487119 -2.43361
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0.190089879 -0.26328
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3.882922289 -3.26626
4.042794387 -3.00049
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0.071076873 0.111889
-1.363301204 2.348288
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2.411184629 0.25786
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1.533991082 -0.55648
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2.886106594 -2.01599
3.345332805 -0.21457
3.211023574 -1.75225
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0.849031805 2.140456
2.41039113 -1.51498
0.961191027 0.52683
-3.209368176 2.044804
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1.759156673 0.372608
2.143026106 -1.88107
0.607376452 -0.23495
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0.106790735 -0.7661
2.569795885 -2.17378
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4.656902013 -2.17328
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3.518787987 -1.24638
0.087333695 -0.39296
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-1.456991211 -1.52985
0.288403152 -0.05315
-6.531205577 5.232002
-4.773431565 2.813706
1.711982365 1.117655
7.201168753 -3.48876
-5.452277862 1.022405
-1.127655095 0.290962
-1.835884315 1.962068
0.542949342 -0.43881
0.766281595 0.68782
-1.107879746 0.885335
-3.058530595 1.358796
4.629532062 -2.70222
0.279342741 -1.15944
-0.488544126 1.680554
2.082660293 -2.51474
-6.969218013 5.292884
0.183541431 -0.42105
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-0.485746619 -0.50748
1.686652184 0.434833
3.618765705 -0.98821
-4.349133424 1.533809
-1.814202726 0.356284
5.428868424 -4.63031
-0.753160831 2.493575
-1.344555218 2.290731
0.324828578 0.096182
-1.806894729 0.115043
-0.707580595 3.16881
-5.404602279 4.459422
-4.229387412 2.243822
-0.378958737 1.587403
-2.389689319 3.565667
-4.29625357 2.344088
-0.985138715 -1.54144
-2.570097643 2.470235
2.853815256 -1.9205
1.958701409 -1.82103
-6.284804671 5.437104
-2.914274988 3.209931
4.941366255 -3.30754
1.642413654 -0.57851
0.307493877 -0.20637
0.961247695 0.913926
2.801483328 -2.05794
-3.830431715 3.073604
-4.395307928 2.507597
2.154515314 -2.14937
-2.735117324 0.418605
4.554143071 -2.59261
-0.538659352 -1.89489
-1.916951828 2.640481
0.825185956 -0.35621
-2.688820808 2.63167
-1.878868347 2.267747
1.071258082 0.722526
-4.336971201 3.240094
-1.956077641 -0.62154
-0.661335656 -0.99824
-1.52399692 -0.07658
2.228517368 -2.53201
-1.953104727 0.431233
-2.003904146 3.106306
4.351592935 -0.91521
0.697043365 0.554333
-8.24598762 5.586733
2.319498406 -1.29883
0.330511589 1.205867
0.060642937 -0.77152
1.524502671 -2.81212
-0.869045407 0.137672
1.024455642 -0.12118
3.288476213 -1.51169
4.043196848 -0.06893
1.390386819 -2.09517
4.649714961 -3.99543
0.492390022 2.332886
1.684536313 -1.32255
-3.533643626 2.64154
-1.201191451 1.860143
-1.66656322 3.364802
-1.926220382 0.453466
0.420475636 -2.88607
0.885562293 -1.33813
2.182951675 -1.66865
4.506192918 -2.9591
-2.384689753 -0.56408
0.807207664 -1.72312
0.484843278 -1.75512
2.242903764 -0.5323
1.912484563 -1.34327
2.261695936 -0.58143
-0.006995365 0.299156
0.243327919 0.58081
-5.308051786 4.015131
3.584932366 -5.77553
-1.662062199 0.44093
1.370715192 -1.1428
-0.469930708 -1.38863
-3.112317281 1.718145
-1.592051532 0.86515
2.497265257 -0.24466
-5.443515858 4.257841
-7.309363307 4.233518
0.573766004 1.108954
-0.318705663 -0.90363
1.084568225 2.28752
-0.511083569 1.949324
-0.349670343 1.500669
3.829552408 -1.91728
2.344750251 -2.23184
0.067676547 1.339973
8.938814844 -4.44489
1.979299757 -1.26981
0.772702369 0.275107
3.151926398 -3.30603
4.594678005 -4.18925
3.796542485 -0.46951
0.848763687 0.010474
3.626508871 -3.22852
0.253083403 0.032191
-0.354677079 0.095137
3.909413978 -3.20518
0.020228353 2.345598
6.358094386 -3.11691
0.306919369 -0.41468
-1.454689363 1.180947
8.123955828 -4.33132
-1.370345032 0.410238

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