The following information relates to Bel Eity: General fund: The following selected information is taken from Bel's Year 4 general fund financial records: - The budget as originally adopted was not amended. - No property taxes receivable have been written off, and the allowance for uncollectibles balance (reclassified as uncollectible taxes - delinquent) is unchanged from the initial entry at the time of the original tax levy. Property taxes collectible not more than 90 days after year end are considered to be measurable and available. - The general fund made interfund transfers to the capital projects fund ($500,000) and the water utility enterprise fund ($700,000). - No encumbrances were outstanding at December 31, Year 5. - Bel issued general obligation bonds with a par value of $1.2 million for $1.23 million. The proceeds are to be used to finance, in part, a new civic center. Indicate whether the answer to each item relating to Bel's general fund is yes or no by selecting the appropriate circle. Item Yes No 1. Assuming a budgetary fund balance account was not used, did recording budgetary accounts at the beginning of Year 4 increase the unreserved fund balance by $50,000 ? 2. Should the budgetary accounts for Year 4 include an entry for the expected transfer of funds from the general fund to the capital projeots fund? 3. Should the $700,000 payment from the general fund, which was used to help to establish the water utility fund, be reported as an "other financing use - interfund transfers"? 4. Did the general fund receive the $30,000 bond premium from the capital projects fund? 5. Should a payment from the general fund for water received for normal civic center operations be reported as an "other finanoing use - interfund transferg"? 6. Does the net property taxes receivable of $370,000 include amounta recognized as revenues expected to be collected after March 1, Year 5 ? 7. Would closing only the budgetary accounts cause the fund balance to increase by $400.000 ? 8. Would the interaction between budgetary and actual amounts cause the fund balance to decrease by $350,000