The Golden Noodlo, a local Thai restaurant, oxpects sales to be $275,000 in January. lis average customer restaurant bill is $25. Only 40% of the restaurant bills are paid with cash; 50% are paid with credit cards and 10% with debit cards. The transaction foes charged by the cledit and debt card issuers are as follows' Credt cards: $0.60 per transaction +3% of the amount charged Debll cards: $0.55 per transaction +2% of the amount chasged Reod the reguitements. Requirement 1. How much of the total sales revenue is expected to be paid in cash? The total saies revenue expectod to be paid in cash is Requirement 2 How many customer transactions does the company expect in danuary? In January, the number of transactions the company expects is Requirement 3. How much of the total sales fevenue is expected to be paid with credit cards? The total sales revenue expected to be paid with credit cards is Requirement 4. How many customer transactions will be paid for by customers using credit cards? The number of customer transactions paid for using credit cards is Requirement 5. When budgeting for January's operating expenses, how muct should the restaurant expect to incur in crecit card transaction fees? in January, the restaurant should expect to incur transaction fees of Requirement 6 . How much of the total sales revenue is expected to be paid with debit cards? The total sales revenue expected to be paid with debit cards is Requirement 7 . How mary cublomer transactions will be paid for by customers using debit cards? Requirement 7. How many customer transactions will be paid for by cuttomors uting debit casds? The number of customter transections paid for by customers using debt cards is Requirement 8. When budgoting for Jenuary's operating expenses, how much should the restaurant expect to incur in debit card transaction fees? In January, the restaurant should expect to incur debit card transaction fees of Requirement 9 . How much money will be deposited in the restaurants bank account durng the month of January reidted to credt and debit card sales? Assume the credit and dobt card issuars deposit the funds on the same day the trankactions occur at the restaurant (there is no processing delay). The amount that will be deposited in the restaurant's bank acoount during the month of Jarsary related to credt and debit card sales is Requirement 10. What is the total amount of money that the restwurant expocts to deposit in its tank account during the month of January from cash, credt card, and debit card saiea? Again issume the credit and debit card issuers deposit the funds on the same day that the transaction occurs. The amount that will be depesded in the restaurants bank acoount during the month of Januacy from cash, credi cand, and and debit card sales is