The health and Saftey at Work act (HASAW) is the United Kingdom's main occupational health and Saftey legislation. It goes on to cover correctly using work items in accordance with training or instruction which directly relates to the electric shock hazard of the dc speed control Device mentioned. With the control of being sure equipment is dead before touching and Employees must being trained in Saftey related work practices. The personal protective equipment regulations of 2002 and the personal protective equipment at work regulations of 1992 states the employers have duties concerning PPE at work. So the control (Personal protective equipment must be worn to protect eyes or body from extreme heats) has been placed to face the hazard (Electrical Arcing of Induction Motor hazard) flashover can generate great ultraviolet radiation leading to slow healing burns and possible eye damage. Provisions and Use of work equipment regulations 1998 states. Ensure that risks created by the use of equipment are eliminated or controlled by providing suitable guards, protection devices, markings, warning devices. Which is why the control (permanent barrier guards to protect workers from nip and shear points) was added to eliminate the power roller conveyor snaging or pulling hands, hair or clothing hazard. The Electricity Saftey, Quality, and Continuity Regulations main purpose is to protect against public Saftey and provide a reliable adequate electrical supply. This directly relates to the hazard of faulty equipment of the DC brushless motor as a malfunction could seriously harm employees or public. Because of this controls like (Install external emergency stop device or circuit breaker) and (Qualified personnel to perform all tasks of installing, wiring, operating and inspecting) are in place