The Hoble below 12. If your Fico scaie is 741, what is your monthly poyment? 12 Is. If your fico scofe is 8Z, whicat in your toleal interest pelas 1.. 14. How fruch EXTRA tolol intereat do you poy if you higve a 7 thO 14 . seare of 456 versus a yeore ct 789 if the the Schureer alox on thw nece poige for wits-ze. 15. You moke 5972 in puechowes in the fath monith ather cperimg this credit cord. What is your omount of latorest Z rat poid in fuat ty the dyo 15. atatid 16. You have an avetege dely bolance of $2400 in 50p amber, which 7 ather your introductory period. Your very low cradit secese buts you at the highest puechase APR. a. Wingt is your purchase ARRT b. How many days are in the biling cycle for tine manth of Soptomicicfi: 160. Whal wil be the omount of Irterest it yout clon't poy ofl this butafice in full by the duof dote?. 17a. If you fall fo make the minimum parmont by the du0 date; what i7a: is your penalty APR? b. What would be the amount of interest wilh the percity ApR lor di . 17D. 3 i-dery biring cycle? 18. if you trensier $6425 from anothor credi card 10 ftis account, how 18 rruch wis the fransfer lee cosi? The Hoble below 12. If your Fico scaie is 741, what is your monthly poyment? 12 Is. If your fico scofe is 8Z, whicat in your toleal interest pelas 1.. 14. How fruch EXTRA tolol intereat do you poy if you higve a 7 thO 14 . seare of 456 versus a yeore ct 789 if the the Schureer alox on thw nece poige for wits-ze. 15. You moke 5972 in puechowes in the fath monith ather cperimg this credit cord. What is your omount of latorest Z rat poid in fuat ty the dyo 15. atatid 16. You have an avetege dely bolance of $2400 in 50p amber, which 7 ather your introductory period. Your very low cradit secese buts you at the highest puechase APR. a. Wingt is your purchase ARRT b. How many days are in the biling cycle for tine manth of Soptomicicfi: 160. Whal wil be the omount of Irterest it yout clon't poy ofl this butafice in full by the duof dote?. 17a. If you fall fo make the minimum parmont by the du0 date; what i7a: is your penalty APR? b. What would be the amount of interest wilh the percity ApR lor di . 17D. 3 i-dery biring cycle? 18. if you trensier $6425 from anothor credi card 10 ftis account, how 18 rruch wis the fransfer lee cosi