The human resource manager at Gamma, Inc. wants to examine the relationship between annual salaries (Y), the number of years employees have worked at Gamma,
The human resource manager at Gamma, Inc. wants to examine the relationship between annual salaries (Y), the number of years employees have worked at Gamma, Inc. (X1) and whether the employee is male or female (X2). X2 = 0 if male and X2 = 1 iffemale.
They are also interested in whether the interaction between the two explanatory variables (X1 and X2) has a significant impact on salaries. These data have been collected for a sample of 28 employees and the regression output is shown here.
(A) Use the information shown to estimate the linear regression model.
(B) Write the regression equation in Part A as two separate equations; one for females and one for males, and interpret the results.
(C) Would any of the variables in the linear regression model in Part A be considered a dummy variable? Explain your answer.
(D) Identify and interpret the coefficient of determination for the model in Part A.
(E) Identify and interpret the standard error of estimate for the model in Part A.
Summary measures
Multiple R0.8065
dj R-Square0.6067
StErr of Estimate6572.3
Regression coefficients
CoefficientStd Errt-valuep-value
Years Employed869.04266.783.2580.0033
Years & Gender403.93350.381.1530.2603
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