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The idea is to create an OS that simulates activity of a real system. It reads 2 data files: 1. OS parameters: Each record would

The idea is to create an OS that simulates activity of a real system. It reads 2 data files: 1. OS parameters: Each record would be a new simulation of your OS executing; and 2. Data Input: Each record would be a program with its runtime characteristics: CPU, i/o needs.

/*********************************************************/ /*** OS_SYS.C V1.0 Written: xx/xx/2017 By: ***/ /***===================================================***/ /*** Last Updated: By: ***/ /*** Modification: ***/ /*** ***/ /***===================================================***/ /*** Program simulates a simple Operating System. ***/ /*** Input Files: ***/ /*** 1) O/S Parameter File ***/ /*** 2) Input Queue Data ***/ /*** Output Files: ***/ /*** 1) Print O/S Start-End times and Parameter data.***/ /*** 2) Print Process Allocation... De-allocation ***/ /*** information. ***/ /*** 3) If Print_Every_N_Units is not 0, print ***/ /*** detail information each N units. ***/ /*********************************************************/

#include "stdafx.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include

/*** Defines ***/

#define PGMR "" #define VERSION 5 /* Version for Problem # */

#define YES "Y" #define NO "N" #define HELP "/?" #define MAX_ARRAY 33 /* Maximum array items Start at 1*/ #define MAX_SIZE 32 /* Use 0th item for sorting */ #define MAX_MEM_ARRAY 321 /* Maximum Memory Blks */ #define MAX_MEM_SIZE 320 /* Start at 1. */ #define RUNAWAY 3000 /* Must be a runaway OS, kill it */

/* Define O/S process ids (also equivalent to their priorities) */ #define IDLE 0 /* CPU has nothing to execute */ #define MASTER -1 /* Lowest priority */ #define DONES -2 #define IOS -3 #define DISPATCH -4 #define TI_INT -5 #define SC_INT -6 #define IO_INT -7 /* Highest priority */

#define CPU_MASTER 4 #define CPU_DONES 3 #define CPU_IOS 3

#define IO_WORKING "W" #define IO_PENDING "P" #define IO_DONE "D"

#define DEV_AVAL "A" #define DEV_BUSY "B" #define DEV_DISK 1 #define DEV_TAPE 2 #define DEV_CD 3 #define DEV_ARRAY 4

#define READY "R" #define EXEC "E" #define BLOCKED "B" #define DONE "D" #define HELD "H" #define NONE " "

#define MEM_FREE 0 #define MEM_USED 1

#define MEM_MODEL_NONE 0 #define MEM_MODEL_FIXED 1 #define MEM_MODEL_VAR 2

/*** *** File definitions ***/

FILE *osparm_ptr; /* osparm_file pointer */ char osparm_file[61]; /* Name of the O/S Parm file */

FILE *input_ptr; /* input_file pointer */ char input_file[61]; /* Name of the input data file */

/*** *** Record definitions ***/

struct os_parm_record { int mem_model; /* 0=None, 1=Fixed, 2=Variable */ int mem_fix_blksize; /* F: Number of bytes per block */ int mem_fix_blksaval; /* F: Number of available blocks */ int mem_var_maxsize; /* V: Maximum block size */ int mem_var_totsize; /* V: Total available memory */ int pro_max_tasks; /* Maximum Processes allowed */ int init_quantum; /* Default quantum size */ int disk_units; /* Number of disk units avail. */ int tape_units; /* Number of tape units avail. */ int cdrom_units; /* Number of CDROM units avail. */ int every_n_units; /* If not zero, print #3 detail */ /* output every n units */ char pro_algorithm[8]; /* FIFO : first-in, first-out */ /* IPRI : initial priority */ /* MLFQ : multi-level fb queue */ } ospr;

struct input_data_record { int process_priority; /* User assigned priority */ int process_memsize; /* Load module memory requirement*/ int run_info[10][3]; /* 10 groups of 3 integers: */ /* 0 = CPU units */ /* 1 = I/O units */ /* 2 = I/O device types: */ /* 1 = DEV_DISK */ /* 2 = DEV_TAPE */ /* 3 = DEV_CD */ /* 0 thru 9 is the 10 cycles */ char process_name[8]; /* User name of process 7 chars */ } idr;

/*** *** OS Data Structures ***/

int pcbl_cur_size; int pcbl_cur_item; struct pcb_list { int id; /* Unique process id */ char name[9] ; /* User name of process */ int initial_priority; /* User assigned priority */ int memsize; /* Load module memory requirement*/ int run_info[10][3]; /* 10 groups of 3 integers: */ /* 0 = CPU units */ /* 1 = I/O units */ /* 2 = I/O device type */ /* 1 = DEV_DISK */ /* 2 = DEV_TAPE */ /* 3 = DEV_CD */ /* 0 thru 9 is the 10 cycles */ int cur_ctr; /* Current CPU count for a cycle */ char state[2]; /* E=Exec,B=Blocked,R=Ready, */ /* D=Done, H=Held */ int total_cpu; /* Total CPU currently used */ int total_ios; /* Total I/Os currently used */ int start_time; /* First Time Process Started */ int end_time; /* Time Process Ended. */ int sim_ri_idx; /* Current run_info index: 0-9 */ } pcbl[MAX_ARRAY];

int idl_cur_size; int idl_cur_item; struct input_data_list { char name[9]; /* User name of process */ int initial_priority; /* User assigned priority */ int memsize; /* Load module memory requirement*/ int run_info[10][3]; /* 10 groups of 3 integers: */ /* 0 = CPU units */ /* 1 = I/O units */ /* 2 = I/O device type */ /* 1 = DEV_DISK */ /* 2 = DEV_TAPE */ /* 3 = DEV_CD */ /* 0 thru 9 is the 10 cycles */ } idl[MAX_ARRAY];

int eventl_cur_size; int eventl_cur_item; struct event_list { int time; /* Time Event should be invoked */ int pid; /* Process Id of event */ char type[2]; /* Type of event: */ /* T = Time Out */ /* I = I/O Completion */ } eventl[MAX_ARRAY];

int dl_cur_size[DEV_ARRAY]; int dl_cur_item[DEV_ARRAY]; struct device_list { int did; /* device ID. Unique within type */ int pid; /* current PID using this device */ char state[2]; /* State of device: Aval/Busy */ } dl[DEV_ARRAY][MAX_ARRAY]; /* DEV_ARRAY's: 1 = DEV_DISK, 2 = DEV_TAPE, 3 = DEV_CD */

int rl_cur_size; int rl_cur_item; struct ready_list { int pid; /* PID of process */ int current_priority; /* System assigned priority */ } rl[MAX_ARRAY];

int bl_cur_size; int bl_cur_item; struct blocked_list { int pid; /* PID of process */ int current_priority; /* System assigned priority */ char state[2]; /* State of service request: */ /* IO_WORKING or IO_PENDING Dev */ /* or IO_DONE but not yet removed*/ int dtype; /* Device Type: DEV_DISK, etc. */ int did; /* Device ID if IO_WORKING */ } bl[MAX_ARRAY];

int fbml_cur_size; int fbml_cur_item; struct fixed_block_memory_list { int state; /* MEM_FREE=0, MEM_USED=1 */ int pid; /* PID of process, or if OS's 0. */ } fbml[MAX_MEM_ARRAY];

/*** *** OS Variables ***/

int master_clock; /* Master system clock */ int next_pid; /* Assigns next process id */ int curr_pid; /* Contains pid of process exec. */ char pgms_to_process[2]; /* Switch to stop OS simulation */ int os_counter; /* Counts down for MASTER,DONES, */ /* and IOS for proper completion*/ int cpu_units_left; /* Number of units left since */ /* process was last dispatched. */ int printed_input_data = 0; /* Flag if printed input data */ int num_os_parms = 0; /* Number of OS Parms processed */

/*** *** Debugging variables ***/ char debug_it[2]; /* Is debugging turned on? */

/*** *** OS Routines I used ***/

/*********************************************************/ /*** allocate: ***/ /*** Routine checks if resources exist to allocate ***/ /*** another process and if so does it. ***/ /*** Returns PID# (>0) if allocation done, ***/ /*** else returns 0. ***/ /*** ***/ /*** 1) Uses FIFO or initial priority to ***/ /*** schedule the idl. ***/ /*** 2) Allocates memory to process. ***/ /*** 3) Allocates pcbl to process. ***/ /*** ***/ /*********************************************************/

/*********************************************************/ /*** check_args: /*** Routine verifies that there are three arguments ***/ /*** passed and they represent valid values. ***/ /*** Returns 0 if everything OK, else returns -1. ***/ /*** Parameters: ***/ /*** 1) O/S Parameter File Name ***/ /*** 2) Input Queue File Name ***/ /*** 3) "Y" or "N" for Debug Info ***/ /*** Optionally: ***/ /*** /? which displays the usage of this program ***/ /*********************************************************/

/*********************************************************/ /*** check_event: ***/ /*** Routine checks if event set for this clock pulse ***/ /*** If so trigger event, then remove event data. ***/ /*** NOTE: Saves top event (index = 1) into index = 0 ***/ /*** array element to be used later! ***/ /*********************************************************/

/*** dispatcher: *** Routine dispatches a ready process: *** 0) If a process has been HELD. It should be allocated first. *** -> #1 Step occurs, except pcbl[0] holds the following: *** id is the pid of the HELD process, *** state is HELD, *** 1) If process ready, state = "R" then does: *** -> Changes state to "E", removes process from ready list *** -> Creates Event-Data record for process of type "T" time-out *** The time calculation is master_clock+1+ospr.init_quantum. *** -> Sets curr_pid to processes PID. *** 2) If process first time to execute, print "started at" *** 3) If no process in ready list and processes do exist, set *** curr_pid to IDLE. (Must have an I/O Event pending) *** ***/

/*********************************************************/ /*** disp_help: ***/ /*** Routine tells user they entered the wrong types ***/ /*** of parameters, or wrong number, or they entered ***/ /*** no parameters, or they entered /? parameter. ***/ /*********************************************************/

/*** find_idl_to_allocate: *** Routine checks idl to find a process to load a pcbl. *** *** Returns index to idl item if so, else returns 0 if not. *** If mem_allocation_ok returns -1, not enough memory at this time *** If mem_allocation_ok returns -2, not enough memory ever *** If mem_allocation_ok returns 0, there is enough memory for process ***/

/*********************************************************/ /*** dev_type: ***/ /*** Routine checks if it can allocate device ***/ /*** required for passed device type and pid. ***/ /*** Returns 0 if not, else returns device ID#. ***/ /*********************************************************/

/*********************************************************/ /*** init_os: ***/ /*** Routine establishes the operating system startup ***/ /*** condition. It re-opens the input_queue. ***/ /*********************************************************/

/*********************************************************/ /*** io_check: ***/ /*** Routine takes care of the I/O decrement & ***/ /*** I/O totals. ***/ /*********************************************************/

/*********************************************************/ /*** io_handler: ***/ /*** Routine handles I/O completion interrupt. ***/ /*** ***/ /*********************************************************/

/*********************************************************/ /*** ios_routine: ***/ /*** Routine actually performs I/O request for user. ***/ /*** ***/ /*********************************************************/

/*** master_scheduler: *** Routine schedules processes from the input list to pcb list. *** Does this for as many pcb spots as available. *** ***/

/*** mem_allocation_ok: *** Routine checks to be certain there is enough memory for proposed *** process. *** *** Input parameter is idl index value. *** *** Returns 0 if there is, else -1 if not. *** If the system memory is not big enough to ever run process returns -2 ***/

/*********************************************************/ /*** os_sim: ***/ /*** Routine is the main OS similuation loop. ***/ /*** It is invoked for each clock cycle. ***/ /*********************************************************/

/*********************************************************/ /*** print_1: ***/ /*** Routine prints the current O/S Parameter. ***/ /*** ***/ /*********************************************************/

/*********************************************************/ /*** print_3: ***/ /*** Routine prints the detail every n units. ***/ /*** ***/ /*********************************************************/

/*********************************************************/ /*** remove_blocked: ***/ /*** Routine removes the blocked list record for ***/ /*** the passed index to that record. ***/ /*********************************************************/

/*********************************************************/ /*** remove_device: ***/ /*** Routine makes the passed device type and id ***/ /*** available for use again. ***/ /*********************************************************/

/*********************************************************/ /*** remove_event: ***/ /*** Routine removes the event record for the passed ***/ /*** process id. ***/ /*********************************************************/

/*********************************************************/ /*** remove_process: ***/ /*** Routine removes process from system. ***/ /*** Then calls master_scheduler(). ***/ /*********************************************************/

/*********************************************************/ /*** sc_handler: ***/ /*** Routine handles user request for service. ***/ /*** ***/ /*********************************************************/

/*********************************************************/ /*** set_blockedlist: ***/ /*** Routine establishes the blocked list in either ***/ /*** FIFO, or IPRI order based on Os_Parm setting. ***/ /*** Receives the pcb index of process to place on bl. ***/ /*********************************************************/

/*********************************************************/ /*** set_event: ***/ /*** Routine sets event in the event list. ***/ /*** ***/ /*********************************************************/

/*********************************************************/ /*** set_readylist: ***/ /*** Routine establishes the ready list in either ***/ /*** FIFO, or IPRI order based on Os_Parm setting. ***/ /*** Receives the pcb index of process to place on rl. ***/ /*********************************************************/

/*********************************************************/ /*** sort_idl: ***/ /*** Routine sorts the input data list in initial ***/ /*** priority order. ***/ /*********************************************************/

/*** timer_handler: *** Places timed-out process at end of ready list. *** ***/

/*** user_process: *** Decrements CPU for this cycle. At Zero triggers SC_request. *** ***/

The idea is to create an OS that simulates activity of a real system. It reads 2 data files: 1. OS parameters: Each record would be a new simulation of your OS executing; and 2. Data Input: Each record would be a program with its runtime characteristics: CPU, i/o needs.

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