The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (MOM) reports data on climate and weather. One of the elements they report about is liquid equivalent snowfall. The MOM denes liquid equivalent snowfall as the amount of liquid precipitation produced after the melting of snow. A study conducted by Weather Spark using the data from NOAA in December 2019 reported the average liquid equivalent snowfall for Kalamazoo to be 0.4 inches. Suppose the standard deviation obtained ls 0.2 Inches and the population of amount of liquid equivalent snowfall ls normally dlStrllJUtEd.fSDurcE:Average weather in Kalamazoo. Retrieved from: hpstfveathersparimomfm5385/1213dverage-Weather-in-December-in- KalamazooMichigan-United-statesections-Sourites}. 1. Suppose we are interested in the probability that the average amount of liquid equivalent snowfall is above 0.5 inches. Draw the graph of the distribution that clearly indicates the above mean with the correct shaded area for this probability. 2. In the space provided below, calculate the Z-scale value for the average liquid equivalent snowfall of 0.5 inches. 3. Draw the graph below of the standard normal curve with the zscale value you obtained in the above question with the appropriate area shaded for the area above this value. momma hr The W of Stalislics at Weslam Michigan whim. All rights reserved. Muslim or translalion of any Dali duh work without permission {lithe copy-light owner is unlawful. 10. What is the probability that average liquid equivalent snowfall is above 0.5 inches? What is the probability that average liquid equivalent snowfall is below (1.5 inches? What is the probability that average liquid equivalent snowfall is below 0.25 inches? What is the probability that the average liquid equivalent snowfall is above the mean 0.4. Calculate the probabllitv the average liquid equivalent snowfall is between 0.3 and 0.75 Inches. Calculate the approximate average liquid equivalent snowfall that corresponds to the 'IS'" percentile. Calculate the approximate average liquid equivalent snowfall that corresponds to the 30'\" percentile